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Holdouts leading to strike


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This isn't specific to any one team, but its the offseason, and I need some football discussion.

Does anybody else look 5 or 10 years down the NFL road and see MLB of the mid-late '90s? I see it coming in the way all these players are holding out for these absolutely over-the-top ridiculous contracts. I haven't been to many NFL games, they're just too damn expensive, $60 for one nosebleed seat? Anyways, the more these players get paid every year, the higher the ticket prices will go and less and less fans will be able to afford a live game experience. So they'll stop going, and teams will have less and less money to spend on players. Then when the league's income can no longer support these primadonna players' extreme demands, there will be new negotiations between the owners and players union, and we all know what happens when Owners and Players try to negotiate.

Remember MLB in '94?

That's when i completely lost interest in baseball because of the players being such little ****es. What changed from when these guys were kids, didn't we all say we'd be happy to play for free? I know i did. Suddenly $600k to play football for one year is a slap in the face. Most people work ****ty jobs that they hate for YEARS, with a lifetime of salary that never reaches that amount of money. What the hell have we done to sports in this country?

When a football player holds out from mini/training camp, it makes me want to puke. Kudos to Lavar for being a man and coming to practice with his TEAMMATES, even though he's having contract disputes with management. I love you Lavar. You're a true football player.

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Originally posted by nace14

don't vote for bush and the economy will improve, vote for bush and there is a chance of this happening.

a vote for bush = end of football

how would you ever be able to live with yourself then?

Yes this is one of the most S*!+ for Brains post I've ever read here. And believe me I've read many here.

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Yes some players hold out for more money, but beside the Poston brothers and their clients, the NFL is not as bad as MLB was in the 90's.

I am interested to see what the new TV contract coming up in a year or two is going to be, and see what impact that has on the cap and salaries if any.

I agree that the cost to attend a game is pretty high and getting more expensive every year.

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it just worries the crap out of me, because i couldn't watch a game of baseball until just this year. I was only 12 at the time, and i LOVED baseball, i think the 94 strike probably scarred me for life.. .I don't want my love of football to be taken away as well.

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The NFL pretty much learned it's lesson after the '87 season. They start working with the NFLPA long before the NFL/Union contract is up. We won't see the NFLPA call for a strike.

If we did, unlike baseball, we'd still have NFL football. The NFL will bring in replacement players untill a viable contract is reached with the NFLPA. Then as in the past, the Redskins will win the Super Bowl... :D

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Isn't the current labor contract in effect until 2007? Aren't they working on an extension to move it until 2011?

I think the NFL is the league that other sports should look to for labor peace. Revenue sharing, salary cap, good relationship with players assoc., etc.

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MLB always has problems because their PA (Players Association, aka the Union) is way too strong. Whenever the players gripe, the MLB bends over and takes it up the behind. For example, steroids and what not, the MLB wants better testing -- at least equivalent to NBA/NFL, but the MLBPA basically said no. Thats why the Government stepped in and whatever.

Okay that was a tangent, the NFLPA isn't that strong, and the working relationship with the NFL is very strong. Also, the ticket revenues make up something like 20% of player salaries. This in comparison to the NHL, where nearly 80% goes straight to player salaries. If you're worried about any ticket prices, its gonna be the NHL. The NFL has plenty of money from everything else, TV, advertising, merchandising, etc. Redskins tickets are the most expensive because Snyder wants it to be.

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Originally posted by smoot hoggy hog

something that has to be considered is that ticket sales only make up a portion (and i think it is a small portion) of a teams revenue. advertising and corporate sponsers are where all the bling-bling comes from.

The real BLING-BLING comes from the TV contracts.

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Why shouldn't they keep making their millions? They've earned it unlike some people that think they should not work for there money so the millionaires can waste it on on them lazy A$$. Yea don't vote for bush (what a load of crap).

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Agreed VAsBeachBoy I think People making their money in the upper tier should be left alone they earned that money flat out, and they shouldn't be taxed on some stupid give to the poor if they don't want to. Plus those people that are poor have as much opportunity as anyone, and should get a job. I'm no millionaire, but I'm young married, and trying to get by. I think George has done a good job. Sorry about my soap box, and yes I know this is in the wrong forum to post this, but couldn't resist.

GO SKINS!!!!!!

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Originally posted by 3CardMonte

As for elections The Redskins have only made the playoffs 1 year when a democrat was in office...and he was impeached.


Since we're relating politics to football, we've won 3 superbowls since the fall of the whig party.

i dunno, those 'sports center-esque' stats always bother me....

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