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Don't Yield an Inch to Bush

Thinking Skins

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What follows is an email I reieved from the Kerry Campaign.


I'm interrupting John Kerry's dispatches from the road to tell you about something that will make you angry, but which is important for you to hear.

We knew it was coming: the Bush campaign and several allied right-wing groups are using August to launch a vicious smear attack against John Kerry. They think we're vulnerable this month because while George Bush is still able to raise money for attack ads, Kerry had to stop fundraising at the Democratic convention last week. They're taking this opportunity to go for the jugular.

We need you to join us in this fight today by supporting the Democratic Party.


The worst of the current wave of attacks is coming from a Republican-funded group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth." (I'll call them by a more accurate name: Swift Boat Veterans for Bush.) The group is led by a longtime Republican operative and financed by GOP contributors with strong ties to George Bush. Its function in the overall Republican strategy is this: tear down John Kerry since Bush has no record or vision to run on.

The swift boat ad is full of lies. Thirteen men who never served with John Kerry lie about knowing him and viciously attack his record. It is a new low for the Republicans.

Every time they have attacked us like this, it has only made us stronger. When they ran dishonest attack ads (like the unbelievable new one on the air right now), thousands of new supporters flocked to our campaign to give us the resources we need to fight back on the airwaves.

Now that the general election has begun, they're hoping things are different. They're going to be sorely disappointed because we are not alone. The Democratic National Committee is well prepared to take on this fight.

And therefore I'm asking you: everything you did for our campaign, please do now for our Democratic Party. Give the party the resources it needs to fight against these right-wing attacks:


The Democratic Party is responsible for putting organizers and volunteers into the field and turning out the millions of votes we need to win. We literally cannot win this election without the party.


You and I know that if we so much as yield an inch to George Bush and the Republicans this month, we'll live to regret it. In fact, we may live to regret it for four long years. Join with me in supporting the Democratic Party today.

Thank you,

Mary Beth Cahill

Campaign Manager

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Now do you see why releasing the military records like Bush did is kinda critical if you put your military records front and center as your platform?

Or do we go back to: He served and Bush didnt? He's a hero he doesnt need to release his records? The 234 people that put that book together are Clearly biased...

Dont discuss the details... discuss the *Overall* because the *Overall* sounds great and the details are just a drag man....

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Is this a real E-mail from the Dem Party? From Kerry's campaign manager?

Honestly. I highly doubt it. Here's why.

This is blatant slander. The note claims that the Swift Boat group is financed by the GOP and the Bush campaign. There havnt even been any real aligations (besides back office gossip etc.) from the Dems that this is true.

They could easily be sued and lose if they really sent this one.

Lastly, If they are real, how can they be complaining about not being able to solicit contributions any longer, but are asking for donations to "Beat Bush" in the next paragraph.

Sounds more like a scam or a Soros endeavor to me. :2cents:

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Now do you see why releasing the military records like Bush did is kinda critical if you put your military records front and center as your platform?

Or do we go back to: He served and Bush didnt? He's a hero he doesnt need to release his records? The 234 people that put that book together are Clearly biased...

Dont discuss the details... discuss the *Overall* because the *Overall* sounds great and the details are just a drag man....

Kerry's records are on his campaign website. Go read them. Where, exactly, can I read Bush's? That's what I thought.

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Originally posted by LC80

Kerry's records are on his campaign website. Go read them. Where, exactly, can I read Bush's? That's what I thought.

Please don't take me wrong here. I don't like the Service bashing on either candidate.

But, I honestly would think the potential to edit information is too great to lend credibility to documents posted on anyone's web site (unless there was a link to a credible source)

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I listened to some of the guys who served as Swift Boat captains with Kerry. One is now an Admiral who took Kerry aboard his boat when Kerry was "injured". Kerry got an ass full of rice when he was too slow to duck after throwing a percusion grenade into a houch. He also received a contusion to his arm when another boat hit a mine. He high tailed it down stream cause he thought he was underfire. The guy who'w life he supposedly saved, was a guy from the mined swift boat. 3 guys were pulled from the water. Kerry's boat got one and another boat got the other two. Anyway, Kerry wrote in his report that after he was taken aboard the other swift boat (captained by the now admiral), his arm was bleeding and the ****pit of the boat had a large pool of blood. The admiral has stated and signed and affadavit that there was never any blood, and his arm wasn't bleeding. He only had a contusion (bruise) on his arm. Also, on one of his Purple Hearts, he submitted for it and was turned down by the Officer in charge becaues the injury wasn't sustained during combat. A few months later the Officer rotated out and Kerry re-submitted the request to the next Office in charge who wasn't even in the country whe Kerry got hurt.

