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Gibbs comment to Winslow


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Ever since this came out of Winslow's very loose lips I have been thinking the same thing. I think that Gibbs probably did say something to the effect of what Winslow says he did. I think it was probably prefaced with something like "as it stands now" or a similar qualifier which Winslow chose to ignore. Winslow then goes and tells someone about this comment but leaves out the qualifier part, and eventually it gets out to the media as most people are physically incapable of keeping their mouths shut.

What I think happened from Gibbs' perspective was that he really wanted Winslow and told him as much. He thought that he had made his decision. Then he had his "moment" and with some persuasion from Williams came to the realization that Taylor was who he really wanted. This may or may not have had something to do with the fact that Winslow could not keep a secret. Now Gibbs is stuck though. He can't go back and tell Winslow about his little epiphany for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which being the fact that he can't trust Winslow. So in the end he comes off as having lied to Winslow in some people's eyes. (mostly just Winslow's) It is unfortunate that Winslow thought he had a verbal commitment from Gibbs, but that is just business.

Gibbs may be the nicest guy in the NFL, but he's not stupid or naive. When being nice to Winslow would have tipped the team's hand it became out of the question, so Winslow is left on the hook until the end and gets pissed because now he looks like an idiot. Sorry Kellen, but that's just life. Kellen does remind me a bit too much of the kids in little league who were really gifted, but were collosal pains in the ass because they thought they deserved better than everyone else. You know the ones I mean. The ones who never accepted it when they were thrown out or whatever other "injustice" it may have been.

So what do you guys think? Am I way off base here?


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I actually think it was not Gibbs at all. I think in the agent interview process, the Postons said that from their sources Winslow was not only the man, but a slam dunk. Since the Redskins are so much in love with Winslow he might as well pick the agent (We the Postons) who always get the most money. I mean come on, Kellen, you're the Chosen One. You know Gibbs wants you... Could never bypass you.

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I think it's yet another case of things being made out to be much more then they are. The only time you'll hear about this again is the week before the browns game unless of course that Winslow still hasn't signed and after that it'll be a past memory.

I can't see Gibbs saying he'd draft one player over another seeing as we had our eye's on a few different picks, you just don't do that. Winslow may have felt that it was a sure thing but obviously it was not and it could also be seen as a way for Winslow to increase his draft value to get someone to try to move up over top the skins to pick him. Either way it's bs.

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oral committment? this isn't college, there are no letters of intent. it's a draft, teams jockey for position and leverage the whole time. what gibbs said to this kid will never be known, but more important it's irrelevant cause it is all business behind closed doors. winslow needs to grow up and realize daddy won't always be around for him to cry to and to get his way with. warren sapp needs to grab this kid and say "listen boy, you're just a puppet now, when you step on that field you play the game, but behind the doors you do your fighting. once the fight is done you can't do anything about it but cry and look like a baby."

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2 Things:

1) If you wanted to play for the Skins, you shouldn't have picked the Postons as your agents. Does it automatically preclude you from wearing B & G? No, but it's certainly a factor.

2) If you don't want to end up with egg on your face, don't run your mouth about something that Gibbs must have told you in confidence. What's the first thing the punk does? He goes and tells John Clayton "Joe Gibbs said he's gonna take me so he's gonna take me, nana nana blah blah." You sealed you own fate kid.

I cannot tell you all how happy I am that we made the right choice here. I would have been in a depression for 4 months had we taken that douche bag.

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I’d like to think it was all smoke to get another team to move up to number four and draft Winslow, letting the Skin’s draft Gallery if he happened to drop down that far (if Oakland hadn’t taken Gallery at two, Giant’s probably would at four if they couldn’t trade down, *maybe*) Well things didn’t go that way so Gibb’s and Co had to pick Taylor on what was said to be a last-hour decision. I think I’m giving the FO too much credit though ;)

I have noticed that Gibb’s keeps mentioning how smart the players are the Skin’s drafted, how important that was, and character… Anyone think the Skin’s may have thought Winslow was too much of a knuckle-head to handle Gibb’s H-Back playbook? Wonderlic scores?

Winslow - 12

Cooley - 32

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I think this is not a Gibbs issue. If Gibbs told Winslow he was going to pick him or not doesn't matter. What matters is what Gibbs has siad from the beginning.

" When we pick a guy it's going to be our desicision"

Meaning that there's a decision process, and at the time maybe the decision was Winslow, later after the free agents were signed ,the "our guy" decision was changed to Taylor.

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It's patently stupid to even suggest that Gibbs would have told Whineslow "We're taking you." You tell someone you're taking them when you're on the clock and all the factors have been considered. Whineslow heard what he wanted to hear NOT what Gibbs would have actually told him.

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Originally posted by Larry Brown #43

Are you calling Winslow an oreo? Just checking. ;)


That too! It's hard for me to wish that any player fails to have a good career, but boy... he sure comes close.

Lavar's gonna ask him "what did the hand say to the face?"


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It's just typical of the draft that you put up smoke screens as to who you will take in the 1st round, but I don't believe in any way that the redskins wanted to take Winslow

But it was obvious that the Browns wanted to get Taylor as well, since they did try to move up to the #4 spot to take Taylor, so it is probable that in some way the Redskins made it seem like they wanted Winslow so that other teams might back off, althought the Browns didn't seem to bite

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I believe the rule is:

You get a call during the 15 minute process.

If its the team on the block they say:

Do you want to play with us?

IF you say yes:

They turn in their card....

Other than that nothing esle matters as every 15 minutes changes the 15 minutes of everyone after that...

Just ask Phillip Rivers and Rothmunchinburger...

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You guys ragging on KW2 give it a rest please. He is 20 freaking years old and he'll be a superstud without a doubt in my mind. And from everything Gibbs has said I think he really wanted KW2. G.Williams presentation where he got on the table for Taylor changed the tide in Taylors favor that friday morning.

And what makes anybody think Taylor is gonna lay KW2 out? maybe LaVar. KW2 loves contact and routinely runs people over in the open field. He is bigger,stronger and just has fast has Taylor. He did more reps then Greg Jones who destroyed Taylor.

Stop being homers... I'm happy with Taylor but will always be a fan of KW2. He plays his guts out and it shows on tape thats the kinda guy who can inspire a whole team with hustle alone.

KW2 will light us up when we play watch and see. And the Browns fans should be mad not us he wanted to be a skin.

KW2's problem is he says whats on his mind he don't hold it back thier is nothing wrong with that. He can say any damn thing he wants has long has he makes plays and he does.

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