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wow, gibbs is bad.

Ignatius J.

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i see bad plays , its some coaching and some players fault , thing is when the players are at fault EVERY week its the COACHES job to do something about it our season is over , time to start molding the kid PR so we can get his growing pains out the way this year instead of next

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Originally posted by bubba9497

it's not the coaching.

The players on offense are stinking up the joint.

Bubba--don't fool yourself, this has a lot to do with coaching as well. To wit: look at the defense, even with bowen, arrington, daniels, barrow, out--they are amazing, because they have a great scheme.

The offense is terrible partly because of the scheme, but also because of the personel. This team was built for the run, but this O-line can't block well enough for portis to get any holes. And, everyone knows brunell can't through the ball, so teams just stick 8 guys in the box. Gibbs has done nothing to spread out this offense, in fact, this offense has gotten worse from week to week. They were actually worse than against Cleveland. If our defense doesn't put us on the 10 yard line, we would have gotten shut out tonight....that's coaching my friend

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No, bubba is right. The players aren't executing, and we're making key mistakes to lose games.

Maybe we have the wrong personnel for the current system; if this is the Gibbs I know, he'll make do with what he has, make a few changes, and end the year on a positive note. That's when you'll know he's a real coach.

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I think its part players and part Joe Gibbs. Some of the playcalling has been horrible.

Example 3rd and 1. We run an end around with ladell betts. As fast as the ravens 3-4 D is, straight up the middle would seem more logical, especially with your power back in. If you are going end around, at least have your fastest back, Portis, carrying the ball.

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As I said, It's not exactly close.

Had gibbs pulled brunell this week, you could claim that it was simply poor QB play, but brunell is clearly executing the "scheme" which is to score only when the defense puts you inside the 20.

Okay, that was harsh, and I'm drunk beyond belief, but this is disgusting.

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I love Coach gibbs and he has put the players in position to win, however, you can not expect them to play error free. We scored off of turnovers so it is ridicuolous to think we can play error free, you almost have to expect that if you are going to take chances. other teams have penalties too. I am also disapointed in him for sticking with Brunell or even signing him. And I am very disappointed in challenging calls. Almost everyone he has challenged has been obvious from one replay.

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I know we need to have faith, but with this offense it may not be possible. It doesn't look like they are making even the basic plays. I think most of the blame lies with the players, but there are some coaching issues as well.

There is always next week.....

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Its the coaching plain and simple. 5 weeks and the offense still looks the same since the Giants. BAD. I was pretty young when Gibbs first came to the Redskins, but I thought you guys said how he was great at making adjustments? He's not doing so well. All of that talent on offense and still can't do nothing. Thats pitiful.

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Originally posted by 5Arrington6

I do know one thing. Norv Turner, Terry Robiskie, Marty Schottenheimer, Steve Spurrier are smiling right now. This team is just beyond cursed.

Norvs not smiling. He's up to his old trick in Oakland

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Originally posted by 5Arrington6

I do know one thing. Norv Turner, Terry Robiskie, Marty Schottenheimer, Steve Spurrier are smiling right now. This team is just beyond cursed.

I didnt want to say it, but since you mentioned it 56, i have to agree. There are a lot of real problems on this team, but in some ways, this team really does seem cursed by danny :cuss: S. That ****! I mean, everything that can go wrong, does go wrong, and the worst part is is that I always expect us to give up a defensive TD and we do...I expected that dude to run back a kick, and he did, and I even said to my girl: watch this to add insult to injury, Deion will have a pick.

In all my years of watching football, I've never seen anything like it.

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