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Bad news for you VA smokers.......

Island Boy

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Virginians To Pay More in Taxes


Associated Press Writer

(AP) - Virginians will start paying more to the state Wednesday - especially those who smoke.

Increases in the state's sales and cigarette taxes take effect Sept. 1. The sales tax will go from 4.5 cents to 5 cents on the dollar, while the levy on a pack of smokes jumps from 2.5 cents to 20 cents.

Two other, more obscure tax changes also will take effect: A tax on real estate transactions will increase from 15 cents to 25 cents per $100, and a sales tax exemption for tangible personal property purchased by utilities and other public service corporations will be repealed.

The changes were part of a $1.4 billion tax increase package passed by the 2004 General Assembly to balance the state budget.

Tax Commissioner Kenneth Thorson said the Department of Taxation's biggest challenge has been implementing the tobacco tax increase because it affects both wholesalers, who purchase and affix tax stamps to each pack of cigarettes, and retailers.

One of the goals was to provide merchants enough cigarettes at the lower tax rate to meet demand through August, but not enough to allow them a windfall at state expense after the new rate takes effect.

"On September first, the price will go up 17-and-a-half cents per pack whether they have the old stamp or the new stamp," Thorson said. "There could be profiteering by retailers at the expense of the commonwealth and consumers."

To prevent retailers from stockpiling cigarettes at the lower rate, the tax department imposed a tax stamp quota on wholesalers. The quotas were based on monthly sales figures, with some growth to accommodate increased consumer demand. Wholesalers were allowed a 2 percent increase in 2.5-cent stamps in May, 5 percent in June, and 10 percent in July and August.

An appeals process was implemented for wholesalers who claimed significant growth in their business warranted a bigger increase. Thorson said 15 of 150 wholesalers filed appeals. Six were denied, two received the amount of stamps requested and seven got additional stamps but fewer than requested, Thorson said.

Last Wednesday was the last day wholesalers could buy 2.5-cent tax stamps; Friday was the last day they could affix them to cigarette packs.

"Even though we wanted to ensure that the new tax is collected on cigarettes sold after Sept. 1, we know there will be product out there on the shelves that has the old tax rate," Thorson said. "There's no way to capture that. But we believe with the system we put into place, most of the product at the old rate will be flushed out."

Laurie Peterson, president of the Virginia Retail Merchants Association, said the system has "caused some hassle for some retailers and wholesalers" but that there was no perfect solution for making the transition to the higher tax.

The main concern for retailers was having enough supply to meet an unknown demand, she said. Some hoarding by consumers was expected, but there was no way to project how much because this is the first increase in the 44-year history of Virginia's cigarette tax.

"It's a learning experience," said Thorson, adding that officials will put the lessons to use next year when the cigarette tax goes up an additional 10 cents, effective July 1.

Consumers might ultimately also foot the bill for some of the public service corporation sales tax exemption repeal. Legislators gave the corporations authority to recoup the costs from their customers.

The state's largest utility, Dominion Virginia Power, will take the next year to decide when to recover the additional costs from its ratepayers, spokesman David B. Botkins said.

(Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Smokers get no sympathy from me, period! I will never, ever comprehend the idea of knowing that what you are putting in your lungs will probably lead to a slow painful death.

I'm assuming then that you feel the same way towards anyone that eats at McDonalds or any other establishment that sells items to the public that can/will hurt them in the long run?

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Smokers get no sympathy from me, period! I will never, ever comprehend the idea of knowing that what you are putting in your lungs will probably lead to a slow painful death.

I'm sure that the whole smoking universe is now utterly crushed :laugh:

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Originally posted by Canyonero!

I'm assuming then that you feel the same way towards anyone that eats at McDonalds or any other establishment that sells items to the public that can/will hurt them in the long run?

I'm assuming that you are a smoker to come up with that defense. Yeah, people who eat at those "establishments" know that they are a glutten for punishment. But they are hurting themselves and nobody else. Smokers on the other hand, know that they are not only hurting themselves but are causing seriuos health repurcussions with their nasty a$$ second hand smoke, including their loved ones. My :2cents:

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Look at the average cost per pack in Europe compared to the US (reference: http://www.the-tma.org.uk/statistics/EU/UK_versus_EU_Average.htm)

As per the chart below, the cost per pack in the UK in January 2004 was on average £4.65, which was approximately $8.30 per pack. The average cost in the EU was £2.40, or $4.30.


The chart shows the price of the MPPC in the UK compared to the average price of the MPPC in the other EU Member States.

Source: TMA, January 2004

Note: there is 100 pence per British Pound (£), and the exchange rate as of 9/1 was hovering around £1.00 = $1.79).

