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Deion's press conference


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Just watched it at lunchtime. I am a long-time, self-professed Deion hater. I don't know why, but I LIKED his demeanor and focus today. I think when he arrived in Washington he was trying to be a travelling corcus and it showed from day ONE at his presser then. It almost jinxed his whole tenure with Washington.

He was speaking with purpose and generating respect and (relative) humility.

When asked what he will teach the other players in Baltimore he replied, "I need to show up and play well and become part of THEIR system. Learn from them. If they come to me later I will be glad to share what I can." (Loosely quoted.)

A few moments of ****iness, but not with the same clowny look on his face.

Anyone else see it?

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I cheered for Deion twice, 1992 in a game against dallas, and that one punt return he took back for us. Other than that he's been very enjoyable to hate, I welcome him back. As for Noland, couldn't you just stop the run up the middle just once; he must of been special if norv demoted him.

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I skipped Nolan's part of the event because I had no respect for him as a D-coordinator. Now that he takes a shot at an organization that gave him a job and kept him around even longer than he deserved. He just made me hope Deion and Baltimore flop this year.


Are you a member of the radio show?

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If things start going bad in B-more,will Deion go back to baseball to keep from reporting to practice?

All I can remember is Deion sitting in the minor league clubhouse,saying he wasn't going to report to Skins camp,he was keeping his signing bonus and was going to laugh all the way to the bank.The media seems to have forgotten this.

I can't wait when the thief gets burned for a TD,and comes up holding his hamstring.His favorite move!

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Originally posted by miguelskins

My favorite Deion memory was the game in Dallas his last year with them. He caught a punt and was immediately nailed head to head by Dan Turk that left him rubber legged and wobbling to the wrong bench! Too bad Dan died a year later, but he never made a better tackle.

As someone mentioned, Deion took the very next one back for a TD. (To open the second half.)

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