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I love how a lot of you jump from side to side


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When some of us a long time mentioned we should draft Winslow a lot of you countered and said we don't need any more TE's or HB's.

Now when we draft Cooley all of you said it was the perfect fit. So what is it we do or don't need TE's afterall :doh:

I say this because at #81 we had the chance to make a steal in this draft and get what we need a DT or DE there. We didn't and we reached for someone who won't even be a starter next year. I liked the Taylor pick very much but a lot of you told me we didn't need an hb :)

Now we do have some more picks but we wouldn't have found a better DL in the 5th then we would have in the third.

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Actually, I was torn. Winslow will be a game-breaker, difference-making tight-end - no argument there. But, on the other hand, we've needed a safety like Taylor forever! And when his name was announced, I pumped my fist in the air and yelled, "YES!" I think I was a bit more excited when we traded up to take Cooley, because not only did we get the safety we were enamored over, we also got a nice H-Back in Cooley.

I think we're shaping up for a playoff run. One would hope that would happen this year. ;)

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I think most people were probably stating at number 5 we don't need any more TE's. We definitely had an opportunity to address the D-Line, but as fans let's remember that we didn't evaluate each player in the draft like the FO did and compiled a score for each of them. The FO must have graded Cooley much higher than other teams and thought they had a steal in him at the 81st pick. I know the draft is deep with D-Linemen. All the big names are gone, but there are some solid ones left. Today we will probably address the d-line. I trust the FO and what they did on day 1.

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Originally posted by kappaluvacee

I know the draft is deep with D-Linemen. All the big names are gone, but there are some solid ones left. Today we will probably address the d-line. I trust the FO and what they did on day 1.

Like I said I have hope because Gibbs is running the show, but dam that kid from LSU would have looked great in burgandy and gold yesterday :cheers:

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Well, the coaching staff is alot more comfortable with our starting Dline then appears the majority here are on the board.

I guess they see something that most don't. You know, besides game film, practice, work out habits, etc.

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Evaluating anyone's talent in anything, calls for flexibility.

Stop asking people to get involved as some form of religion, Like they have to die with that pick or hide in shame. Like you all your statements panned out, please. :laugh:

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It actually is not to hard to jump from side to side. I do it every morning with my dogs. It is important to bend at the knees. I coordinate with my ankles, finding if I snap up at just the right time and can jump much further to the side. I think if more people would jump side to side each morning we might have a better world, but at least a more healthy world.

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Agreed brandies. But also remember to relax at the knees upon landing. Gently bending which helps absorb the shock. :) Also keeping in mind what kappaluvacee said. for many, it may not have been so much a tightend as it was a tightend at #5.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Agreed brandies. But also remember to relax at the knees upon landing. Gently bending which helps absorb the shock. :) Also keeping in mind what kappaluvacee said. for many, it may not have been so much a tightend as it was a tightend at #5.

Points well taken.

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I think people just didn't want to see the #5 pick used on a TE, not that the TE (H-back) position in general wasn't a need. Rasby is pure in-line blocker. Koslowski is an H-back. Sellars is a TE/H-back. Now Cooley is an H-back.

If defense was the perceived need for the team, and most will agree, than grabbing the best defensive player in the draft... Sean Taylor... was the right pick.

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Well I stay on one side. I think we have always needed an H-Back, I think some of these people cant expect guys like Mike Sellers to actually be the H-Back.

I absolutely loved the Taylor pick as i've been on the Taylor bandwagon for 2 years now, he's been my favorite player in college football. So I was very excited.

I just hope Taylor wasnt lying when he said he could shut down Winslow, b/c for whatever reason that he's created this war in his head, Winslow is pissed.

But I think the speed we now have on our defense is getting just absolutely ridiculous.

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My whole thing was I knew the h-back needed to be addressed but I couldn't see addressing it with a guy like Winslow who is going to need to be fed alot of balls to keep him happy and has a very low maturity level as evidenced in his interview after being drafted. Cooley gives us a guy who can stay in and block and also has great hands to catch a "few" passes, key word is a few. To draft winslow at 5 he would need to be the centerpiece of the offense imo and that''s not gonna happen with Coles and Portis.

