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It's October! Time for POLL MANIA!!!

Ancalagon the Black

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They don't mean anything until October.

They don't mean anything until October.

They don't mean anything until October.

Well, guess what? It's crunch time. Here are my favorites (I click on them every day):

www.electionprojection.com/elections2004.html - conservative blogger

www.electoral-vote.com - liberal blogger

www.race2004.net - liberal blogger

www.strategisphere.com/simulation.htm - impartial site using the much vaunted "Monte Carlo" statistical method (Stats 101, anyone?)

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

So what's your take on this? Do these polls seem like reasonable predictors? Or is there some underlying flaw to the data-gathering that I'm not seeing from my oh-so-cursory glance?

I don't know if the sites will be accurate predictors. I think their strength lies in their ability to hypothesize the result of the election were it held today. You'd think that just looking at your standard AP or CBS poll could do that, but it cannot because it doesn't have a useful formula for projecting the electoral vote.

Viewing the trends in these projections is more interesting than the static picture.

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Im beginning to think that polls dont mean anything even now.

None have showed a consistent pattern and when one contradicts another, it throw the whole thing up in the air.

It might be better to start looking at issue polls to get a better idea.

Use 2002 as an example. Most polls even on election day showed Max Cleland with a comfortable (outside the margin) lead over Saxby Chambliss. I pointed out at the time that I thought that would be the big upset and was right. WHY? Because I saw the Confed flag poll in GA and it was overwhleming.

Issues like Gay Marriage, abortion, the draft. All probably are a better indicator about who will win specific states than a sample poll of likely or registered voters.

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Just a tad. Watched the news before and after the first debate, and the talking heads were saying that debates rarely change the outcome of an election or at least translate to a longer term, ( read: a few days after). Gore's bland performance in the first one between he and now President Bush being an exception not the rule. But does appear as though the first one did change some minds. If you believe in that kind of thing. Hmmmmmmmmm.

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