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What they are saying about Portis in Denver


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Just got back from the Mile High City on Vacation and it is funny what the Bronco Fans are saying about Clinton Portis now.

He is a head case, a crybaby and he keeps getting hurt and was glad the he was traded because he was not worth the money he wanted.

Funny that they say that, I know Bronco fans and they were probably saying a few months how great of a RB he was and put up such great #s in his first two seasons.

It is worse that the stuff we are saying about Champ. Funny how a new uniform changes your opinion of a person. :laugh:

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Originally posted by Parlett316 TBanks fan lol

People in Colorado are stupid. I swear it's that thin air that kills their brain.

Funny you should say that, I lived in Denver for 3 and a half years and I have never meet more homerish fans in my life. They worship the ground that John Elway walks on. I use to say "The Mile High Elevation cut of the O2 circulation to their brains." :silly:

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Originally posted by fuji869

Funny you should say that, I lived in Denver for 3 and a half years and I have never meet more homerish fans in my life. They worship the ground that John Elway walks on. I use to say "The Mile High Elevation cut of the O2 circulation to their brains." :silly:

The control center for my work is out there and I have to deal with them on a daily basis. Fun times.

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Originally posted by Parlett316 TBanks fan lol

The control center for my work is out there and I have to deal with them on a daily basis. Fun times.

When I got crap when I lived there for being a Redskin Fan I use to tell them "I have on thing to say to you "Super Bowl XXII" we beat you guys with a washed up QB and a no-named RB" :wavetowel

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Any player from any team that gets hurt or wants more money or is a locker room problem is hated by their team and glad when he is gone. Prior to the trade with bailey while it was still pending I went to a bronco forum to see what they were saying and they were all happy and hoping to get bailey. Just as we were about aquiring portis.

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Guest "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

It will always happen when a player changes uniforms.

Hell there were people who were glad we got rid of SD for some bizzare reason. He was a fumbler and always got injured blah blah.

Brad Johnson is another one we kicked to the curb quick.

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Originally posted by "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

Hell there were people who were glad we got rid of SD for some bizzare reason. He was a fumbler and always got injured blah blah.

Brad Johnson is another one we kicked to the curb quick.

I never bashed either Brad or Stephen and don't know why fans bashed them. I will bash a player if he did not perform but if a player was productive with the Skins I will not bash them when they leave.

Brain Mitchell, Marty, Larry Centers, Kenard Lang, Champ Bailey etc. I made some jokes about Champ but I am not going to sit here and say he was a head case with the Skins and he got burnned a lot last season and glad he is gone. I know the NFL is a business and once LaVar was re-sighned I knew Champ was gone.

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Roland was offered a huge contract the broncs didnt want to redo portis deal.

S Davis was misused in the S Double offense that had the gatorskinsfans weting their panties while some of us were b1tching about not running the ball with S Davis

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I think most Redskins fans thought Bailey was a very good player that had the talent to be a great player, but his attitude towards staying here (curiously unchanged by the arrival of Gibbs) necessitated his moving on. You don't give someone a megabucks deal when they are lukewarm about the team/organization.

That I think is in direct contrast to Denver and Portis. There I think the issue was SOLELY one of money and contracts.

I don't remember hearing that Portis had cast doubt on Shanahan or the direction of the Broncos franchise or indeed mentioned to the press that he could imagine himself playing somewhere else, etc.

From 2000-2003 with all the turnover on the team and staff one could easily see how players might want to move on. But with the changeover from Spurrier to Gibbs most saw a change of cirumstance for the better, save Bailey that is.

He bemoaned the additional change from Spurrier.

That comment to me was indeed one of the strangest slants on things happening here I saw in the offseason.

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There is one subtle difference, between Roland leaving here and going over there and CP leaving Denver and coming here. There were alot of people here who were dissapointed with Roland's play last year, while I don't think that there were many if not any Denver fans who were dissapointed with Portis' play last year.

Either way I think it's a win-win for both teams.

