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Nepalese Riot Vs. Muslims


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September 2, 2004 -- KATMANDU, Nepal — Crowds stormed the main mosque in Katmandu and charged through the streets chanting, "Down with Islam" in protest yesterday against the murders of 12 Nepalese in Iraq.

Protesters attacked the mosque, set furniture and carpets on fire and tore up a copy of the Koran before police drove them out. Calm gradually returned after most of the capital city's streets emptied in response to an indefinite curfew.

Police fired on a group who gathered in downtown Katmandu despite the ban, killing one man, an official said.

Another man was killed when police fired to break up a mob trying to storm the Egyptian Embassy in Katmandu before the curfew was imposed, the Interior Ministry said.

King Gyanendra urged people of different faiths to stay calm in the Hindu nation, which has already been torn by a Maoist revolt. "We must ensure this tragic incident does not weaken the age-old fraternal ties, unity and mutual tolerance that exists among the Nepalese people," the royal palace said in a statement.

A terrorist Iraqi group said Tuesday it had killed the 12 Nepalese hostages, who went to Iraq to work as cooks and cleaners for a Jordanian firm.

The group showed pictures of one being beheaded and the others riddled with bullets. Reuters

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I've thought the same thing funky. It seems that over the past 20 years or so we've gotten chummier with Pakistan and pushed India away. Maybe because Pakistan can control more Muslims directly. But I tend to agree with you, I'd have a billion Hindu's on my side in the war against Radical Muslims anyday.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Yep I'd side with the Hindu also.

Pathetic that someone will blame Bush for terrorists slaughtering waiters trying to earn a living.

Guess you cant see past their desperation to keep peace and freedom front taking root there

Ansar al-Sunna said it killed the men because they were supporting American forces in Iraq.

Not because they oppose peace and freedom. That's such a sickeningly simplistic understanding of what terrorism is all about.

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Originally posted by docdru

Ansar al-Sunna said it killed the men because they were supporting American forces in Iraq.

Not because they oppose peace and freedom. That's such a sickeningly simplistic understanding of what terrorism is all about.

Since America is supporting peace and freedom in Iraq, what are we to make of people who would kill those who are in support of Americans? That they think Red, White and Blue clash?

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Originally posted by docdru

Ansar al-Sunna said it killed the men because they were supporting American forces in Iraq.

Not because they oppose peace and freedom. That's such a sickeningly simplistic understanding of what terrorism is all about.

It's also simplistic to simply label Ansar al-Sunna a terrorist group because it effectively equates their goals to those of al Qaeda. Ansar al-Sunna is an Iraqi insurgent coalition filled with Iraqi rebels who want the U.S. to leave.

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Originally posted by Art

Since America is supporting peace and freedom in Iraq, what are we to make of people who would kill those who are in support of Americans? That they think Red, White and Blue clash?

That they hate an occupying force in their nation. That they are trying to gain political and military power. Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks to themselves "gosh I hate peace. I'm going to go kill someone". It'd be nice if all the the enemies of our state had such simplistic motivations, we could more easily understand why we're killing so many of them, and it would be easier to digest because we could simply dismiss them as evil and therefore feel no guilt when we pull the trigger.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

Actually there are many terrorist groups that wake up and decide they hate peace.....many of the terrorist groups operating out of Syria and Lebanon, refuse to even think of peace with Israel...all they want is genocide of all jews in Israel.....

That's not a hatred of peace in and of itself. That's a hatred of an Israli presence in the Middle East. Just like Ansar al-Sunna doesn't hate peace, they hate an American presence in Iraq.

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the india-US alliance has been building the past few years. clinton really took the first steps. the US has seemed to support pakistan more because india under indhira ghandi favored russia in the cold war.

although muslims make up a lot of the minority in india, hindus r tired of terrorism that happens in kashmir and in india.

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Okay...docdru.....do you realize that Islamic fundamentalist organizations subscribe to the doctrine that anyone that doesn't conform to their definition of the religion is an unbeliever and should be wiped off the face of the earth....that means everyone on this skins fansite.......even if they are muslim....

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This is a clear example that the these Islamic fundamentalist do not represent the Islamic faith. These radicals only cloak themselves in the Islamic faith, much like the KKK cloak themselves in Christianity. But I would never say down with Christianity because a few yahoos commit crimes in the name of Jesus.

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Originally posted by docdru

All's well in newly "liberated" "Democratic" Iraq. Yay!! Thanks W. Now it makes sense why everyone was so happy at the Convetion last night. They've got a lot to cheer about.


There have been more homicides in the US this year than deaths attributed to the war in Iraq.

But im sure that you’d rather have Saddam still in charge..

Your such a tool.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

Okay...docdru.....do you realize that Islamic fundamentalist organizations subscribe to the doctrine that anyone that doesn't conform to their definition of the religion is an unbeliever and should be wiped off the face of the earth....that means everyone on this skins fansite.......even if they are muslim....

Okay...Islamic fundamentalist terrorists want unbelievers wiped off the face of the Earth. That is a separate argument from Ansar al-Sunna (an Iraqi nationalist rebel insurgent coalition) hates peace. This Iraqi group wants America out of Iraq. To label all Middle Eastern guerilla groups Islamic fundamentalist terrorists is idiotic.

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Originally posted by Oldskool


There have been more homicides in the US this year than deaths attributed to the war in Iraq.

But im sure that you’d rather have Saddam still in charge..

Your such a tool.

I'd rather Bush and the Republicans not portray this war as an unmitigated success and a win for America and for freedom and democracy. I'd like an awknowledgement that this attempt at Iraqi freedom (we'll call it that even though that was never the stated intention of the invasion before it went down) comes at a cost and that there are a lot of problems with the occupation and perhaps an admission that American troops will be in Iraq for the next 15 to 20 years (which is not what most Americans expected when this war was sold to them and it is not what most Americans expect now). I'd like less furvent praise of this war and more of a realistic portrayal of what's at stake here.

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Bush said repeatedly that we needed to remove Saddam for a variety of reasons. One of which was the leberation of the Iraqi people.

In fact, if you look in the archives the Libs here were all up in arms when he said it. They complained that we lacked a consistent reason for the war. To which I argued that there were many reasons. All valid.

I guess we're occupying Germany still too.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Bush said repeatedly that we needed to remove Saddam for a variety of reasons. One of which was the leberation of the Iraqi people.

In fact, if you look in the archives the Libs here were all up in arms when he said it. They complained that we lacked a consistent reason for the war. To which I argued that there were many reasons. All valid.

I guess we're occupying Germany still too.

We are, the difference is the Germans aren't organizing into guerrilla groups and fighting back.

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Saying it was "about oil please" would be taking one of the talking points from the DNC newsletter... and most people of common sense understand how distorted and biased those talking points can be.

Nice try though... nice delivery.... unfortunately the message is flawed.

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