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Veteran of Insanity...


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Man, it seems like just yesterday I was sucking on my thumb with a cheerleader avatar. Newbies, take notes: :)

Treat people with respect here

Enjoy this place like someone plans on taking it from ya

Treat people with the same respect you want shown your way

Post like your on a mission.

Do these 4 things, you'll be well respected and at 3000 in no time. I hated that cheerleader avatar, and I feel your pain. :)

I could go indeep on why I'm a veteran of Insanity. God knows I've given ya'll a good taste of it over my stay here. But talk is cheap, ADHD is real, and I'm stepping into the veteran role as of right now. Talk is cheap, I'm young, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not even the youngest anymore (thanks Ghost;) ).

Good to know information: Sometimes you have to step out of the forest to see the trees clearly. If you don't understand the words coming out of my mouth, you eventually will...


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Originally posted by Renegade7


Man, it seems like just yesterday I was sucking on my thumb with a cheerleader avatar. Newbies, take notes: :)

Treat people with respect here

Enjoy this place like someone plans on taking it from ya

Treat people with the same respect you want shown your way

Post like your on a mission.

Do these 4 things, you'll be well respected and at 3000 in no time. I hated that cheerleader avatar, and I feel your pain. :)

I could go indeep on why I'm a veteran of Insanity. God knows I've given ya'll a good taste of it over my stay here. But talk is cheap, ADHD is real, and I'm stepping into the veteran role as of right now. Talk is cheap, I'm young, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not even the youngest anymore (thanks Ghost;) ).

Good to know information: Sometimes you have to step out of the forest to see the trees clearly. If you don't understand the words coming out of my mouth, you eventually will...


Who are you again?? :geek:

just kidding. congrats on your spamming! :D

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