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What was your most memeorable game at RFK under the Pre-Gibbs Era


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The most memorable game I ever attended was a Monday night game against the Denver Broncos. The stadium was the loudest I ever heard, the stands were rock'n like it was about to collapse any second! The redskins defense had brought their A-Game that night. by halftime John elway had been sacked (more like crushed!) at least four times. The skins had a commanding lead at the half. that night the squire had decided to retire John Riggins' uniform. the diesel horns were so loud..you can here it back in Georgetown! By the end of the third quarter the game was over...Denver's coach ( dan reeves had decided to take Elway out of the game ) Throughout the 4th quarter the crowd was yelling Elway continously...trying to get him back in the game for another beating. The climatic point of the game was when Art monk caught two consecutive passes thrown by mark rypien, and broke the NFL record for the most receptions ever.

:notworthy MONK

:mad: It still a mystery to me that he hasn't been inducted into the Hall of Fame!

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Originally posted by bnacpa

My most memorable was being at the first playoff game against the Falcons during the 1991 Superbowl season and seeing the yellow cushions being thrown from everywhere ... it was truly awesome!

Yeah that was truly amazing it is also my most memorable, It took them like 10 minutes to get all those cushions off the field If I remember correctly we were throwing the cushions at MC hammer I remember him crouching in a little ball and getting buried like in a swarm of yellow in those cushions. I never saw them give those cushions out at a game again, and the Boo's were almost defining, I was like 8 at the time, so the cushion threw hit some lady in the back of the head, it was pretty funny.

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If you're truly talking pre-Gibbs, I attended a Monday night at RFK in, I think, 1976 in a driving rainstorm where there must've been ten or more turnovers - mostly fumbles. The most memorable moment was an Eddie Brown punt return in the 4th quarter where he broke several tackles and stumbled into the endzone after scampering down the right sideline. It was an ugly game but a great win and best of all we were sitting in a mazanine box seat where we stayed dry all game. I think the final score was like 20-10.

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Sigh. Never made it to a game when I lived there

Did make it to a concert though. I remember doing the foot stomping thing for an encore, ( seats were about 45 yard line down low), thinking to myself, "This would be awsome at a Skins game." Sigh again.

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I was a wee lad and this was during the 83 season, I'm pretty sure. All I remember was hearing Rich Milot's name being called all night and the Skins crushing a decent Cardinals team 45-7!

It got dark real early, so I remember it being a black sky with the nightlights. It was exciting because the Skins kept making huge plays.


Wow, I misread this thread.

PRE-GIbbs? I didn't go Pre-Gibbs.

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I can't talk about Pre-Gibbs and being at RFK unfortunately. I was born in late 72 and by the time I was 8 or 9 years old, that is when I started following football. The first Gibbs moment I can remember was being in 1st grade at Bethesda Elementary School and another kid told me that Pardee was fired and that the new owner hired some guy named Gibbs.

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1972 NFC Championship game

Game I saw outside stadium, then showed up at parking lot in 4th quarter: Washington 24 Dallas 6 - It was crazy!!!!!

Gibbs Era

Game I attended:

1983 - November? - Washington 33 Giants 17 MNF

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My fave had nothing to do with the game at all. We had end zone seats at the time, right by the opposing team tunnel, and Brian cox was coming in talking all kinds of trash. Someone nearby yelled loudly "Brian"!!! He looked up and was promptly hit square in the face with a hot dog loaded with ketchup, mustard and the works. Cox was trying to climb up the crowd he was so pissed off.

it made me laugh...

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The most memorable game I ever attended was a Monday night game against the Denver Broncos. The stadium was the loudest I ever heard, the stands were rock'n like it was about to collapse any second! The redskins defense had brought their A-Game that night. by halftime John elway had been sacked (more like crushed!) at least four times. The skins had a commanding lead at the half. that night the squire had decided to retire John Riggins' uniform. the diesel horns were so loud..you can here it back in Georgetown! By the end of the third quarter the game was over...Denver's coach ( dan reeves had decided to take Elway out of the game ) Throughout the 4th quarter the crowd was yelling Elway continously...trying to get him back in the game for another beating. The climatic point of the game was when Art monk caught two consecutive passes thrown by mark rypien, and broke the NFL record for the most receptions ever.

I went to this game also. But isn't this thread about the PRE-Gibbs era?

(edit)- Also, I didn't remember that this was the game where Monk broke the record.

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i think he meant the Gibbs I era.

my favorite game was the wild card game i saw in 85 or so, agains the rams when #28 caught dickerson from behind. the whoel crowd gasped once eric burst through to the secondary, then every one started screaming their heads off as it become clear the there was no way he could outrun daryl. the D held them to a FG, and we went on to the next round.

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My most memorable games was also the Atlanta games, but what I remember most is getting the tickets from Ark Monk. I don't know if any of you have done this, but I use to live at 20th and Constitution, which is right behind the Stadium and I would go up their around 9:30 when the players arrived and at RFK you could walk right up to the players as they were getting out of their cars. As they got out you would ask, do you have any extras to whichever player got out of the car, the trick was knowing who was in the car before it got in the gate and parked.

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