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Jansen : I knew exactly what happened. I t just popped. I'm not worried about it. I'll come back from it. Not for sure untill they do a MRI. Four months best recovery time. Never had to deal with this before. I'm frustrated. Could've been alot worse. They're saying 5-6 months recovery, but my goal is 4 months.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Jansen : I knew exactly what happened. I t just popped. I'm not worried about it. I'll come back from it. Not for sure untill they do a MRI. Four months best recovery time. Never had to deal with this before. I'm frustrated. Could've been alot worse. They're saying 5-6 months recovery, but my goal is 4 months.

I feel so poorly for him. He's a guy who's emerged as a captain entering the prime of his career. I know he's a hard worker and I know he's going to work his way back and be as good as ever. Get better soon, Jon.

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Gibbs : Couldn't get stuff going. I'm disapointed. Tim got us going. Hit a fade we'd been trying for. I feel good about Tim. Denver D was playing real aggressive.

Need to keep alot of time between plays. I don't want a rushed call out there.

Still a big learning curve for me. We got a select group to make the call on challenges & another group to make the call on 2 pt conversions.

Being inducted was special for me. Had a great party w/friends.

Team worked hard to prepare. Defense kept us in it the 1st half. Gotta watch the film. Film will help alot.

Denver played tough.

Morton was laughing when he saw Gibbs' display in the Hall with two projecters. Gibbs said that kinda dated him with todays technology.

Afterwards Gary Clark said "Gibbs is ticked. He's happy with the win, but he's NOT happy with the way the O moved the ball."

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The team should do the right thing and put Jansen on the IR. Jansen's ego could easily get in the way of a smooth recovery and the last thing we need is to have this injury turn into some lingering nightmare that's going to continue to hamper Jansen for the rest of his career.

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I would not be happy either. I think they have a lot of work to do.

It's only been one week of training camp. The mistakes and lack of production tonight will highlight the areas that need to be worked on.

Hopefully, Gibbs will get them on track.

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Lavar : I'm proud of my Rook. Sean Taylor. WOW! Rufus Brown looked good. It is Brown, isn't it. We just call him Rufus. We didn't show much on D. We just kept it very basic. We didn't want OT. We got the ball & just went down there & scored.

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Originally posted by panthro

It almost seemed like the entire offense just let down when Jansen got injured. Brunnell made a comment about the guys in the huddle were down.

Gotta think that had something to do with our offense tonight.

thats a good point. i know it put a damper on my night.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Lavar : We didn't show much on D. We just kept it very basic. We didn't want OT. We got the ball & just went down there & scored.

Wow.. Man, I saw Linebackers running all over the place. They didn't show much?? I can't wait to see the full package. Either it's been a terrifically long offseason or I just forgot how aggresive defenses are if that was basic.

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I think Marcus Washington is going to be a pleasant surprise this year. I believe his play is going to over shadow LaVar's. Greg Williams has all ready been talking him up during training camp.

Speaking LaVar, when is going to learn to shed a blocker or side step or avoid a blocker. It's almost as if he's made of metal and the blocker is a magnet that he's drawn too.

Ramsey looked a lot like last year. Getting hit as he threw the ball. Having balls batted at the line of scrimmage. Sidestepping a defender and having to throw an ugly duck. Having to hurry after making an audible at the line. Having to call time out because the clock was running out. Fumbling a snap. Overthrowing an open receiver. I thought I was watching a replays of last year's games.

Don't get me wrong. Brunell didn't look any better but I didn't have to watch him last year trying to QB this team.

If last night's game is any indication, Iffy is in trouble. He looked slow out there and was late getting to the plays.

Cliff Russell and Taylor Jacobs need to get healthy so they can show what they can do. There seems to be a big dropoff after our top 3 WR's.

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