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Both players were good and needed a change of location. Things should work out for both of them and their new teams. I still feel we should have kept Champ but I'm not in the FO. We could have paid Champ and gave up the 2nd rd pick for Dillon. I'm just a fan and I'm going to cheer for anyone we sign or draft anyway. Good DB are hard to find Stephen Davis was a 4th rd pick that become an All Pro we should have kept him also.

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Originally posted by "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

It will always happen when a player changes uniforms.

Hell there were people who were glad we got rid of SD for some bizzare reason. He was a fumbler and always got injured blah blah.

Brad Johnson is another one we kicked to the curb quick.

I always find it humerous to run into people who say they are glad that SD is gone. I'm definately NOT one of them. I think about Davis under Gibbs & I think, wow, we could've had another Diesel. I will say that I'm lad for him that he was successful in Carolina, not that surprised me or anything. Brad Johnson & Davis both never really worked well under the systems that we had going at that time, which is unfortunate. But at least, for them, they were able to succeed in their current systems & both have gone to the Super Bowl, & Johnson actually has a ring to name now. Anyway, I'm glad to see Sellers cak in a 'Skins uni again. Can't wait to see the brutality of our offense this season!

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Champ Bailey is a headcase who keeps getting using playing hurt as an excuse to get burned, and isn't worth the money he was asking for.

Bailey was just a product of the Redskins shut-down Corner Back system. For 20 years we have had a shut-down CB. Bailey was just another clog. Springs will fill in just fine.

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Originally posted by Sebowski

Champ Bailey is a headcase who keeps getting using playing hurt as an excuse to get burned, and isn't worth the money he was asking for.

Bailey was just a product of the Redskins shut-down Corner Back system. For 20 years we have had a shut-down CB. Bailey was just another clog. Springs will fill in just fine.

Lay off the crack pipe.

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posted by Sebowski

Champ Bailey is a headcase who keeps getting using playing hurt as an excuse to get burned, and isn't worth the money he was asking for.

Bailey was just a product of the Redskins shut-down Corner Back system. For 20 years we have had a shut-down CB. Bailey was just another clog. Springs will fill in just fine.

What exactly is a "shut down corner system?":doh:

Is one CB per year who puts on the B&G transformed into a top flight corner just because of the jersey?

Its not like we've had the same defensive system that produces top corners for the last 20 years...

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Sometimes you wonder how the QBs, RBs and WRs even get up when they are completely vulnerable many, many times a game....

Defensive players, once they restricted the cut-backs from the WRs on the outside LBs and the chop blocks on the LOS rarely have any exposure anymore.

Clinton missed two games due to injury in two years. He played injured in other games and sat out another game only after the Broncos had clinched their playoff spot last year. For a running back that can happen. They get a train wreck on almost every play and their longevity is about the shortest of all positions.

For example, Clinton played with the same bruised sternum that Fred Smoot played with and we all called Smootie a hero (deservedly). For a RB to do that is 5 times more difficult than a CB.

So let's give the "injury prone" label a rest ..

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Originally posted by yank

Sometimes you wonder how the QBs, RBs and WRs even get up when they are completely vulnerable many, many times a game....

Defensive players, once they restricted the cut-backs from the WRs on the outside LBs and the chop blocks on the LOS rarely have any exposure anymore.

Clinton missed two games due to injury in two years. He played injured in other games and sat out another game only after the Broncos had clinched their playoff spot last year. For a running back that can happen. They get a train wreck on almost every play and their longevity is about the shortest of all positions.

For example, Clinton played with the same bruised sternum that Fred Smoot played with and we all called Smootie a hero (deservedly). For a RB to do that is 5 times more difficult than a CB.

So let's give the "injury prone" label a rest ..

Preach on brother!

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Another way of looking at what Denver fans have to say about Portis is to remember that they keep getting prime production from pretty much anyone that suites up behind their line. I'd be real happy about the trade if I was them as well. They got one of the top 5 (arguable) or 10 (not arguable) CBs in the NFL plus our 2nd rounder for their flavor of the week RB. Naturally they are talking the guy down.

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