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Thinking Skins

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Ok, I'm a lazy dude, but I've got to get to the bottom of this. I just saw an episode of Southpark that coultn't be right. They made the Mormons out to be some stupid people who read his story from God out of a hat to some scriber.

I just need to know if I'm wrong with this information.

Its really to lie about somebody and get a cheap joke, its much much worse to laugh this hard about true stuff. So I pray to God that this episode was a lie.

Does anybody know anything about this, and if so, could you help me out?

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Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon religion. It is belived that he supposedly spoke with an angel. Also Mormons believe Smith's 1830 translation of the Book of Mormon was based on writings he found on gold plates left by Hebrews who migrated to the Americas in 600 BC and were later visited by a resurrected Jesus Christ. It is very cultish in nature, in my opinion.

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Originally posted by blakman211

Ok, I'm a lazy dude, but I've got to get to the bottom of this. I just saw an episode of Southpark that coultn't be right. They made the Mormons out to be some stupid people who read his story from God out of a hat to some scriber.

I just need to know if I'm wrong with this information.

Its really to lie about somebody and get a cheap joke, its much much worse to laugh this hard about true stuff. So I pray to God that this episode was a lie.

Does anybody know anything about this, and if so, could you help me out?

Amusingly, I don't think that episode was too far off the mark (I've seen it before).

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I read somewhere awhile back that Trey Parker, I think, was born into the Mormon Religion. Later in life he became inactive. So that is why you see the skits on Mormonism. If you were able to watch all of the episodes over the life of the show, they have done a lot of bashing.

As for the religion itself, yes, it tends to be cultish in lots of ways. Since living out here you deal with that. I have a lot of Mormon friends who are great with me. Although I have many, many issues with the Church itself. There are too many to go into here.

An example of the cultish behavior was a few months ago when the wife of the Church President died around 6 pm. All of the news stations reported on it but KSL-5 shocked me on how they reported it. KSL-5 is owned by the Church by the way. The news anchors were on the verge of tears when they were reporting her death. To me that was just strange.

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I think the summary provided by the Mormon boy at the end of that SP episode hit the nail on the head: Who cares if you believe in a lie if that belief gives someone faith and makes them a better person? Whether you worship God, Allah, or the Taco Bell Dog doesn't really matter....it's if you are a good person.

I was surprised to find out that the Mormon religion was based on, shall we say, dubious accounts and stories.

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According to some, all religions are based on dubious accounts and stories

I'd say knowing Southpark, this was one of many shots taken at just about everything including many religions, and the reference to the hat thing was no doubt poking fun at the 'legend" of now the writings were found. Not as strange as some, but stranger than others. Depending on your point of view of course.

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I think most religions have rituals and beliefs that could seem bizarre and even cultish to an outsider being exposed to them for the first time.

That is just the nature of religion. Religions have some degree of faith involved where the people are required to believe things that are not fully scientifically proven, which to those not of the religion might be very strange and hard to comprehend.

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yeah, Trey Parker was definitely born into the Mormon faith. maybe matt stone was too, but i think just the blonde one, trey.

There were a coiuple of Mormons on my HS wrestling team, and i invariably had to room with one of them at wrestling camp every year. (Don't be ofeended by me saying "one of them" its not racist)Every night he would read pssages from his "Book of Mormon" which is basically the bible for mormons. The Book of Mormon, I believe was written by Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism. So Mormons across the country, every night read passages from a book written by their "spiritual guide", telling them how to live and act and what not to do.

From what I understand Trey Parker was kicked out of the Mormon Church for some of his actions as a youth. BTW, from talking with the Mormons at wrestling camp at night and asking questions, it is extremely easy to get kicked out of the church, as all actions are reviewable and accounted for by the priest or parishioner that they have. They all seemed to be pretty scared of the parishioner guy. A lot of Trey Parker's stuff is mormon based, in Orgazmo he played the main character, a Mormon in need of money who turns to porno. Pretty funny, too.

