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CBS: Portis says Media made him look bad


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Portis says media made him look bad

Oct. 7, 2004

SportsLine.com wire reports

ASHBURN, Va. -- After several days of hearing his words rebuked by his own team, Clinton Portis was in no mood to talk.

"I've got nothing to say," the Washington Redskins running back said as he walked by reporters Thursday. "The media made me look bad."

Maybe the silence is for the best. Coach Joe Gibbs, assistant Joe Bugel and quarterback Mark Brunell this week all publicly contradicted Portis, whose comments following Sunday's loss at Cleveland have been perceived as a slight against Gibbs' offense.

In the locker room after the 17-13 defeat, Portis repeatedly said the Browns' players were calling out the plays as soon as the Redskins came to the line of scrimmage. His comments were supported by Cleveland cornerback Daylon McCutcheon, and to a lesser degree by Washington receiver Rod Gardner.

But Gibbs said a careful review of the game tape didn't support Portis' claims. Bugel gave Portis a sharp rebuke in an interview with a local television station Monday. Brunell, asked Wednesday if he heard Browns players calling out the Redskins' plays, said: "I was closer to them, and I have to disagree with that."

On Thursday, Bugel said he and Portis had made up by shaking hands "about 12 times" and by exchanging hugs.

"We don't generally make statements in the news to offend a player," Bugel said. "But, hey, it's over with. It's yesterday's news. But my feelings have never changed for that young man."

He said he also hoped Portis learned a lesson.

"You better be careful what you say," Bugel said. "You can put your foot in your mouth. We've all done that over the years. I learned a valuable lesson -- you better check the tape before you open up your mouth. ... Say nothing, until you have proof."

Portis was a colorful, if not flamboyant, character during his first two NFL seasons with the Denver Broncos, where he exceeded expectations by rushing for 1,500 yards in back-to-back seasons.

In Washington, however, he's expected to live up to an eight-year, $50.5 million contract and become the workhouse of Gibbs' offense. He has given himself the star treatment, declaring he will only talk to reporters on Thursdays or after a game -- an arrangement usually reserved for a quarterback or an elite veteran.

Portis' first carry for his new team went 64 yards for a touchdown, but he is averaging just 3.4 yards per run since. He rarely fumbled in Denver, but he's already lost three with the Redskins. Portis said the first two were "fluke fumbles," but he took full responsibility for one that set up the Browns' first touchdown and changed the game's momentum to send Washington to its third straight loss.

Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis took a dig at Portis this week. After allowing Priest Holmes to rush for 125 yards in a loss to Kansas City on Monday night, Lewis looked ahead to Sunday night's game against the Redskins by saying: "Portis ain't Priest. Don't fool yourself, now."

Bugel said he expects Portis to answers the critics Sunday.

"I think he's got a big chip on his shoulder, from what people are starting to say about him," Bugel said. "I think the kid has tremendous pride, so I think he's a wait-and-see type of guy. He's not the kind of guy you have to give a pep talk to. I think he stands back and says, 'Hey, they might have a little bit bad impression about me. The only way I can convince them is what I do on Sunday afternoon.' "


The Associated Press News Service

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"Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis took a dig at Portis this week. After allowing Priest Holmes to rush for 125 yards in a loss to Kansas City on Monday night, Lewis looked ahead to Sunday night's game against the Redskins by saying: "Portis ain't Priest. Don't fool yourself, now."

Thems fighting words!

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Originally posted by Number5

"Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis took a dig at Portis this week. After allowing Priest Holmes to rush for 125 yards in a loss to Kansas City on Monday night, Lewis looked ahead to Sunday night's game against the Redskins by saying: "Portis ain't Priest. Don't fool yourself, now."

Thems fighting words!

You got that right. I expect Portis to have a huge game this week and go over 100 at the least, the man's pride has been wounded and if our o-line can give him some cracks I got a feeling he may make Ray Ray eat his words.

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Portis, play with a chip on your shoulder like you did your first 2 seasons. Please. Mediots think you suck now. Prove them wrong.

Portis himself saying "the media made me look bad" makes him look even worse. Let's see some wins and some good holding of the ball.

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No, the media DID make him look bad.

Look, how ESPN led into the story "Clinton vetoes Gibbs" and garbage like that.

Sure, maybe he should be more circumspect about issuing such statements, but if it's what he, Rod Gardner and the Cleveland Browns INCLUDING THE COACH said---

then maybe we should listen, regardless of the "tape."

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but if it's what he, Rod Gardner and the Cleveland Browns INCLUDING THE COACH said---

then maybe we should listen, regardless of the "tape."

So Gibbs, Brunell, and Bugel are liars :point2sky

I'm just messin' with you.

Best thing that can happen for the Skins is to just stop addressing questions about and say it's over and done with- no hard feelings...blah, blah, blah.

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Originally posted by TODD

Dear Mr. Portis,

Shut up and redeem yourself Sunday night.


The Undersigned

He has shutup (of course, the media will not let most people realize this). Now he needs to redeem himself but that'll take the rest of the season. A couple of TDs and no fumbles would be a good start though.

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LOL not so much liars, but just because someone doesn't POINT on tape doesn't mean they don't know the play or aren't calling it out.

I mean, if Butch flippin Davis said they could tell what plays and routes were being run out of what formation, then...

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

No, the media DID make him look bad.

Look, how ESPN led into the story "Clinton vetoes Gibbs" and garbage like that.

Sure, maybe he should be more circumspect about issuing such statements, but if it's what he, Rod Gardner and the Cleveland Browns INCLUDING THE COACH said---

then maybe we should listen, regardless of the "tape."

Yes, I saw that too. So Portis's claim about the Media making him look bad is true but the fumbles didn't help him either. It's time for redemption!:ravensuck

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LOL not so much liars, but just because someone doesn't POINT on tape doesn't mean they don't know the play or aren't calling it out.

Exactly. That argument by Gibbs was totally bogus.

That doesn't necessarily mean Cleveland was "stealing plays," but if they were, they are not going to point and make that obvious. Rather, the Cleveland players would have been coached the week prior to the game (what do you think film is for?) on what to expect from certain formations.

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