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Ok, I have to do it....Warner vs. Brunell

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Burnell, if he plays will not fumble. He will not make dumb mistakes and throw into excessive coverage. He will do everything he can to give his team a chance to win. If Burnell doesn't play (actually he'll do this either way...) he will teach, mentor, and give Ramsey a feeling of security that he is making the reads.

Warner is will not help the foster Eli. Warner is only looking out for himself. He has WAY to many health problems, and has not been in the league for a real long time.

To me, this points to Burnell has the far better Vet pick up. Although I do think we paid way to much for him.

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Warner at his best was better than Brunell at his best.

Today, though, I think Brunell is the better option. Sure Brunell got benched last season just like Warner, but Brunell was playing well enough to start. In three games he scored 3 TDs and no INTs, and was still completeing 65 percent of his passes. Warner over the past two seasons has been abysmal. 4 TDs, 12 INTs and how many fumbles?

Brunell is getting old, but Warner has lost his poise. Maybe with better protection Warner will find his old self again. Maybe. How's New York's OL looking these days?

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Warner. I think it's close though. I don't think he gives you guys much except a stop gap until Eli is ready.

When you say help the most, I took that to mean which teams gains the most over what they had before the signing.

We have Ramsey, so while I think Brunnel has more in the tank than warner, the drop off with out the signing just isn't as big for the Skins.

So, having Warner will mean more to the Giants than having Brunnel will mean for the Skins.

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I've got my fire extinguisher ready Tom...

I'm probably one of the few Skins fans who would have rather had Warner.

I think both will serve their team well. Perhaps because I follow the Rams closely I'm a little partial...but I like him...and I don't think he is done.

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This is kind of a skewed poll, Tom. No doubt Brunell will win the votes, but there are a couple different ways of looking at it.

You could argue Brunell will help his respective team more as a great mentor to Ramsey, who has already shown he can play the game. You could argue Warner becacuse without him the Giants will be starting a rooking Qb otherwise. You can't 100% argue one way or the other.

I'd still feel more comfortable with Brunell as a starter than Warner at this point in time, though.


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Kurt Warner Makes Triumphant Return To Arena Football League

DES MOINES, IA--After a brief, four-year interruption in which he went to the NFL and achieved superstardom, Iowa’s own Kurt Warner is back where he belongs: with the Iowa Barnstormers of the Arena Football League. The Barnstormers have signed Warner to a three-year deal for an undisclosed amount of money, and announced that he will take over the starting quarterback job next season.

Warner and his wife, Brenda, are thrilled at the move. “Wow, Kurt’s really come full circle,” said Brenda. “Just think, a couple of years ago he was an NFL quarterback, winning MVP awards and Superbowl championships. He’s gone from that to the Iowa Barnstormers. Only in America.”

“It’s just goes to show you,” said Kurt. “God works in mysterious ways. He obviously wanted me to come back to Iowa and play for the Barnstormers. Why? Like I said, he works in mysterious ways. Extremely mysterious ways. This is frigging surreal.”

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From Dr. Z's Mailbag. Considering the source, he'll probably have a helluva year.

The reason for this heat is the piece I wrote before I vacated advising the Giants not to sign Warner, because 1) his hand wasn't right, which was why he couldn't grip the ball correctly and why he fumbled six times in last year's opener, and 2) he had turned weird and resentful, and someone had to keep him away from Marc Bulger on the sidelines during games. My source for all this was unnamed because if I named him, he wouldn't be a source anymore, and I'd probably lose a lot more sources, too. People would read me as a rat, not to be trusted. It's a good way to go belly up in this business.

The thing is, does one trust the source, or is it someone who's merely planting this kind of stuff for personal reasons? I had confidence in my source. And I checked it out with someone else on the club whom I trusted, and his comment was, "Yeah, there was a lot of weird stuff going on with Kurt last season."

So I went with the information. I'm still working for a living, and I owe it to my employers to give them the benefit of any material which they might feel would make an interesting piece, provided it's not deliberately libelous or false or loony. Is this Warner-bashing? I don't think so. If you remember, his courage was severely questioned after the six fumbles, since some of them came when he wasn't touched. I never hinted at that. I attributed them to the fact that he couldn't grip the ball correctly. There was also mention of a phantom concussion and the fact that no one on the team was aware of it after the game. I didn't get into that, either.

