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The White Album vs. London Calling


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I wonder if some of you guys that are dissing the Clash have ever actually given them a serious listen. It usually takes me dozens of listens to completely appreciate sprawling classics like London Calling, the White Album, Blonde on Blonde, etc. I'd be willing to bet if you picked up London Calling and listened to nothing else for two weeks, you'd fall in love with it.

And Layla is a fantastic album, it's probably number three or four behind the two mentioned in this thread and maybe Blonde on Blonde. Clapton's passion is really tangible on that record, and the title song has one of my favorite guitar solos ever. Wouldn't put it above White or London Calling, though...not as varied musically.

I prefer Clapton over almost any other guitarist...some say he's overrated, but his 30+ minute live jams in his early days were just insane. He's a technical master of the guitar. Had he died early like Hendirx, I have to believe he would be considered the greatest guitarist ever, as opposed to being relegated to 2nd place all the time.

Hendrix was more of an artist and a performer than a guitar player...I've never particularly enjoyed his music in album form, to tell you the truth. Just the way he moved, the clothes he wore, the whole mystical aura around him sometimes enhances his reputation as a guitar player beyond what it should be.

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They're both amazing, even to my generation. It's like comparing apples and oranges, and loving both of them. It depends on your mood. Some nights I'm driving home from work at 12:30 in the morning and it's been a long night, I'll play the White Album to wind the night down. On the other hand, you might be feeling angry or powerless, and London Calling is the perfect soundtrack. It all depends.

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Originally posted by unsonny

I thought this was a JOKE thread......white album all the way.......you wanna talk punk, please start with The Sex Pistols or The Buzz****s...come on.....The Clash?

Are you out of your f*cking skull? The Clash are the quintessential "punk" band. Punk isn't three-chord mayhem; it's an attitude, an ideal. It's believing in what you think is right and looking those against you right in their eyes and telling them to f*ck off. It's not anarchy and drugs, it's having beliefs and doing your best to act on them. Yeah, the Sex Pistols, Buzz****s, Ramones, MC5, etc., were punk. So were Public Enemy. So are the Beastie Boys. So is Elvis Costello, and if you really wanna go back far, you could even say the original Elvis was punk. Punk is believing in something and destroying anything that tries to stop you. Punk is the Clash.

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Originally posted by Riggotoni

Greatest punk band is kind of like saying the greatest kicker the Bengals ever had...

:point2sky :laugh: You da man Riggo :laugh:

I'm not a big punk fan, so I can't relate London Calling to what I feel is the best album of all time.

I usually don't jump in the music threds, because I lost my passion for music some time ago, but the Beatles White Album, IMO was the best album of all time. They used so much innovation and experimentation with musical sounds it's mindboggling.

Beatles hands down :)

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Sometimes I wonder if people are put off by The Clash because they are punk, and they don't think that's "their" kind of music. People, 70's British Punk does not equal Blink 182.

I would put The Clash in the top 10 (probably 5 actually) for most influential bands of all time. Without them we probably don't have the punk movement here to the extent we did. It's easy to write off the Pistols. It's easy to ignore The Ramones. We certainly don't get the second wave of Ska (or the third). We don't get bands like Green Day (for better or for worse). The entire late 70s and early 80's music landscape is different without The Clash.

I've never liked The Beatles. Ever. Just not my kind of thing. But I'm able to see the influence they've had. Same goes for Elvis.

Calling The Clash one or two hit wonders is like calling The Pixies unimportant due to their lack of hits.

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Originally posted by DCogan1820 saved my baby

Are you out of your f*cking skull? The Clash are the quintessential "punk" band. Punk isn't three-chord mayhem; it's an attitude, an ideal. It's believing in what you think is right and looking those against you right in their eyes and telling them to f*ck off. It's not anarchy and drugs, it's having beliefs and doing your best to act on them. Yeah, the Sex Pistols, Buzz****s, Ramones, MC5, etc., were punk. So were Public Enemy. So are the Beastie Boys. So is Elvis Costello, and if you really wanna go back far, you could even say the original Elvis was punk. Punk is believing in something and destroying anything that tries to stop you. Punk is the Clash.


Great post! The only thing I would argue (and this is just quibbling) is that Elvis Costello is not punk. He was smart and angry but not a punk.

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You see, I can't deal with this belief that punk is nothing more than an attitude. It's a style of music. So, you can't go around saying that anything is punk, but because of the way the people were. Public Enemy wasn't punk. Elvis Costello was influenced by punk, and admitted that while recording "My Aim is True" he was pretty much listening to the Clash constantly. Knowing this makes it all the more impressive that he was able to stick to a blues rock root the whole way through that record. I do however agree that person who said that the Sex Pistols and the Buzz****s were more important that clash was out of his (as you so eloquently put it) ****ing skull.

