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Dallascowboys.com: Parcells rules out Collins in Big D, says Quincy's still da man

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Looks like Kerry's out, Hambrick's out, and Allen's in.

Gotta wonder who's running the show here. I know that Parcells hates but Jones likes Allen. You also gotta think that Parcells would much rather have Kerry as a starter rather than Quincy. The only guy who'd want Quincy there would be, guess who?, Jerrah himself. As for Hambrick, I think both of them are in agreement that Hambrick's garbage.


And as for recently released quarterback Kerry Collins, Parcells all but ruled out the Cowboys signing the former Giants veteran this off-season. . . .

. . . the possibility of adding veteran quarterback Kerry Collins seems to slim, at best.

"I don't think we will be headed that way. Actually, I'm pretty sure we're not going to be," Parcells said of Collins, who was released by the Giants just three days after acquiring No. 1 overall pick Eli Manning. "I like the kid, I don't know him well, but he's done a good job with New York. He certainly has done a good job with New York. I don't think anybody could dispute that."

Collins has ties with Cowboys quarterbacks coach and assistant head coach Sean Payton, who was Collins' offensive coordinator for three seasons in New York. Collins has even said publicly Payton was the biggest reason for turning his career around in 2000, when the Giants advanced to Super Bowl XXXV.

"Sean has talked about him throughout the year," Parcells said. "Sean thinks very highly of him and likes him very much. But there are considerations here besides that, you know, and you just have to make them.''

But with that, the Cowboys aren't ruling out bringing in a veteran quarterback, even one from a New York team. But Parcells chose not to discuss a possibility of reuniting with Jets quarterback Vinny Testaverde, who is expected to be released by the team on June 1. In fact, while talking directly his former quarterback, Parcells refrained from even using his name since Testaverde still is property of the Jets.

Testaverde played under Parcells two seasons with the Jets, guiding New York to the AFC Championship Game in 1998, just two seasons after the club finished 1-15.

"I don't know what the availability of some guys are," Parcells said of free-agent quarterbacks. "I know there has been some speculation about particularly one guy here, but he's on another team so I have nothing to say about him. I think there is a chance that there will be some veteran quarterbacks available at some point in time, there already is one, you know, Collins, so when that comes whoever they are you have to look it on a case-by-case basis."

Parcells said the Cowboys are not looking for another starting quarterback, saying Quincy Carter is still his guy, for now.

"I've got a year invested in Quincy and a couple of these other kids here, so I'm just hopeful they can improve," Parcells said. "But in the meantime, if we get some chances to do something that might serve us better, then we might do it."

So throw that one on top of a whole list of maybes, could-be's and possibly's Parcells is sure to toss out from now to the start of training camp.

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Parcells better be right for his sake. A QB like Collins could take that team to the Superbowl. All they need is consistent play from their QB and they will be hard to beat. I think staying with Quincy keeps them back, and good for us and Philly.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Parcells better be right for his sake. A QB like Collins could take that team to the Superbowl. All they need is consistent play from their QB and they will be hard to beat. I think staying with Quincy keeps them back, and good for us and Philly.

You got that right. Thank Gawd they're not thinking about Kerry. And, once again, you gotta wonder who's making that call?

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Originally posted by Oldskool

Im glad that Collins is not going to be in Dallas but I still expect Vinny "the fossil" Testaverde to be a cowgirl after June 1st. Nothing really to be scared of, as Collins actually still has skills left

Collins still could wind up in Dallas. Parcells just might be trying to throw off other teams acting like the Cowpukes are not interested in him. I think Parcells knows he has to upgrade the QB position to get to the next level.

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It doesnt matter who starts in Dallas this year. Carter, Collins, or Testaverde. Any one of them are just keeping the spot warm for Henson who will most likely be the starter in 2005. Its seems as if they are planning their SB run then. 2004 will be another year to weed out the players who Tuna wants for the long haul and players he doesnt want. Couple that with passing on Jackson for Jones and 2 first rounders in next seasons draft, and 2005 looks like their year for a nice run.

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

It doesnt matter who starts in Dallas this year. Carter, Collins, or Testaverde. Any one of them are just keeping the spot warm for Henson who will most likely be the starter in 2005. Its seems as if they are planning their SB run then. 2004 will be another year to weed out the players who Tuna wants for the long haul and players he doesnt want. Couple that with passing on Jackson for Jones and 2 first rounders in next seasons draft, and 2005 looks like their year for a nice run.

Even still, if they sign Collins and are able to protect him against the pass rush, they could be better than we initially expected. I'm not sure this rookie RB they drafted is the answer for Troy Hambrick.

