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What in the DC area makes you angry?


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Originally posted by RaleighSkinsMann

1) MS-13 El Salvador gang running around killing people like idiots.....actually all the gang violence that has escalated in the area.

Those ****s stole my buddy's rims off his honda 2 times in 3 weeks. He finally got wheel locks and when they couldn't take them they trashed his car.

Real nice people those MS-13s

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Originally posted by WallyG3

Attention whore anti-Redskin pseudo Cowpuke fans.

I second that one. Also, while football is my first love, we deserve to have a flippin' baseball team here!!! But that's really Angelos' fault, not a DC thing......

So I'll also add the obvious.....the circle of hell more commonly known as the beltway and rush hour in general.

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First to Atlanta for about 8 years, then to southwest Fla.

When I moved to Atlanta, traffic wasnt nearly as bad. It was fairly light in fact. By the time I left though it was worse than anything DC had too offer.

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When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.

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Originally posted by BadKarma

havent been in Nova in a few years but when I was growing up there was a severe lack of hot loose women.


Become a congresman or a lobiest...ahem, legislative consultant... and there's little lack of hot loose women.

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1) The weather. Those muggy summers killed me. I could barely move from June to September. And in the winter, it was always 33 and raining, especially on Christmas.

2) The nightlife. The restaurants are not as bad as they used to be, but it's still no restaurant town, and the music and club scene isn't much.

3) The obsession with politics, and the way everyone who is there seems to think they are an expert on everything regarding government and international relations.

4) The Beltway traffic.

5) My inlaws.

DC has a lot going for it too, but the thread asked for what I don't like about it.

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Originally posted by Destino

Those ****s stole my buddy's rims off his honda 2 times in 3 weeks. He finally got wheel locks and when they couldn't take them they trashed his car.

Real nice people those MS-13s

Be glad they were just rims. They were in the news tonight because they cut off 3 fingers of a rival gang (SSL) member...

with a FRICKIN MACHETE! What the hell is that all about? That happened in Fairfax. I hate all the gang activity but mara salvatrucha just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Pretty scary. Used to be the Asian gangs (mostly the Vietnamese) I worried about.


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