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This isnt a Rivalry...


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Its only a rivalry when you guys can actually beat us in a meaninggul game... This is gonna be a cake walk. I dont even know why Dallas is forced to play the game. Redskins are a joke. They have no QB , No draft in the future , and Snyder sacrifices the future for overpaid veterans. Have fun living in the basement the next couple of years guys. :laugh:

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I'll be totally honest-- while this guy is obviously a troll, I understand why Dallas fans wouldn't fear or respect the Redskins. It HASN'T been a rivalry-- it's been a domination. They trounced us when we stunk and they were great, they trounced us when we both stunk, they trounced us when we were both average, and they trounced us when they stunk and we were decent.

We just gave up 7 TO's to a bad team and lost yet another division game-- we've been an embarrsment in the NFC East for years. We all love Gibbs, but we're going to have to prove it on the field before anyone will listen to us. I don't blame this fan one bit for being confident. Heck, as of right now, not even I can see us winning the game. Troll? Yes. True? Kind of.

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Well, Mhoram or Moron or whatever you want to be called.

Last I checked we're both 1-1.

Those losses from years past dont count toward this season if i'm not mistaken.

You should feel great that you whooped up on the OLD Ball Idiot that we had.

If you pull out a win on Monday then that will be win earned.

Stay the f*** off this board until you actually win (this year).

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That guy was right on with the title, though. It ISN'T a rivalry. It's a yearly b***h-slapping. I HATE, HATE, HATE hearing a cowboy fan run that sh** in our huddle but check the scoreboard, Redskin fans.

The Redskin players know it too. They go "deer in the headlights" every year and they do it TWO weeks before Dallas every year. They look RIGHT THROUGH the team we play the week before, lose to that team, kill their own confidence and subsequently lose the Dallas game. As a fan, I go "deer in the headlights" for Dallas. I'm absolutely terrified of them. It doesn't matter what their talent-level is, or what OUR talent-level is for that matter. They OWN us until we sack up and sweep them. Yes, SWEEP. Splitting with Dallas is all I ask for but that's pretty pitiful in itself that I'm willing to give one to get one.

The Monday night game at FedEx is too soon in our development to beat a Parcells-coached team. His teams don't have "bad" games even when they lose. By the time we gel enough to play up to their level, we'll be in Texas Stadium and that's just a tough nut to crack no matter how you approach it.

Add in the fact that we've been beaten down by them for so long that if they get a 3rd quarter lead, our guys quit because they accept it.

If we don't change all this as dramatically as the G-Men changed last sunday's game. It's another sweep year for the Dallas Cowboys and that a$$wipe who started this thread. WE GOTTA GET THE FIRST ONE to have a chance at the 2nd one.

I hate it too, friends, but he's right. I'll be absolutely ecstatic if I'm wrong and take my whipping from you guys if we win, but I'm a pretty pessimistic Redskin fan when it comes to playing the Cowboys. My team hasn't proven me wrong on that (but once) since 1997. NINETEEN-NINETY-SEVEN!!!!! :doh:

RedskinsNation- That "old ball idiot" is the only one to beat Dallas since '97. So is Patrick Ramsey, so I'm hoping he extends HIS "streak" over the 'Boys.

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Originally posted by RedskinsNation

Chachie - Very True Indeed.

But he still was a moron of a coach. Just because he snuck one out vs. them in one of their worst seasons of recent memory doesnt clear his reputation from being an idiot.

My point is that this game on Monday is gonna be on a whole different level w/our current coaching regime.

I feel bad for typing up such a pessimistic post. :(

I don't mean to be a bad fan, I just get knots in my gut very time I think about this game.


bigZ- I would never bet against my team. I'm only confident in what I've seen happen time and again for 7-8 years. I'll stop being such a wet napkin.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

He is a NEW Cowpie fan (any real old school die hard Skins, cowpie fan knows there is and has been an on going rivalry for the past 30 years)

I've seen every Redskin-Cowboy game since 1969. I cried for 24 hours when we lost to Miami in the '72 Super Bowl. I'm a LONG time, die hard Redskins fan. The rivalry is dead until we do something to make them fear us.

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