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Peter King - MMQB (NFC East) How they'll finish.......


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I don't think Dallas is ready to overtake Philly just yet.

Before the Carter fiasco I would have gone along with the general feeling that Dallas was improved, though it might not show in their record. They aren't going to sneaK up on anyone this year.

Parcell's is to be respected and the Pokes will be competitive. Heck, it's not beyond reason that they COULD win the East. But, they could also finish 3rd easily. The same could be said of Philly and the Skins.

This is going to be a fun year to watch. It's an open race.

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Guest Westbrook36

If someone took the time and compiled all his crazy predictions over the years, you could write a book. Yes, one that actually stuck to the wall was Carolina going to the Superbowl but, as they say, you throw enough sh*t against the wall, some of it is going to stick.

My personal favorite was when he predicted 70 plus catches for LJ Smith last year. This just in....he just fell short. :D

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Dallas fell apart last season down the stretch. There "O" was pathetic the last half of the season. I will be the first to admit that they have a solid "D" but, there "O" is a huge question mark.

There "O" line is the second worst in the division and that is only because the Giant line is terrible at best. There Qb is closer to collecting Social Security then to collecting a playoff win. They are one hit away from bringing in the worst backup QB in the division. I wouldn't be surprised if they finish last in the division.

Philly has to be the favorite to win the division. They are still the top dog till someone knocks them down a peg.

King and Pasta belly are the tweedle dee and tweedle dumb of NFL sportswriters. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that they actually vote on who get's into the hall of fame. Everytime I read something they write I think about the Three stooges. Do you remember that one episode where the stoogies are card carrying members of the Amalgamated Morons Local 301?

We are morons tried and true........

Let us sing our song to you............:doh:

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Funny how they are a "respect" ;) professional when they favor your team isn't it?

Edit: Let's revisit Mr. King the respected professional and his picks from the recent past shall we? :)


Thank P City. I find it interesting that this is the second year in a row he picked Plummer to be the MVP.:doh:

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hobbs, some advice: I don't claim to be a master of grammar, but when I post, I reread what a wrote and if it only makes sense to me, I try to clarify it. After I post, I look at the post, and again see if it makes any sense. When I DOESN'T make sense, I go back and use the edit tool. 11-5, Ha, you remind me of that johnny cash song, dream on, dream on teenage queen. A couple of weeks back, I said I was sorry for calling you a jerk, well I take it back. update your profile cowboy fan!

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Originally posted by hobbs

As a Cowboy fan its always good to see what a respect professional in the business thinks of the teams that he has seen in the preseason. I give these opinions more weight then i do fan polls with are biased and full of homerism.

Ok stop right there. First, welcome to Extremeskins.com Apparently youve spent your 15 posts reading PQMMQB :laugh: Now, two major problems here:

1. No disrespect to our Boys fans that populate this board, but as a whole you guys are the biggest bunch of koolaid drinking homers in the NFL, with only Raider fan slightly behind you.

2. Peter King has the overall smarts of a retarted fetal pig. :doh: When has he EVER been right about anything? Please.

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For all the Peter King Bashers...

I think he's dead on with his predictions for the NFC East.

All this nonsense about how the "Cowboys won't sneak up on anybody this year" is all crap. No team will overlook another team and give a ball game away because they THINK their better. There is too much at stake on every game.

As far as the Cowboys being worse with Vinny at the helm is another misperception. I was a Quincy supporter, but his inaccuarcy and consistency hurt the offense in some of the games. With Vinny...those elements are his strengths. It's true ...he can't move around like Quincy can, but Parcells will move the pocket around and protect him at all costs.

And if Vinny goes down for an extended period of time...then all bets are off. But then again, you can say that about half of the teams in the NFL. Even the Super Bowl champs are one hit away (Tom Brady) from being a mediocore team.

Dallas Cowboys - Beast of the NFC East 2005

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Originally posted by polo2000

For all the Peter King Bashers...

I think he's dead on with his predictions for the NFC East.

All this nonsense about how the "Cowboys won't sneak up on anybody this year" is all crap. No team will overlook another team and give a ball game away because they THINK their better. There is too much at stake on every game.

As far as the Cowboys being worse with Vinny at the helm is another misperception. I was a Quincy supporter, but his inaccuarcy and consistency hurt the offense in some of the games. With Vinny...those elements are his strengths. It's true ...he can't move around like Quincy can, but Parcells will move the pocket around and protect him at all costs.

And if Vinny goes down for an extended period of time...then all bets are off. But then again, you can say that about half of the teams in the NFL. Even the Super Bowl champs are one hit away (Tom Brady) from being a mediocore team.

Dallas Cowboys - Beast of the NFC East 2005


Show us an article, one single article that he makes a prediction and its even close to what actually happens... He is the worst sports journalist out there, bar none. He makes Jabba the Len look like Walter Cronkite for godssakes :rolleyes:

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Originally posted by polo2000

For all the Peter King Bashers...

I think he's dead on with his predictions for the NFC East.

All this nonsense about how the "Cowboys won't sneak up on anybody this year" is all crap. No team will overlook another team and give a ball game away because they THINK their better. There is too much at stake on every game.

As far as the Cowboys being worse with Vinny at the helm is another misperception. I was a Quincy supporter, but his inaccuarcy and consistency hurt the offense in some of the games. With Vinny...those elements are his strengths. It's true ...he can't move around like Quincy can, but Parcells will move the pocket around and protect him at all costs.

And if Vinny goes down for an extended period of time...then all bets are off. But then again, you can say that about half of the teams in the NFL. Even the Super Bowl champs are one hit away (Tom Brady) from being a mediocore team.

Dallas Cowboys - Beast of the NFC East 2005

Oh, well, in that case, since you clarified things, PK must be right. :rolleyes:


Thanks for proving the point about Cowboy fans being Koolaid-drinking homers.

I was a Quincy supporter, but then the Cowboys got rid of him and I realized that made them a better team, after all...


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Vinny is only good when he has protection.

Keyshawn cannot get separation, so for him to be a factor in the offense Vinny needs a lot of time to be able to throw it where only Keyshawn can get it. Either that or throw it up and pray that he can out-muscle the CB for the ball. Very risky.

Their running game is unproven at best.

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