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It's all in the eye of the beholder. The scene started around that style of music, but eventually it branched out into an attitude and a lifestyle. Personally, while I'm one rebellious SOB, I'm not a punk. I just listen to the music. It's really all what you make it, but to say the Clash weren't punk is just idiotic.

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See, it gets on my nerves when people call the Clash sellouts for going mainstream with London Calling. That was a masterpiece for so many reasons, and they weren't mired in what punk was quickly becoming...a genre based more on marketing than actual music. The Clash had talent and smarts, and they demonstrated that on London Calling. Just because it sounds polished instead of like absolute $hit doesn't mean they sold out.

Fugazi? Come on. They're nothing compared to the Clash.

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I have yet to see one of the "opinion" threads that actually changed someone's mind.

I think the White Album was better. So do some others.

Other [tonedeaf] people think London Calling is better. Have any of the dissertations regarding the White Album brought these poor souls into alignment with the Universe? Are dogs and cats now living together? Is there really no place like home?Should we really trust our car to the man who wears the star?

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Fugazi? Come on. They're nothing compared to the Clash.

I think <i>Fugazi</i> is better than <i>The Clash</i>. <i>London Calling</i> is better than anything <i>Fugazi</i> released, but <i>Fugazi</i> Released 8 great albums, <i>The Clash</i> released two good albums out of 6 or 7.

It's weird to think of album like <i>London Calling</i> and <i>Blonde on Blonde</i> as double albums, because I'm not old enough to remember records, and I own them both on one CD.

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I think London Calling was more diverse. The Beatles wer ethe kings, no doubt and they were groundbreaking. The album shocked people and set the trends. London Calling went nowhere near as noticed as the White Album, but spawned so many spin-off bands that we are still getting to this day.

The Clash also made it acceptable for an underground band to diversify and go mainstream, through just that. Diversification. These days, bands just play whatever style their hits evoke and then they are called sell outs. Take Creed, Metallica and Incubus for example. All had good early albums, but once the hits couaght on, the musicality diminished as well as the exploration adn diveristy in styles. the bands regressed instead of progressed.

Look at fishbone. Perfect example of the opposite of what I am talking about. Even Pantera. they just barreled on until there was really nowhere left to go and split. (although that isn't the real reason they broke up)

Like the White Album, there isn't one bad song on London Calling. However- every song is different-

Just look and remeber each song and how the styles and influences vary so much from song to song. It's a masterpiece IMO.

Plus with Lee Perry manning the studio, they were able to go out on a limb there....

1. London Calling -

2. Brand New Cadillac -

3. Jimmy Jazz -

4. Hateful - r

5. Rudie Can't Fail -

6. Spanish Bombs -

7. Right Profile

8. Lost in the Supermarket

9. Clampdown

10. Guns of Brixton

11. Wrong 'Em Boyo

12. Death or Glory

13. Koka Kola

14. Card Cheat

15. Lover's Rock

16. Four Horsemen

17. I'm Not Down

18. Revolution Rock

19. Train in Vain (Stand by Me)

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I'm still stunned by that songlist, even though I've seen it thousands of times since it's release. It just blazes from amazing song to amazing song with no filler to be found.

Four Horsemen is probably the weakest cut, and that would be a standout on most other albums.

London Calling is the only record I can listen to over and over again and not get bored along with the White Album and Marquee Moon by Television.

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

I have yet to see one of the "opinion" threads that actually changed someone's mind.

I think the White Album was better. So do some others.

Other [tonedeaf] people think London Calling is better. Have any of the dissertations regarding the White Album brought these poor souls into alignment with the Universe? Are dogs and cats now living together? Is there really no place like home?Should we really trust our car to the man who wears the star?

Well, those people are responding incorrectly to this thread. No one asked, which album is better. That would be a ridiculous debate. He instead asked which album you prefer and why. I definitely think if we did this same thread on a message board that was predominately british or predominately music expers, the poll would be much closer.

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I'm punk through and through. I went with The White Album. I always thought London Calling was overrated. If it was the Clash's S/T debut in the poll instead I would have at least thought about it. The White Album is a masterpiece. Especialy when you consider that the songs are mostly solo efforts put together so perfectly.

Sorry. I don't know how to multy qoute very easily.

As for the quintessential punk band, its The Ramones. Period. End of story. No discussion.

Did a 21 tear old kid actually say that The Beatles were known for never putting out a great album? Re-read that Spin article and do your homework.

I thought Fugazi was too cool to be "punk". If the band refuses to let people mosh at their shows, they are not punk.

And lets not have Blink-182 in the same sentence with The Clash or even the word punk anymore, ok? Please?

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Originally posted by Mr. Nostril

I definitely think if we did this same thread on a message board that was predominately british or predominately music expers, the poll would be much closer.