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jbooma, my man. This is one of your worst arguments ever.

EVERYONE, from Gibbs to every sports writer had identified safety AND tight end /H back as our two biggest needs. At #5 we had the chance to get an almost certain pro bowler at each position. The argument was which one of those two players to grab at that spot. In the end we took Taylor but we still NEEDED a TE/H back and we somehow found a way to get one. THAT'S A GOOD THING.

Do you have any clue as to how important the H back is to Gibbs offense? I don't think you do or you wouldn't have started this ridiculous thread. Gibbs clearly targeted Cooley as a guy he thought was important for us to have. Beteween Gibbs and you (or anyone else), I will side with Gibbs EVERY TIME.

You say Cooley won't be a starter? I say you are WRONG. He's not only a natural H back but he has the best hands BY FAR of any TE on the roster. I would be willing to bet that Cooley is good for at least 3 TDs this year and he is the starter by week three.

The bottom line is you either believe in Gibbs or you don't, because this was his call. If you say that we are dumb because we are happy to have grabbed Cooley, you are in essense calling Gibbs an idiot and *that* is just STUPID.

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Originally posted by Blondie

Being a woman, it is my God given right to jump from side to side and change my mind on any issue at any given time.

Thank you for listening.



Blondie. You can do anything your wonderfull little heart desires. No one here is crazy enough to tell you no. :laugh:

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Actually I would not be surprised if Cooley is starting this year. I don't like giving up next year's 2nd, but I think it was a good pick. He was basically projected for third/fourth round. And he is the prototypical H-back. And it's not like we haven't addressed D-line at all this off-season. I still believe we need another DE more than anything, but not necessarily more so than an H-back and Cooley was the best guy for that role. In the end, if it was an inner-workings deal between Gibbs and Williams to justify drafting Sean Taylor at 5, I'm very happy with it.

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You know what? We now have that stud safety we wanted. We now have that stud H-back that I kept preaching that we didn't have before now. So we got them both, not Winslow, but what we wanted. So what's the problem? Offense is set, now its time to go get that killer DE.

The K2/Taylor debate is over, and it left a lot of us with many cut wounds. Its time to get over this and move the hell on.

DH, where the arvatar man? I lost the bet, so go ahead and give me thy punishment... bummer.

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I've ALWAYS been on the Same side.... the Redskins:D

I heard everyone talking up Winslow's abilities, but I just didn't feel comfortable about him personally, and he kind of proved my point by his remarks about our team after we didn't pick him.

I was hoping we'd pick D all along - either Taylor or D-line and we'd figure out H-back later, but we got both and it appears Gibbs and staff have Cooley rated higher and more important then any of those D-linemen still on the board - so I'll trust them.

I'm predicting now they have their eye on someone they think we'll get undrafted to add depth on D-line:2cents:

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

The bottom line is you either believe in Gibbs or you don't, because this was his call. If you say that we are dumb because we are happy to have grabbed Cooley, you are in essense calling Gibbs an idiot and *that* is just STUPID.

I believe Gibbs and do think this kid might turn out to be good. But it wasn't our biggest need and you can't argue that. We need young DT's and DE's. We had the chance at getting a guy that was a huge impact on the National Championship game and we passed. We had TE's on the team already we don't have much on the DL right now.

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mad mike...the problem is this...I still get the sense from what Gibbs has stated publicly that he really wanted KW2. We went with Taylor because the defense is so....well....average. taylor is a good addition....but...it is worth noting that we passed up an opportunity to craft perhaps one of the great offenses of all time. cooley is sloooowwwww....today's game is about speeed. he will be used principly as a blocker...IMO....and in the red zone. we'll just have to wait and see if Gibb's offense from the 80s is still good enough to deal with the changed, speedier, more attacking defenses of the new century. we obviously made a decision driven by need and not BPA. this isn't to say that Taylor isn't going to be a great asset....just that we might have pased on an even greater asset. I can relay that most of my NFC East buds from other teams are relieved we drafted Taylor and not Winslow. but....as another poster stated....on to the actual playing!

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