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Originally posted by Zero Cool

While we are on the topic of religion, if anybody has some interesting insights on The Book of Revelation(from The Bible), I would love to hear them

No theory too bizarre.

well, on that topic, I take the bible as a whole as not being too different from the Book of Mormon. That is, a book given to cult members to tell them how they are to act. Don't get angry, its my opinion. How are we to truly know if Jesus was any different than, say, David Koresh? It seems to me that Christianity and the Bible took off about the same time that the printing press was developed, hence the bible is the best-seling book in history. I'm not discrediting Jesus or anything, I believe that he lived(we have proof he lived), and i believe he had some sort of supernatural insights, but that just leads me to believe that he was some sort of powerful psychic or seer. Unfortunatley Jesus didn't write the bible, his followers who believed he was truly created by God did. Would we give a book written by Koresh's followers any credit? Who knows what kind of miracles they could have said he performed while he was in there. Maybe if we didn't see him and them pointing guns out the windows and lighting things on fire, but there was no CNN 2000 years ago.

I'm not saying i don't believe in religion, i'm an extremely spiritual person, just not in a religious way. Everyone should take the time to find thier own beliefs, not get them from a book written by other humans, who are just as full of it as anyone else.

Oh, and yes i think the world will eventually swallow us humans up, but it will let a few of us survive to start it all over again, with a new outlook.

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Originally posted by Zero Cool

While we are on the topic of religion, if anybody has some interesting insights on The Book of Revelation(from The Bible), I would love to hear them

No theory too bizarre.

Like most apocalyptic literature, it was a book of hope written to people in despair.



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I want to start by saying that I mean no offense to any Mormons who read this.

My family is very aware of Mormon activities. My wife of 10 years was raised as a Mormon by her astranged father. I will just give you a few specifics and you can decide if this cult is a legit religion(based soley on actions by it's members)

This is negative and hard for me to do, so please bear with me.

My wife has 9 siblings. Her mom was pregnant every single year for 10 years straight. All kids were born at home w/ no MD present (one baby died at birth when it was breech). Her mom was forced to sign an "intercourse contract"

with her dad to have sex a certain number of time daily until 10 children were born. Her mom died last year of Breast Cancer. It was said that the numerous childbirths was a part of the cause.

Every kid in her family was severly abused both physically and sexually. This was supported by the Mormon elders.

Wife was placed in foster care along with 5 of her siblings. Mom went crazy and her dad was caught molesting my youngest brother in law.

We are still contacted almost weekly by representatives of the Mormons. They tell us it's random chance that they somehow end up calling or visiting my family in particular.

We have restraining orders against my wifes father (to keep him away from our children and my wife). He calls us and just breaths into the phone a few times a week.(he has admitted this)

If growing up Mormon for my wife is indicative of that life for the rest of the cult, I think they should be wiped from the face of the Earth. What so-called religion can condone abuse to women and children, polygamy and incest, while not allowing the "normal" things in life?

Mormons feel that all who are not Mormons are evil and going to hell. They feel that they need to reproduce as many mormons as possible to build an "army" of Mormons to run the planet after the apocolypse(sp?)

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Originally posted by Zero Cool

While we are on the topic of religion, if anybody has some interesting insights on The Book of Revelation(from The Bible), I would love to hear them

No theory too bizarre.

Many people now believe that Revelations was in referance to the fall of Rome, as Rome was the world at that time.

Hebrew codes used numbers to have the meanings of letters and the history channel showed that the number "666" was translated using these codes to be "nero caesar".

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skin-n-vegas -

Sounds like your wife's father was a member of a break-off version of the mainstream Mormon church, much the same way the Branch Davidians were a breakoff of 7th Day Adventists. The Mormon church condemns child and spousal abuse, and has not practiced polygamy in nearly 100 years.

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Trey Parker definitely likes to put things in his shows about Mormons, particularly "Orgazmo" and "Cannibal! The Musical". He never actually was one. He just grew up with a lot of them in Colorado.

I found this quote from an interview with Trey Parker about the movie Orgazmo.


Have you known any Mormons in your own life?

Oh yeah, I grew up in Colorado, so we had a lot of Mormons that we went to school with. Actually, my first girlfriend was Mormon. Every Mormon I've ever met is a great person, and to me this was a great character—I didn't go out of my way to make him give up his religion, like Joe's been stupid all this time. He remains a Mormon, he wins, he destroys evil, and stays a Mormon. The Mormons win.

Interestingly enough, when we were in pre-production on Orgazmo and we were living down in Playa del Rey [California], two Mormons came knocking on the door. I said, "Oh, thank you. Come on in," and it was perfect because I was working on those scenes where they were knocking on the doors. I sat there and listened to their whole spiels and afterward I said, "Thank you, I can't thank you enough. I'm writing a movie about you guys and you just totally helped me." They were just like, "Oh."