Also take a look at their chart of costs per pack as of May 2004 here: http://www.the-tma.org.uk/statistics/EU/200405eu_cig.htm

According to this article: http://www.theglobalist.com/DBWeb/printStoryId.aspx?StoryId=3789, which was released in February 2004:

A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that each pack of cigarettes smoked in the United States costs society $7.18 in health care and lost employee productivity.


In 2002, some 19 of the 50 U.S. states raised cigarette taxes by an average of $0.42 per pack. In 2003, another 13 states raised taxes. On top of the federal tax of $0.39 per pack, New Jersey has an added tax of $2.05. New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts each have taxes of $1.50 a pack.

Some countries have discouraged smoking with stiff taxes on cigarettes. Among the leaders in this effort are Norway with a tax of $5.99 per pack, the United Kingdom at $5.03, Ireland at $3.52 — and Denmark at $3.08.

Given the rising health care costs to the Medicare and Medicaid systems for treating diseases related to smoking, I have no problem whatsoever in taxing cigarettes. And yes, I do know that the tax revenues often are not routed to that particular agency, but in theory I believe it's the right thing to do. For once, the ones who will most probably end up being treated due to this behavior are paying for that treatment (albeit in advance).

Full disclosure. I am a former smoker (smoked on and off from the age of 9 until I was 22) and quitting was somewhat difficult but I weathered through it and am so very glad I stopped when I did. My parents were smokers but both stopped by the time I was 4. Two of my aunts are 2-pack-a-day smokers and have tried to quit many times over the last 25 years - and never seem to stick to it. My mother-in-law is dying of terminal lung cancer and emphysema - she was a pack-a day smoker and had been for 45+ years, and even though the end is very close, does she stop smoking? No, of course not - she has increased her level of smoking - which appears to be hastening the effects of her disease. :doh:

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

I'm assuming that you are a smoker to come up with that defense. Yeah, people who eat at those "establishments" know that they are a glutten for punishment. But they are hurting themselves and nobody else. Smokers on the other hand, know that they are not only hurting themselves but are causing seriuos health repurcussions with their nasty a$$ second hand smoke, including their loved ones. My :2cents:

I have smoked, but am not currently a smoker. I don't like hypocracy and double standards, and was simply pointing out the one you were applying here. Non-smokers don't have to be around smokers, and smokers can be forced to do their thing away from non-smokers. I don't care about that. Again, I just don't like people applying their views to one thing and not others, when they should.

And if there are any smokers reading this, buy your stuff from a decent European distributor. Yesmoke offers cartons for ~$15 w/ shipping. Takes 3-4 weeks to get them, but it's a good deal.


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I personally smoke....but have been rolling my own cigarettes for 6 years.....the last two I have put filters into them.....I don't forsee any increase in my cost and my friends have told me they might start rolling their own too.....I like rolling them because of the flavor of the tobacco, the price and there aren't any unatural chemicals added like processed cigarettes...

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Originally posted by Canyonero!

I have smoked, but am not currently a smoker. I don't like hypocracy and double standards, and was simply pointing out the one you were applying here. Non-smokers don't have to be around smokers, and smokers can be forced to do their thing away from non-smokers. I don't care about that. Again, I just don't like people applying their views to one thing and not others, when they should.

And if there are any smokers reading this, buy your stuff from a decent European distributor. Yesmoke offers cartons for ~$15 w/ shipping. Takes 3-4 weeks to get them, but it's a good deal.


Some people have no CHOICE but to eat at these establishments because of their lifestyle, meaning, work, soccer moms, etc. Smoking is nothing more than a choice.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

I personally smoke....but have been rolling my own cigarettes for 6 years.....the last two I have put filters into them.....I don't forsee any increase in my cost and my friends have told me they might start rolling their own too.....I like rolling them because of the flavor of the tobacco, the price and there aren't any unatural chemicals added like processed cigarettes...

funky we are not talking about weed here :D

for those buying in europe what about the economy :D

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Second hand smoke isn't quite a myth. BUT i do believe that this was an exaggeration created by anti-smoking boards. Look at what was caused by this. Banned Public Smoking? They knew that they had to start somewhere.

As a smoker, i get tired of hearing this BS from everyone. I can't go a month without being preached to about the health issues involved with MY bad habit. Let me do my own research. Let me make my own decisions. Let me fight this "disease" on my own.

Yes, yes.. Addiction IS yet another genetic fault aka: disease.

Im interested in knowing how many of you nay-sayers drink alcohol? You are no better.

