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It is happening already!!! !@$%^!&%$@

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't know what will be more fun... seeing Gibbs back coaching again, or hearing Brenda Warner taking on Coughlin and the Giants front office. :)

I'll say hearing Mrs. Warner mouth off will be more fun... but having Gibbs back will be more fantastic. :)

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you know, the media spun it like in St Louis she would call in and harass a radio talk show or something... but she had her own segment - that's a lot different. What else is she supposed to talk about with her own segment every Monday morning? Grant it, its odd that a radio station would give the wife of a player her own talk show piece, but this is another example of the media spinning it like she's evil.

...Remind you of something?

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This is going to be fun watching this play out. She is going to the media capital of the world with that mouth and atitude.:laugh: :laugh:

Kurt better buy a house in NW NJ or central CT and commute into work and keep her busy out of the city.

That woman taking on Coughlin should be Bang's next cartoon.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I'm a shmuck and can't figure out how to post this pic but you can't tell me she doesn't look just like the evil b!tch from 101 dalamations. I was babysitiing my nephew and the whole time I was waching the movie I couldn't help but think about Kurt's wife. Someone has to be able to find a pic to compare.

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Originally posted by nycskinsfan

I'm a shmuck and can't figure out how to post this pic but you can't tell me she doesn't look just like the evil b!tch from 101 dalamations. I was babysitiing my nephew and the whole time I was waching the movie I couldn't help but think about Kurt's wife. Someone has to be able to find a pic to compare.


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Bubba that is a classic picture with Brenda holding the jersey:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am so glad he is not here. I don't think I could deal with her shooting off at the mouth the way that she does. Thank god my wife is not like that. I think I'll tell her right now how much I love her for the way that she is. Good luck with this one Tom:D

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Originally posted by jimster

you know, the media spun it like in St Louis she would call in and harass a radio talk show or something... but she had her own segment - that's a lot different. What else is she supposed to talk about with her own segment every Monday morning? Grant it, its odd that a radio station would give the wife of a player her own talk show piece, but this is another example of the media spinning it like she's evil.

...Remind you of something?

I agree jimster,

The whole time I thought she was out there on her own agenda, sticking her nose into and opening her mouth about inappropriatte subjects, but after reading that article, what else is she supposed to say?

The guy is suffering from a hurt hand, she IS a nurse and a professional football team isn't smart enough to actually do a, gasp, X-RAY???!!!

The comment about him wanting to leave so he can play is equally understandable. Wouldn't we be more upset about him NOT wanting to play? I mean this is a former, 2 time league MVP! Doesn't it stand to reason that he would want to get out on the field?

Media spin. And I don't even think it's all calculated or a conspiracy. I mean any knucklehead can get a microphone shoved into their face and spout out any opinion they want. So she gets labled as some troublesome meddling wife by one guy in St. Louis and whammo, that's what she gets labled nation-wide. How many times do we see the same thing written about Snyder, and I mean THE SAME THING. The exact same sentence structure found in one article finds itself into another article in other papers (no not syndicated columnes or news service articles). The same terms like "medlesome boy owner" then also get used on the national TV shows.

The internet has made it very easy for lazy, stupid, unimaginative "jouranlists" to just cut and paste instead of doing any actual WORK themselves!

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

What the hell is wrong with these people at ESPN? :doh: :puke:


Is it possible for a station to wanna lose excess ratings? Cause, that's what it seems to be wanting to do. What a m-o ron. Yea, she's direct alright...directly sticking her foot in her mouth all the time. :doh:

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Originally posted by fish

The whole time I thought she was out there on her own agenda, sticking her nose into and opening her mouth about inappropriatte subjects, but after reading that article, what else is she supposed to say?

The point, though, is it's not her place. If Kurt has a problem, it needed to be voiced through him, not her as his mouthpiece. Better yet, it shouldn't have been voiced at all. One thing I strongly believe is not airing your dirty laundry. Do it in-house.


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I think it was that great Russian philosopher Jackoff Smirnoff who used to say about America...What a country...and he was right because where else on earth could a devout fan of the Eagles come to a Redskin message board every day and find out every little thing that's happening with the New York football Giants. I guess i should get in the swing of things and do a post showing the grape sized nasal polyps of Shawn Andrews. OK they might be disgusting but they'd be a lot easier to look at than Brenda Warner......

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