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Originally posted by Zero Cool

Trey Parker definitely likes to put things in his shows about Mormons, particularly "Orgazmo" and "Cannibal! The Musical". He never actually was one. He just grew up with a lot of them in Colorado.

I found this quote from an interview with Trey Parker about the movie Orgazmo.


I stand corrected, gonna have to give my friend a big punch in the face for that bad info.

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Originally posted by Zero Cool

Trey Parker definitely likes to put things in his shows about Mormons, particularly "Orgazmo" and "Cannibal! The Musical". He never actually was one. He just grew up with a lot of them in Colorado.

I found this quote from an interview with Trey Parker about the movie Orgazmo.


Thanks Zero Cool for setting that straight.

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Mormonism is one of the few faiths that I have little or no respect for. Before you get your panties all in a bunch, please let me explain.

I do my best to respect people of other faiths as well as the religions themselves. Therefore, while I may not subscribe to your faith, I can discuss and appreciate it's place in the greater world of religious thought. However, I draw the line at blatant falsehood which has been discredited by the Tanners and many others.

Essentially, they have proven that Mormonism is nothing more than the fantasies of Joseph Smith. The Mormon church has sued them for libel/slander several times and lost each time when the Tanners research proved that what they said was factual.

However, the fact that the doctrine has been proven false over and over isn't the only reason for my harsh opinion of it. Were it a largely false yet harmless doctrine I wouldn't have a problem with it. However, the racism evident in their doctrine as well as their trampling of the rights of innocent children makes it an open and shut case for me.

I'm sure Mormonism brings spiritual comfort to many and is a large part of their lives. However, I'm sure the same could be said for the brand of Islam of the Al-Qaeda folks as well. Neither one is acceptable in my opinion.

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I am not a morman.

I am married to a morman.

Everyone on my coaching staff except me is morman.

Pretty much every person who lives in my neighborhood is morman. Hell, they're building a church 100 yds from my house.

Well over half of the guys on played college football with were morman.

I would say that I am fairly well versed in the morman culture.

skin n vegas, you need to take a moment and learn about which religion your wife grew up in and maybe help her understand a few things because I can say that it is not the morman religion that I am around on a daily basis. I am a hop, skip and a jump from BYU. You can't get much closer then where I am at.

I would be happy to help with info if its necessary.

BTW, I am NEVER approached by any memember of the church asking to convert me or anything. It takes one time to inform the local Bishop that I have no desire to listen to testimonies or any other aspect of the church. Missionaries are great kids who are very understanding and are never a bother.

I don't believe in the Church's gospel but I would back them up because I know through many experiences that the majority of the memembers are class acts.

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Guest masterc74


i am a mormon. some of the things that have been presented in this thread are false. i know that people are going to be uneasy with things that they do not understand. i will not even try to go into most of the things that are not true. i only want to point out one thing. more than one religon has had its problem with individuals that do bad things. take the time to find out if it is the individual or the religon that you have a problem with. educate yourself and then make an informed decision.


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Originally posted by Zero Cool

While we are on the topic of religion, if anybody has some interesting insights on The Book of Revelation(from The Bible), I would love to hear them

No theory too bizarre.

EDIT: No theory can be so bizarre that I wouldn't want to hear it.

ZC, this site is the most accurate account of revelation you will find, as well as other biblical truth's, hope you like.


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Originally posted by Utah


I am not a morman.

I am married to a morman.

Everyone on my coaching staff except me is morman.

Pretty much every person who lives in my neighborhood is morman. Hell, they're building a church 100 yds from my house.

Well over half of the guys on played college football with were morman.

I would say that I am fairly well versed in the morman culture.

skin n vegas, you need to take a moment and learn about which religion your wife grew up in and maybe help her understand a few things because I can say that it is not the morman religion that I am around on a daily basis. I am a hop, skip and a jump from BYU. You can't get much closer then where I am at.

I would be happy to help with info if its necessary.

BTW, I am NEVER approached by any memember of the church asking to convert me or anything. It takes one time to inform the local Bishop that I have no desire to listen to testimonies or any other aspect of the church. Missionaries are great kids who are very understanding and are never a bother.

I don't believe in the Church's gospel but I would back them up because I know through many experiences that the majority of the memembers are class acts.

I agree, of all the mormons I've been around, they;ve all been extremely friendly. The families seemd happy, just strangely plain people.

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