Lets get a poll thread for this. How many drink alcohol atleast once a week? To get a better understanding, we could even add marijuana and cocaine (2 heavily used drugs, IMO.) Add smoking aswell. If you wanted to get technical you could even add other sinful addictions to the list such as Pornography.

I'll think we'll find that we all have our faults, whether we are willing to admit it or not.

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Some people have no CHOICE but to eat at these establishments because of their lifestyle, meaning, work, soccer moms, etc. Smoking is nothing more than a choice.

I am not for smoking but that is a dumb statement, it is their choice to go there in the first place. You always have a choice just some choose wrong.

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Some people have no CHOICE but to eat at these establishments because of their lifestyle, meaning, work, soccer moms, etc. Smoking is nothing more than a choice.

c'mon, you make it sound as if there is one restraunt in the world that we all have to eat at, and it has no non-smoking section. if you don't want to go out to eat, pack dinner like some people pack lunch for their kids. or just eat dinner later. or get fast food and take it home. or order a pizza (pick up or delivery). there are any number of alternatives to being forced to eat in an establishment while someone blows smoke up your nose and cancer cells spontaneously over-run your body.

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Some people have no CHOICE but to eat at these establishments because of their lifestyle, meaning, work, soccer moms, etc. Smoking is nothing more than a choice.

As a single Dad I stay up and extra hour to cook a meal for the next day or two... Lifestyle = no, its a lazy choice whether it be for you or for your family....

two meals at McDonalds could get you 3-4 if YOU made it...

Chicken Breast, Flour, Milk, Egg, Bread crumbs, Capt Morgans ;).

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Originally posted by jbooma

I am not for smoking but that is the dumbest statement ever, it is their choice to go there in the first place. You always have a choice just some choose wrong.

Okay, okay so that was a bit far-fetched but "dumbest statement ever"? Have you read some of your posts.:D

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Okay, okay so that was a bit far-fetched but "dumbest statement ever"? Have you read some of your posts.:D

yes but when I am serious they don't come close to that :)

at least you know it was, so thats good, i changed it since i think that title now goes to the one saying homosexuals are defects :doh:

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Originally posted by KingGibbs

Smokers get no sympathy from me, period! I will never, ever comprehend the idea of knowing that what you are putting in your lungs will probably lead to a slow painful death.

thats nice to know that someone who smokes will never get your sympathy.


do you really think people that do smoke care what your thinking ? ?

unless your a health nut , do you eat in fast food joints , endulge yourself in a fat juicey rare steak at all , drink alcohol , drink soda, potatoe chips ??? every little thing we as humans put in our bodies is bad for you in one way or another > chemicals are in everything you consume . people choose what they do knowing the consiquences.

your gene pool and family history decides your fate ,

just for the record , i smoke have for about 15 yrs , on and off the past 3 , trying to quit is very hard for some . i quit 2 months ago only to last about 3 weeks . my entire family smokes , relatives , everyone , not one has passed away from or has any respiratory problems, go figure , deaths in the family ,sure there were and have been , but none smoke related . ok i'm done ranting , just get 's in my crawl to see statements like that :2cents:

as i'm sure it was just your :2cents: as well :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by mark327

thats nice to know that someone who smokes will never get your sympathy.


do you really think people that do smoke care what your thinking ? ?

unless your a health nut , do you eat in fast food joints , endulge yourself in a fat juicey rare steak at all , drink alcohol , drink soda, potatoe chips ??? every little thing we as humans put in our bodies is bad for you in one way or another > chemicals are in everything you consume . people choose what they do knowing the consiquences.

your gene pool and family history decides your fate ,

just for the record , i smoke have for about 15 yrs , on and off the past 3 , trying to quit is very hard for some . i quit 2 months ago only to last about 3 weeks . my entire family smokes , relatives , everyone , not one has passed away from or has any respiratory problems, go figure , deaths in the family ,sure there were and have been , but none smoke related . ok i'm done ranting , just get 's in my crawl to see statements like that :2cents:

as i'm sure it was just your :2cents: as well :rolleyes:

I wouldn't expect anything less from a smoker but to be defensive and to :rolleyes:

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my family too is blessed with great genes. all heavy drinkers and smokers throughout their entire lives, but also incredibly healthy and productive members of society. just like some people never smoke and get cancer (some will argue second hand smoke :laugh: ) , millions smoke every day and never get cancer.

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Originally posted by AJWatson3


my family too is blessed with great genes. all heavy drinkers and smokers throughout their entire lives, but also incredibly healthy and productive members of society. just like some people never smoke and get cancer (some will argue second hand smoke :laugh: ) , millions smoke every day and never get cancer.

I'm glad to see you take humor in those that do die of cancer.:rolleyes:

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