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Originally posted by Henry

Warner at his best was better than Brunell at his best.

Today, though, I think Brunell is the better option. Sure Brunell got benched last season just like Warner, but Brunell was playing well enough to start. In three games he scored 3 TDs and no INTs, and was still completeing 65 percent of his passes. Warner over the past two seasons has been abysmal. 4 TDs, 12 INTs and how many fumbles?

Brunell is getting old, but Warner has lost his poise. Maybe with better protection Warner will find his old self again. Maybe. How's New York's OL looking these days?

I don't know that that's true Henry. Warner certainly has had some years with better numbers, but if I were building a team from scratch I would take Brunnell in his prime over Warner. Warner only was succesfull for a very brief time, and only when the team seemed custom designed for his particular style. Not to mention the fact that he had some great talent to throw to. Brunnell may not have been able to put up the sheer numbers that Warner did, but I think he was the better talent.

Fast forward to today and it's no contest. Brunnell is the better Quarterback today, that should be obvious to anyone. The last game Warner played in was perhaps the single worst performance i have ever seen in the NFL. That was as much the coaches fault as his though. He should have been pulled long before he had anywhere near six fumbles. I mean, what's the coaches cutoff? He's like "5 fumbles is ok, but six! Nope, now it's time to come out". Warner was benched by a coach that absolutely loves him(as evidenced by all the chances in that last game) in favor of Bulger, a guy that he obviously does not trust with the game on the line. This is because Warner is not the same guy he used to be and Martz knows it.

Brunnell on the other hand has lost a little mobility due to injury, but has still played well. He won't be asked to run the ball in this offense, so that loss of mobility is less of a concern. He still has enough "wiggle" in the pocket to be elusive. He is a good solid decision maker and is not hearing footsteps like Warner was last time he played.

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Without question Brunell in his prime. Warner inherited a team which Heath Shuler could have won with. Faulk + the tandem of Wr's he had was one of the most potent offenses of all time.

It's going to be a long season for the Giants + there fans!

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Originally posted by Hooper

Kurt Warner Makes Triumphant Return To Arena Football League

DES MOINES, IA--After a brief, four-year interruption in which he went to the NFL and achieved superstardom, Iowa’s own Kurt Warner is back where he belongs: with the Iowa Barnstormers of the Arena Football League. The Barnstormers have signed Warner to a three-year deal for an undisclosed amount of money, and announced that he will take over the starting quarterback job next season.

Warner and his wife, Brenda, are thrilled at the move. “Wow, Kurt’s really come full circle,” said Brenda. “Just think, a couple of years ago he was an NFL quarterback, winning MVP awards and Superbowl championships. He’s gone from that to the Iowa Barnstormers. Only in America.”

“It’s just goes to show you,” said Kurt. “God works in mysterious ways. He obviously wanted me to come back to Iowa and play for the Barnstormers. Why? Like I said, he works in mysterious ways. Extremely mysterious ways. This is frigging surreal.”

Kurt Warner: "is this heaven"

Brenda Warner: " No, it's ****ing Iowa!"


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The way I took this poll was which QB will help their team win more games (than if they weren't there). I chose Warner for this reason. He will help the Giants win more games than if it were just Eli. The same can not necessarily be said for the Skins with Brunell/Ramsey.

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Originally posted by FIGHT FOR D.C.

Who ever put Warner is stupid and should not be alowed to watch Football again

I put Warner. You cannot possibly think that Brunell is THAT MUCH BETTER than Warner? I would say it's close, but there is no way Brunell is head and shoulders above Warner.

Statistically speaking Warner is better in just about every category there is. Sure there are questions about his health now (which is what brings him down a few notches and actually makes the Brunell/Warner thread worth arguing about). But if Warner can regain his form, I think the Giants will have ended up with the better deal.

...then again, I'm also hoping Brunell rides the pine and Ramsey starts...but that's a whole other thread.

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Originally posted by nycskinsfan

Without question Brunell in his prime. Warner inherited a team which Heath Shuler could have won with. Faulk + the tandem of Wr's he had was one of the most potent offenses of all time.

It's going to be a long season for the Giants + there fans!

Weren't the Rams 4-12 the year before Warner took them to the Super Bowl???

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