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SportsRumorMill- Bearcats Reply to all of our questions( What a Liar)


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First of all why was I at the meeting? Well, if you've read any past posts you would know that I have worked for San Diego at various times this offseason. Coach Schottenheimer and I go back long before you were probably ever born.

San Diego contacted me (specifically Coach Schottenheimer) about my availability to sit in on trade discussions they may have with Washington. As I do for all of my past and present clients I make either my time or a colleagues available to them. So if San Diego is not paying me and I never signed a contract why would I be interested in attending such a meeting. First, as a consultant it's my responsisbility to know what teams are planning. Does this mean I know everything. Surely not as teams mislead people daily to achieve there ultimate goal. My main interest in this meetiing is to determine the ramifications for Oakland who happens to be a client. Coach Schottenheimer wanted me in attendance so that a reliable source would be available to undecut Snyder in the event he tried to use future teiring to validate the trade. Teiring is when teams try and escalate hidden clauses in contracts to place the financial burden on the team receiving players. This is common and usually results in the team receiving the players having to pay money out of pocket prior to renegotiating a contract. The kicker is some teams use these clauses unknowingly to the agents or players. Essentially the players and agents are unaware of the clauses as they have not taken the time to legally review the contract.

This deal directly effects Oakland and there intent to draft Gallery at #2. So by being in attendance I was able to pass this on to Mr. Davis so that they may begin contingency trade talks to move down in the draft. Does San Diego know that I supplied this information to Oakland? Yes, they are firmly aware of my obligations and in fact want me to do so. This aids them as they now have control and can force Oakland to take less in a trade from Washington. The whole time they have Washington believeing they will take Gallery makign Washington intent on offering more. This is a game of cat and mouse and always will be.

You question a previous post concerning me saying that Philadelphia would not be interested in Terrell Owens. Indeed I did say that as that is what my sources told me. Later on I did account for the fact that Terrel would win his arbitration case and end up in Philadelphia.

It's damn near impossible to determine the truth in this business. In the case of Terrel all indicatiosn at the time were that Baltimore would outbid anyone for his services. Indeed they did. Then came the arbitration which changed the landscape. If you feel that you can do a better job breaking down information then I welcome the challenge.

Now if you expect this information I provide to be accurate every time your fooling yourself. One day a team such as Cleveland may be talking to San Diego about a trade and the next day Clevleand may be saying we have no intention to trade. So what is right and what is wrong? Here lies the difficulty in finding the truth. My intent in posting infromation to everyone is keep them current on what is happening now. Does that mean it's final and won't change? Hell no! I've been on the phone talking to a team about a trade when on the other line the team they intend to trade with is saying they no nothing of the sort.

When I post these draft sheets you must consider that what I'm posting is changing constantly. Use it as means to determine who teams are looking at not necessarily who they will draft at that spot.

To all my loyal skeptics I say this. If you challenge the validity of my information prove me wrong. Bring me facts to prove my post is invalid and I would love nothing more than to debate with you. Bring the facts to me not others. Challenge me and I will oblige you with a response when time permits. I believe someone questioned how I went from Cleveland to NEw England to San Diego to Jacksonville in three days. Since you challenged me I would be more than glad to comment.

First on the 9th I flew out to Cleveland for a 1:00 p.m. meeting. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.. Hopped on our private jet and flew to New England for dinner at 7:00 p.m.. Finished dinner and discussions around 9:30 p.m.. and reboarded jet to San Diego. Flight departed at roughly 10:30 p.m. eastern time. Arrived in San Diego and was at the hotel by 11:30 p.m. west coast time. Went to bed and awoke for meeting at 7:00 a.m.. Attended shortened meeting then preceeded to work by cell remainder of the day. Awoke for next day meeting (Day 3 now). Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. west coast time. Departed San Diego by jet at 1:00 p.m. west coast time and arrived in Jacksonville for dinner at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. Departed Jacksonville at 9:30 p.m. and arrived back in Dayton, Ohio and was home by 11:45 p.m.. I hope this clears that up for you. Just for the record this type of trip is mild considering past cross country trips I've taken.

I wonder if this guy will ever give up.:high: :pint: :bong:

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As the guy a couple of questions.

If his client is Oakland, why was he sitting in with San Diego in a meeting at all. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest? Wouldn't it be collusion as teams may not band together, sharing information with each other, to craft better deals leveraged against the players. Obviously, both would be the case.

It is utterly absurd to pretend you attended a meeting in which you openly state a non-disclosure agreement was in place, but, you were allowed to prance in, with your Oakland Raider consultant contract firmly in place and play fly on the wall. Is it your impression we're stupid?

Or, is it your impression that if you say stupid things that are so outlandish to be impossibly, legally, ethically and more, intelligently, that we may put all that aside and figure, "Heck, it's to crazy not to have some truth to it."