The veterans that the Dems say didn't serve with Kerry are all Officer contemporaries that captained swiftboats along side Kerry.

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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

Is this a real E-mail from the Dem Party? From Kerry's campaign manager?

Honestly. I highly doubt it. Here's why.

This is blatant slander. The note claims that the Swift Boat group is financed by the GOP and the Bush campaign. There havnt even been any real aligations (besides back office gossip etc.) from the Dems that this is true.

They could easily be sued and lose if they really sent this one.

Lastly, If they are real, how can they be complaining about not being able to solicit contributions any longer, but are asking for donations to "Beat Bush" in the next paragraph.

Sounds more like a scam or a Soros endeavor to me. :2cents:

Did anyone see Clinton on The Daily Show Monday Night? He was saying that these are the same guys (the EXACT SAME GUYS) who the republicans brought up against Clinton in 92 to make Clinton look bad by not going to war. SO I don't find it strange to believe that the Dems are saying that these guys are funded by the GOP.

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Originally posted by skin-n-vegas

Please don't take me wrong here. I don't like the Service bashing on either candidate.

But, I honestly would think the potential to edit information is too great to lend credibility to documents posted on anyone's web site (unless there was a link to a credible source)

I have to say that making that claim is much easier than actually reading the documents. I don't think the potential to edit these documents is "great" at all. Like I told the guy who keeps making the false claims: go read them.


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****** For those that think he has done what he promised he

would do. *****

The guy that keeps making the false claim?

Would that be the very liberal Boston Globe or Thiebear? ;)

Kerry refuses to release more records

By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | April 20, 2004


WASHINGTON -- The day after John F. Kerry said he would make all of his military records available for inspection at his campaign headquarters, a spokesman said the senator would not release any new documents, leaving undisclosed many of Kerry's evaluations by his Navy commanding officers, some medical records, and possibly other material.


Kerry, in an interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press," was asked whether he would follow President Bush's example and release all of his military records. "I have," Kerry said. "I've shown them -- they're available for you to come and look at." He added that "people can come and see them at headquarters."

But when a reporter showed up yesterday morning to review the documents, the campaign staff declined, saying all requests must go through the press spokesman, Michael Meehan. Late yesterday, Meehan said the only records available would be those already released to this newspaper.

"He is releasing all military records he has released to The Boston Globe," Meehan said in a telephone interview. In a follow-up e-mail, Meehan said it was those particular records to which Kerry was referring on "Meet the Press."

Kerry has not released the formal evaluations from superior officers, although his campaign has given a letter from a commanding officer that recommended him for service aboard Navy patrol boats and also reports for the Silver and Bronze stars that laud Kerry's actions in combat. By comparison, retired Army General Wesley K. Clark released hundreds of pages of his records during the Democratic primary campaign, including all evaluations of him by his superiors.

Bush earlier this year released 300 pages of documents after media outlets raised new questions about the extent of his National Guard service. Those records, which Bush promised during a Feb. 8 appearance on "Meet the Press" to make available, included many military evaluations and medical records.

White House communications director Dan Bartlett, in a telephone interview, contrasted Bush's action with that of Kerry's. "The president made a pledge before the American people, and he made his complete file available to the media and the public," Bartlett said. "They were able to review all of his medical records, and we fully released the remainder of his military files, including evaluations and performance sheets as well as days served. The president lived up to his commitment he made to the public, and we should expect the same from his opponent."

The question about Kerry's military records came up when Tim Russert, the moderator of "Meet The Press," asked the Massachusetts senator about a story in the Globe last week that quoted Kerry's former commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Grant Hibbard, as saying that he raised questions about Kerry's first Purple Heart. Hibbard said that he had heard from others in the office that there were questions about whether Kerry and his crew took enemy fire, and Hibbard observed that Kerry's wound was minor, resembling a fingernail scrape. Purple Heart regulations say nothing about the severity of the wound. The campaign earlier this year showed the Globe a record verifying that Kerry was treated for the wound and that shrapnel was removed. That document was cited in last week's story, which was based on the forthcoming book, "John F. Kerry: The Complete Biography," written by a team of Globe reporters.