Maybe. And while The White Album is a great album, it is not the Beatles greatest album - That would be Abbey Road, in my opinion. Then Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Again, just my opinion.

So that leaves us with this - The Clash's best album vs. the Beatles 3rd best album, and according to the poll taken here, the 3rd best album is winning.

Now for some facts:

The beatles started a world wide revolution whose effects are strongly felt to this day.


They have touched millions upon millions of people.


The biggest "flop" they had was was still a number one hit (Magical Mystery Tour).


The Beatles CD, "1", was a number 1 selling CD for weeks and weeks. Two interesting points about this CD -

#1 - It was released approximately 30 years after the group broke up.

#2 - It contained no new material, no new versions of songs, or anything new at all. Just songs we've all heard before. It sold over 24 million copies. How many did London Calling sell?


Google the beatles.

Google the clash.


A new word was created to describe beatle fandom - beatlemania.


More people have covered beatle songs than the clash have as fans. (OK, I made that up.)


Paul McCartney was knighted by the British Empire for his work.

John Lennon has a shrine in Central Park.

George Harrison had a concert given for him after he died.

Ringo has a funny name.


Did somebody really have the audacity to compare the clash to the beatles?

That's like comparing the 1991 Redskins with the 2003 Redskins.

It's like real sex vs. masturbation.

It's like pictures vs. being there in person.

It's like a hole in one vs. a triple bogey.

It's like puppy vs. poopy.

Do you really want me to go on?

Can you take much more of this abuse?

Do you need a bigger boat?

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Since when does more public acceptance=better? The Beatles were a cultural phenomenon, no doubt, and they were great. Again the thread didn't ask you to make any attempt to be objective. It just asked which album you preferred. Living in America, where the Clash only had two hit songs after their glory days, it's inevitable that The Beatles will beat them out. If only because a significantly larger number of people are more familiar with the white album.

I agree with you that the white album is only the Beatles 3rd best album, but I think Revolver and Rubber Soul are the two that are better.

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Originally posted by Sebowski

I'm punk through and through. I went with The White Album. I always thought London Calling was overrated. If it was the Clash's S/T debut in the poll instead I would have at least thought about it. The White Album is a masterpiece. Especialy when you consider that the songs are mostly solo efforts put together so perfectly.

Sorry. I don't know how to multy qoute very easily.

As for the quintessential punk band, its The Ramones. Period. End of story. No discussion.

Did a 21 tear old kid actually say that The Beatles were known for never putting out a great album? Re-read that Spin article and do your homework.

I thought Fugazi was too cool to be "punk". If the band refuses to let people mosh at their shows, they are not punk.

And lets not have Blink-182 in the same sentence with The Clash or even the word punk anymore, ok? Please?


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Originally posted by Sebowski

Did a 21 tear old kid actually say that The Beatles were known for never putting out a great album? Re-read that Spin article and do your homework.

How about it I ignore <i>Spin</i> altogether, and you re-read my post. I didn't say the Beatles were known for never putting out a great album. I said that in my opinion they weren't notable for their great albums. Rather that it's amazing that every album they released was very good. Obviously an opinion. Considering the fact that I said "I'll probably get some resistance for this", shows that I'm aware that this is different from popular and critical opinion. I understand why you decided to write your post the way you did. It's easier to make someone look ridiculous when you misrepresent them. If you did it accidentally then you need to read better. If you did it on purpose then you need to stop.

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Originally posted by Mr. Nostril

Since when does more public acceptance=better? The Beatles were a cultural phenomenon, no doubt, and they were great. Again the thread didn't ask you to make any attempt to be objective. It just asked which album you preferred. Living in America, where the Clash only had two hit songs after their glory days, it's inevitable that The Beatles will beat them out. If only because a significantly larger number of people are more familiar with the white album.

I agree with you that the white album is only the Beatles 3rd best album, but I think Revolver and Rubber Soul are the two that are better.

Public Acceptance = Better?

I agree, not usually. But in this case, the general public has good taste.

I can accept that some people prefer London Calling. that's not what I took issue with, and I don't even remember how this debate branched out. I do remember saying that I did not know the clash very well. Then someone accused me of being an American. Like it was a bad thing, and should be used as an excuse to forgive me.

Lest we forget, the Beatles were British also, just like the Clash. The Beatles started a musical revolution. The Clash started their car.

No don't get me wrong, I am not mad or upset about anything. Well, I'm not too happy about my last gasoline bill, but that is a different subject.

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Originally posted by Sebowski

Sorry. I don't know how to multy qoute very easily.

Right next to the quote button is a checkbox. Check as many as you want on one page. Then click the multi-quote button at the bottom of the page.

I've never had luck with multi-quoting across several pages.

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