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Female Prez of Colorado U


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On korny heiser replacement and rush's show

The Female President of the University of Colorado (yeah the one with the sex assault allegedly scandals) has said in response to a football player calling former female kicker a four letter word that the word in question can be used endearingly.

The word begins with a C and rhymes with Hunt.

She claims that being a medieval major that back in those times, C**t had a positive meaning.

Time for me to google.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

On korny heiser replacement and rush's show

The Female President of the University of Colorado (yeah the one with the sex assault allegedly scandals) has said in response to a football player calling former female kicker a four letter word that the word in question can be used endearingly.

The word begins with a C and rhymes with Hunt.

She claims that being a medieval major that back in those times, C**t had a positive meaning.

Time for me to google.

Wow, I thought for a second you were going to google the "c" word. You would be a VERY busy boy. Just for etymological research, of course. :laugh:

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That word is only a term of endearment for drivers who cut you off in traffic and is usually preceded by some other term or terms that may or may not be obscene. It really doesn't fit too well with other endearing words but works great in the traffic situation. "Stupid $#%@*& c___!!!!!!" when cut off on the freeway is excellent. "Awwww, baby. You sweet little c___, you," over a candlelight dinner is not.

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Now she is crying about it!!!!

Colorado prez brought to tears over vulgarity controversy

June 16, 2004

SportsLine.com wire reports

DENVER -- The University of Colorado president began to cry during an interview after the release of a transcript that showed her refusing to condemn a football player's alleged use of a vulgar anatomical term to describe a female teammate.


An attorney told Betsy Hoffman during a heated legal deposition this month in a federal court case that the vulgar reference had been used by a player to describe then-teammate Katie Hnida.

The attorney asked Hoffman whether she thought the term was "a filthy and vile word."

Hoffman replied it was a "swear word" and its meaning depended on the circumstances in which it was used, according to a copy of the June 5 deposition released by the school Tuesday.

Asked if it could ever be used in a polite context, Hoffman replied: "Yes, I've actually heard it used as a term of endearment."

Hoffman defended her answer Tuesday in a meeting with Durango Herald reporters and editors, but said she should have phrased it differently.

"I was immediately sorry I said it," she said.

Hoffman began to cry at one point in the discussion at the Herald and left the room briefly to compose herself, the newspaper reported.

University spokeswoman Michele Ames said Hoffman knows the word has "negative connotations" today but it did not in its original use centuries ago.

"Because she is a medieval scholar, she is also aware of the long history of the word dating back to at least Chaucer," Ames said.

Fourteenth-century English writer Geoffrey Chaucer used the word in his sometimes-bawdy classic The Canterbury Tales.

The deposition came in a lawsuit filed by three other women who say they were sexually assaulted by football athletes in 2001.

A member of the Board of Regents and others said they were appalled by what they called Hoffman's lack of sensitivity.

The comments recalled football coach Gary Barnett's ill-fated description of Hnida in February as an "awful player" after she told Sports Illustrated she had been raped by a teammate in 2000.

Barnett was suspended shortly afterward by Hoffman, who said his comments about Hnida and another woman accusing an athlete of rape had stunned her.

Regent Jim Martin called Hoffman's comments "more outrageous" because they were made under oath by the university's top leader.

"I'm embarrassed for the university, I'm embarrassed for her and, quite frankly, it shocks the sense of human decency," Martin said. "She needs to give an immediate apology."

Hoffman had consistently drawn praise from regents and other university observers during a recruiting scandal, which has included allegations football athletes assaulted nine women during boozed-up parties. No criminal charges have been filed, but the school made sweeping changes to its athletics program.

It was another deposition that plunged the school into scandal earlier this year. Boulder County District Attorney Mary Keenan accused the school of using sex and alcohol to entice recruits to the Boulder campus.

An independent commission appointed by the regents concluded some players used sex and alcohol to entertain recruits, but no coach or school official knowingly sanctioned the practice.

Still pending are federal lawsuits that accuse Colorado of failing to protect women under federal Title IX law, which guarantees equal access to an education. The suits seek unspecified damages.


The Associated Press News Service

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Am I the only one who saw that episode of Sex and the City?

Anyway, if you're referring to the actual part of the anatomy, then the word means what it means. If you're referring to a person, its definitely intended to degrade, insult, etc. How did this woman get to be president of a university?

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In fairness to the CU prez' statement about the etymology of the word, there is a website that discusses the background of the word - it is a dissertation by Matthew Hunt entitled 'C*nt: A Cultural History' (but the word is spelled out, obviously). Interesting read, to say the least.


edited to say that I don't agree with her use of the word, or her argument that it was OK to use the word. I've been called that word once or twice in my life and it hurts.

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What I find funny is she thinks that the person who used the world was meaning something of the midevil times. Now if she said it maybe, but not a football player.

So what if the word was okay to say then, it isn't now and that is what matters. We can't go saying the n----- word everyday now but in the 1800's it was common :doh:

This might be a case where someone is thinking way to much.

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All I know is that if I said that word in the mere presence of my wife, let alone TO her, five seconds later all that would be left of me would be a pair of shoes and a pile of ash. I cannot imagine a context in the past four centuries that would allow for that term to be used endearingly.

You should have heard Mike and Mike talking about it this morning. Not the two most sensitive men in the world, and they went absolutely ballistic.

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In fairness to the CU prez' statement about the etymology of the word, there is a website that discusses the background of the word - it is a dissertation by Matthew Hunt entitled ...

You sure his name isn't Michael? (Bad Henry! BAD!) :D

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