Ask him whether he knows their is possessive and there is not. Ask him when Ramsey was drafted. Ask him, importantly, why his information seems to jibe almost precisely with various stated reports around the league, and changes as various stated reports around the league produced in the media suggest something different?

Take the Owens example. His words seemed very much in line with published reports and changed as they changed. Odd coincidence, or just a guy who summarizes KFFL and puts rumor combined with speculation together to create logical fallacy. Also, tell him that it's not our job to PROVE his status is a lie. It's his job to prove it is right.

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Why would someone in this position post any of this on the internet? Surely if he was a party to any of this, he would have been forced to sign an NDA. Also, what on earth makes this delusional moron a reliable source in the event that Schottenheimer needs to "undercut" Snyder, and to whom? The league? The NFLPA? He's already alleged that Sexton and the Chargers now have contracts in place for Samuels and Ramsey without the Skins knowledge or consent, which would constitute two massive tampering violations, subject to sanction by the league. He's putting his old buddy Schottenheimer and the Chargers at risk to be sanctioned just by mentioning this! Another thing? How could he be working for both Oakland and San Diego in the same offseason? Talk about conflict of interest. If this guy is who he claims to be, a "Zelig" figure as someone mentioned earlier, he would not be posting this anywhere, as he would have a lot to lose by doing so.

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The man could "prove" he's not a novelist by giving his freaking name and the company he works for. Until then ... this is a waste of time.

The guy just spent 500 words telling us, basically, that any "information" he DOES get/give is usually mis- or dis-information, anyway. Hell, we can get that stuff from any number of legit "news sources" that don't read like the Enquirer.

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Om, he actually did recently. I just joined that site, and they had a little "contest", with game tickets as the supposed prize, for the person who guessed it right. It's James Fredrick Brandt. He's supposedly 67 and near retiring. I'll tell you this, do a few searches on Google, and you'll see that while there may or may not be truth to this, there isn't any proof that's readily available. He doesn't show up anywhere. And with all the questions raised, he's beginning to look like a fraud, despite all the details he provides.

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Why would this guy be so enamored of this attention if he has the job he claims to have? I don't believe a person secure in his position would feel the need to defend himself or even care whether anyone believed him or not. Somebody who craves attention and wants to make believers out of people in order to get that attention would be very willing to try and keep his believers.

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This is what I posted to the guy-------------

Ok Bearcat, you may have clarified SOME things, but that still leaves a few questions. First off, why in the world would two hated rivals have the same advisor? How could you act in the best interests of both teams? It represents a huge conflict of interest, and as much as I don't like Norv Turner, Al Davis, or Marty Schottenheimer, none are stupid enough to employ someone who is employed by the other party. It's bad business.

Also, how could Sexton have agreements in place for Skins players with the Chargers? He can't unless we've (Washington) given him permission to negotiate with San Diego, and we'd know if that had happened. If he did go ahead and do it behind our backs, he'd have been banned from the NFL by now. Snyder obviously doesn't like him, so the second he found out Sexton is guilty of tampering, he'd be on the satellite phone to Tags.

Also, and this is really an afterthought, I couldn't find a single thing about James Fredrick (spelling?, don't worry, I spelled it right in Google) Brandt. You'd think that there might be something online. But like I said, that's probably just coincedental. What's more important is that you've raised some issues that don't add up. You've told your doubters to come on here and prove you wrong, but you being the one posting this "info," you have the burden of proof. The ball is in your court. Tell us why we should believe you.

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Nah, at least Scott "Wacky" David can write a little. :)

DCCogan, thanks for the info. The more I hear, the more it sounds like this is just someone having a grand old time mixing some nuggets he may mine from a few friends/contacts in the business, a lot of time spend surfing other NFL rumor/info sites, and enough time on his hands to build this fabricated persona.

Tell you what though, his middle school writing skills and that Gibbs "quote" are awful enough that I dont' think he's someone I'm likely to spend any more time thinking about.


BTW .. bubba, I just have to say this:

I don't know that I've ever seen an avatar/user name pairing that just works any better than yours. :)

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I've never believed this guy from the get go. Aside from the many inconsistencies that several of you have pointed out, the thing that gives me the most doubt is that how does a guy supposedly as busy as this guy find time to write all this stuff on a fan website. He's flying all around the country sitting in on trade talks and so forth, but yet he has time to keep the fans informed? And why would he want to? This dude is a fraud.

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Originally posted by Om

Nah, at least Scott "Wacky" David can write a little. :)

BTW .. bubba, I just have to say this:

I don't know that I've ever seen an avatar/user name pairing that just works any better than yours. :)

Wacky was a genius. Just genius enough to purposefully sprinkle in grammatical errors to his writings to build the persona of a gruff lifetime football scout-type. ;)

And Om, thanks for noticing that on Bubba's posts. It's Bugel's red pants clashing with the purple on Bubba's name. Have you ever stayed at a Knight's Inn? Same color scheme. :doh:

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And look at this one I got from SD Bolt Report:

Here's some more speculation of Washington moving up to #1. I'm not sure how credible this guy is but a lot of people on that website really bash him......he claims to be someone with inside information.


