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Like Bush or not, this will bring tears to your eyes


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Great article. It's easy to forget that beneath all the scripted speeches, political stances, and mine field that is DC politics; that Bush is father and a man.

(BTW - this didn't bring tears to my eyes, but then again I'm a skins fans not a purple loving sissy ravens fan. :silly: )

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Originally posted by 5Arrington6

Thats a very good article and obviously meant something to that girl who lost her mother. Aside from politics, there is a man and father who cares.

Sounds like PR to me. But with all do respect I never believed that Bush was heart less. I always felt that he's a man that over whelmed. This was a good article, but it's another attempt at diverting us from the real issues.

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I think he is a good man and I do respect him. At the same time, I think his presidency has been wanting. In all fairness, he has faced greater hurdles (some of his own making) than most Presidents of the last twenty some years. It is impossible to know whether Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, or Gore would have handled things better. None of them faced a 9/11. Bush Sr. faced off against Iraq and decided it would be better to pull out once Kuwait was liberated, but that was a different situation. You can't destroy a government and an infrastructure and then leave unless you don't mind chaos and a worse government climbing to power. I think Clinton's willingness to go into Bonia to stop the genecide there a move opposed by many in the world and quite a few liberals and republicans here was handled better in hindsight. The new government seems stable and we clearly stopped ongoing attrocities with a minimal number of casualties and injuries. Reagan bombed the heck out of Libya and then left... sort of the same model (smaller scale) that Bush Sr. used on Iraq. History will judge the effectiveness of the whole of Bush's war against terrorism in Iraq. We're all too close and know too little to really judge fairly.

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Originally posted by WallyG3

Hey 777 - I just realized you got your "real" avatar back.

Congrats! :cheers:

Hmmmm, for now anyway , he is a ravens fan . right now i'm thinking he's playing the wolf in sheeps clothing. we'll see when the season starts. :laugh:

:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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Originally posted by mark327

Hmmmm, for now anyway , he is a ravens fan . right now i'm thinking he's playing the wolf in sheeps clothing. we'll see when the season starts. :laugh:

As long as you can handle constructive criticism you will be fine, but after yesterday, something tells me there will be quite a few debates with you. I will go the extra mile to work with you, so that it stays postive.

Hey wallyg3, thanks for a postive welcome, its good to know that Ravens and Skins fans can debate and shake hands.:cheers:

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Originally posted by Destino

(BTW - this didn't bring tears to my eyes, but then again I'm a skins fans not a purple loving sissy ravens fan. :silly: )

Thats fine that you feel the way you do but this was a feel good story, had nothing to with football.

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A nice and touching story. Bush has always been a good father and a good person. Being President and leader of the free world is another issue. Unlike Clinton, Bush has a base value system. I just don't think he is a good leader cares more about the rich than the poor.

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Originally posted by Burgold

I think he is a good man and I do respect him. At the same time, I think his presidency has been wanting. In all fairness, he has faced greater hurdles (some of his own making) than most Presidents of the last twenty some years. It is impossible to know whether Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, or Gore would have handled things better. None of them faced a 9/11. Bush Sr. faced off against Iraq and decided it would be better to pull out once Kuwait was liberated, but that was a different situation. You can't destroy a government and an infrastructure and then leave unless you don't mind chaos and a worse government climbing to power. I think Clinton's willingness to go into Bonia to stop the genecide there a move opposed by many in the world and quite a few liberals and republicans here was handled better in hindsight. The new government seems stable and we clearly stopped ongoing attrocities with a minimal number of casualties and injuries. Reagan bombed the heck out of Libya and then left... sort of the same model (smaller scale) that Bush Sr. used on Iraq. History will judge the effectiveness of the whole of Bush's war against terrorism in Iraq. We're all too close and know too little to really judge fairly.

Very good points, I think Bush #1 backed off because UN asked him to stop once Kumait was liberated.

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

Sounds like PR to me. But with all do respect I never believed that Bush was heart less. I always felt that he's a man that over whelmed. This was a good article, but it's another attempt at diverting us from the real issues.

The incident may have been roped and tied by PR specialists, but I believe that Bush's reaction and response to that girl were genuine.

Remember, Bush was right there at ground zero in NY and the Pentagon, and was probably a target himself that day. He was affected as much as anyone that terrible day and could still be having nightmares.

Another thing that we have to remember is that Bush was the leader of the Country that day.

You know how the captain of a ship is responsible for the lives of his/her crew? Well, the same could be said of the President - he is responsible for the lives of his citizens.

I cannot imagine how Bush feels about that day.

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

The incident may have been roped and tied by PR specialists, but I believe that Bush's reaction and response to that girl were genuine.

Remember, Bush was right there at ground zero in NY and the Pentagon, and was probably a target himself that day. He was affected as much as anyone that terrible day and could still be having nightmares.

Another thing that we have to remember is that Bush was the leader of the Country that day.

You know how the captain of a ship is responsible for the lives of his/her crew? Well, the same could be said of the President - he is responsible for the lives of his citizens.

I cannot imagine how Bush feels about that day.

Great point, I never really gave much thought to Bush being a target that day. You are right, after the buildings fell, Bush could have been a target knowing that he would show his face there. I am sure He was advised against it by the Secert Service. A different kind of leader was born that day, a leader like never before. You are correct it happened on his watch and I am sure he feels bad for that, maybe if Clinton would have been awake behind the wheel this could have been avoided.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Or maybe if Bush did one thing to thwart Al Qaeda it could have been avoided.

Sorry you cant pin fault on Bush for 911. Clinton did nothing when the Kole took a hole in the side of it and killed service men. Why didn't you react Billy? That's all I want to know, why didn't you react. For every action there should be a reaction but not in Clinton's case...... My blood boils over when I think about that man........He would make a great used car salesman nothing more than that............You know what I dont even want to label car salesman like that because Clinton is lower than whale S***

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