Meehan said yesterday that the campaign would show that document to what he called "legitimate" news organizations. He said other records previously shared with the Globe -- including documents describing Kerry's actions when he was awarded the Silver and Bronze stars -- would be shared with other reporters. Asked whether Kerry would release his evaluations, as Clark did during the primaries, Meehan responded: "We don't have Wesley Clark's evaluations." Asked directly whether Kerry would release all of his own evaluations, Meehan repeated that the campaign would release only the records already made available.

Meehan similarly said no new records would be released when asked if the campaign would make public other medical records besides the one related to the first Purple Heart.

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Thiebear and ofiss,

did you see Storm's post with the link from factcheck.com?


Check it out. Or at least check it out with regards to that ad. IT vertainly paints a different picture than Bush's backers it yet another smear campaign. It would be funny if it hadn't been so successful against a senator who lost multiple appendages. Somebody, probably multiple somebodies will probably believe with out verifying these comercials.

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If Michael Moore does a movie that has 59 lies in it but has 5 stories that are real and should be discussed to you push the 5 aside?

If Ihatekerry.com puts out an article on Kerry that is correct should it be pushed aside because in 92 they backed a commercial that was slamming can't remember his name that lost 3 limbs in the war and didnt get a purple heart?

I'd have to say nope.. each merits its own common sense test and if it fails then so be it. If it is correct it should be talked about so people like me can be brough up to speed on the truth and consequences thereof....

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was that for me? I simply put the a link to the info about the veracity of the ad. You say you want to be brought up to speed. Do your homework then. Read the research. IT talks about the ad's claim on each of the medals.

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I am doing the reading and i am doing the research.. I posted what i thought of the ad in a different thread...

And it was not pointed at you .. it is a "general thought" post...

Not a pointing at you post...

Anywho... The website is hugely biases that JW pointed to :)

And I like his McCain comments... that mans on fire.......

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Originally posted by Thiebear

****** For those that think he has done what he promised he

would do. *****

The guy that keeps making the false claim?

Would that be the very liberal Boston Globe or Thiebear? ;)

Kerry refuses to release more records

By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | April 20, 2004


Yeah, false claim. Your article is dated April 20. Here's one from April 22nd. I'm sure there are many, many more if you (gasp!) take the time to look. This has been common knowledge for some time.


So again, where can I see the photocopy of Bush's DD214? His Alabama paperwork?

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It's really sad how the misinformation tactics have made people lazy. They want to hate Kerry but they refuse to visit his site and find out for themselves what he stands for.

They instead prefer to read the made up trash by the same GOP hit squad that has been used before.

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BTW - anyone catch the articles yesterday that showed Jerry Corsi's, Co-Author of "Unfit for Command," Free Republic Posts?

Here are some good ones.....

"After he married TerRAHsa, didn't John Kerry begin practicing Judaism? He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry?"

There goes the Jewish support

"So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the lawyers rip the gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one dies, but that's probably about it."

There goes the Catholic support

This guy is a real winner.

To see what the compassionate conservatives at FR have to say about it click <a href="http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1188927/posts"> here </a>

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Some more quotes from the infamous author (from Destion's link)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- One of the authors of a new anti-John Kerry book frequently posted comments on a conservative Web site describing Muslims and Catholics as pedophiles and Pope John Paul II as senile.

But as he prepared to launch the book, "Unfit for Command," Jerry Corsi apologized for the remarks in an interview with The Associated Press Tuesday, saying they were meant as a joke and he never intended to offend anyone.

In chat room entry last year on freerepublic.com, Corsi writes: "Islam is a peaceful religion -- just as long as the women are beaten, the boys buggered and the infidels are killed."

In another entry, he says: "So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the lawyers rip the gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one dies, but that's probably about it."

Corsi, who described himself as a "devout Catholic," said the comments are being taken out of context. "I considered them a joke," said Corsi, who owns a financial services company and has written extensively on the anti-war movement.

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