Hello everyone. Sorry, my responses have been few but travel has kept me busy. I've spent time recently with Jacksonville, New England, and Cleveland consulting on draft scenarios. I will try and get to yoru questions this morning before I'm off on the road again to Miami.

Anyway on to what I feel may be the most surprising news to date concernignthe draft. First, let me start by saying the Washington to Oakland trade talk is strictly scenario maneuvering by Washington. Washington has been in contact with San Diego officials for more than a week now discussing trade parameters. This os course has gone unreported because Washington and San Diego signed an agreement prior to discussions that has monetary ramifications for both parties if the trade is leaked. How do I know of such trade talk. Well, let's just say I was a witness to the discussions and I was not forced to sign any agreement nor was I under contract by either team. I'm reporting this to you because my retirement is finalized and ramifications to me are minimal at this point. So here's how the deal breaks down. As I reported to you several weeks ago Cris Samuels and his agent are refusiing to renegoiate Cris's contract. Samuel's agent just so happens to be the agent for Patirck Ramsey. As you may already know Ramsey and Samuel's agent Jimmy Secton refused to renegotiate Cris's contract as protest for Snyder signing Brunell. The media has reproted that Ramsey and Gibbs patched up there differences. This is as far from the truth as possible. In fact Sexton is still protesting Brunell's signing per Ramsey by not renegotiating Cris's contract.

So for about the last month Mr. Secton has been talking with coach Schottenheimer regarding Patrick and Cris. Marty is more than intrigued with both players. Sexton had dinner with Snyder and Gibbs recently to relate to them that he had opened the door for trade talks with San Diego for the 1st overall pick. Washington preceeded to meet with San Diego officials at a private club in Palm Beach, Ca. I was present at these some waht tense discussions. Snyder came in with his guns loaded by offerring Samuels, #5, and a 2005 2nd round pick. Well, let's just say Jimmy Sexton didn't take this well and preceeded to verbally attack Snyder in front of everyone. Sexton demanded that Ramsey and Samuel's be part of a packaged deal for the #1 overall pick. Snyder not knowing that Sexton has already come to preliminary contract agreements with San Diego for both players. The meeting broke up and both clubs needed some time to think. The next day we were back at it by 8:00 a.m. with San Diego making an initial offer to Washington of the #1 overall pick + Drew Brees for Samuel's, Ramsey, #5 overall, and a 2005 tbd. Snyder balked at any future consideration picks arguing that Samuels was a prior 1st rounder and Ramsey a 2nd rounder. San Diego responded that Brees for Ramsey was a straight trade but that the #5 + Samuel's for the overall #1 left a trade diferential of 300 points. Snyder didn't care and essentially said take it or leave it. The next day back in Washington Snyder decided he could play hardball with San Diego by contacting Oakland. San Diego has taken notice and from what I'm hearing will agree to a trade on draft day only. Snyder responded that contract negotiations must take place with Samuels and Ramsey to only find out that San Diego had already completed this step. Snyder was not pleased that he had been black balled by Sexton.

So where this all stands according to San Diego is a likelyhood that the trade will occur. However, I would not be surprised if Snyder tries something to aggravate Sexton. Teh two variable here though are that one Snyder has no idea who San Diego intended to take at #1. Second, Sexton can throw a wrench in any trade Snyder makes that he doesn't like. San Diego to may just threaten to take Gallery #1 forcing Snyder's hand. For once I don't see Snyder winning this duel as he's been backed into a corner. Additionally. Gibbs has made it known that he does not want disgruntled players on his team. On a side note Gibbs and Drew's dad are pretty close and have discussed Drew's future.

Here is the link, man crazy, crazy stuff being floated around.


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I am a new member who has done more reading than posting, but I have a question for the vets here. I read Bearcats profile and it listed store owner as his occupation. I am a natural sceptic, and I hate to pass judgement without all the info needed to consider any one side of an argument. Has he (Bearcat) in the past revealed his NFL consulting position? If he has why would he list the Skins as his team of heart and work for other teams 3,000 miles west of where he lists his home? As far as his poor grammor and spelling I will be the last one to criticize that as I am a notorious poor typist, hence my user name. Please anyone with a good memory of this guy respond.

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I will say this again. I hope he is a fraud, cause this trade sucks, but I have been reading that board since before free agency and he is most definitely somehow in the know.

Much of what he said in free agency panned out before anyone without inside knowledge could have known.

I understand all of your skepticism, but I think he's fairly legit.

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