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Originally posted by jimster

I kinda like Collins, as I do Kurt Warner, which is why I don't want to see either go to Dallas.

I firmly beleive that Parcells needs to give Hutch a good year or two starting so he gets a fair shot;)

He's camp fodder if they bring either of those guys in, though.

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Originally posted by Franco

who ever it is Gibbs will be ready:point2sky

:dallasuck :dallasuck

No doubt, Baby, no doubt! It's a whole new ballgame now with Gibbs at the helm. And no matter who they put in, we will be ready for 'em.

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

It doesnt matter who starts in Dallas this year. Carter, Collins, or Testaverde. Any one of them are just keeping the spot warm for Henson who will most likely be the starter in 2005. Its seems as if they are planning their SB run then. 2004 will be another year to weed out the players who Tuna wants for the long haul and players he doesnt want. Couple that with passing on Jackson for Jones and 2 first rounders in next seasons draft, and 2005 looks like their year for a nice run.


I gotta go :phone: Hades & see if they're frozen over cause I never thought I'd agree with a Dallas fan on anything.

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

It doesnt matter who starts in Dallas this year. Carter, Collins, or Testaverde. Any one of them are just keeping the spot warm for Henson who will most likely be the starter in 2005. Its seems as if they are planning their SB run then. 2004 will be another year to weed out the players who Tuna wants for the long haul and players he doesnt want. Couple that with passing on Jackson for Jones and 2 first rounders in next seasons draft, and 2005 looks like their year for a nice run.

I don't really think that Henson will be ready to take a team to the playoffs, let alone the Super Bowl in 2005. One year of sitting on the bench watching won't make up for 3 years of baseball

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dave - I tend to disagree.

I think we've seen over the past few years that a team can go from nothing to superbowl champions in a year. And a player that was down one year suddenly plays like a superhero.

Henson has the tools to succeed, one year with a guy like Parcells teaching you can turn you into something that looks good.

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I'm convinced that Jerry Jones has a hard-on for Quincy Carter, and that's why Quincy was drafted so ridiculously high out of college, the Cowboys refuse to sign any of the tons of decent veteran QBs that might actually challenge Quincy for the job every year, and incomprehensibly Quincy remains starting QB.

"Who loves ya, boy!? JERRY LOVES YA! Now git over here and give daddy a hug." :dance:

Can I get a "yeah man" on this one?

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Skeletor: While you're right about how players can come from no where to succeed, be it a Tom Brady, Chad Pennington, Jake Delhomme, Henson was totally out of football for 3 years. It's not like he has been learning from the sidelines observing a vet play, refining his skills under a qb coach, or even studying tape of the competition. Henson does have the tools to succeed, but I think it's still too much for any coach, even Parcells the miracle worker, to make a Super Bowl with a qb that was riding a AAA bus for 3 seasons

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I gotta agree with Dave here. Henson is a relatively green football player who hasn't played in 3 years. I would wager a fairly good-sized sum of money that he will be able to sit on the sidelines another year, and then lead a team to a Super Bowl.

Just not gonna happen. Henson won't begin paying dividends in Dallas until 2006, at the earliest, and if at all.

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Super Bowl run?

Who's gonna replace people like Larry Allen, Dexter Coakley, Keyshawn Johnson (who, if not gone by then, will not be the same WR he once was), and Darren Woodson. This doesn't mention how you may have to replace some others on the o-line.

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Originally posted by jimster

I kinda like Collins, as I do Kurt Warner, which is why I don't want to see either go to Dallas.

I firmly beleive that Parcells needs to give Hutch a good year or two starting so he gets a fair shot;)

Yeah right :laugh:

I was watching NFL Network last weekend and they showed some highlights of Hutchinson playing in NFL Europe, and he looked like he always does, he went back to pass, got hit from the blindside because he was holding the ball in one hand, fumbled, and lost the ball, then goes to the sidelines and throws down his helmet in anger

If he is playing like that in NFL Europe, he won't be a Cowboy in 2004

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I find it interesting that the Giants decide it is time for Fassel to leave. Others interviewed Fassel but none felt he was the man for their team.

It is starting with Collins and from the looks of it, he is not going to be anyone's starter. It is early but I don't see too many teams giving him a starting job.

Maybe the Giants front office does know what it is doing after all. :whoknows:


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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

I find it interesting that the Giants decide it is time for Fassel to leave. Others interviewed Fassel but none felt he was the man for their team.

It is starting with Collins and from the looks of it, he is not going to be anyone's starter. It is early but I don't see too many teams giving him a starting job.

Maybe the Giants do know what they are doing after all. :whoknows:

No, they just got rid of him too late for him to capitalize on any open starting slots in the league. They are all filled now.

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