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What sence of paranoia

Joey T

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Provokes users on this board to give an alias LOCATION or leave the selection blank?

I remember Art back in the old days at DUKE in Durnham, now he uses ‘Frozen Tundra’ as his location, which we all know is the Twin Cities area.

Bufford’s location WAS the D.C., now it has no designation. Maybe Bufford’s location has changed. I never figured Bufford a quitter. Only reason I pick on Bufford is, I AM A WASHINGTONIAN! I was born there.

When I saw Blade lived in Fairfax, that was cool, ‘cause I used to live in Vienna, just a few miles north of Fairfax.

I’ve even seen DieHard move around. Even close to my second ‘home town’ Detroit. DH once lived in the Ontario province, close to ‘home’.

Only reason I bring this up: I like to see the demographics of the poster. If need be, it’s cool to look down and see the ‘Location’ of the poster, and see if maybe ‘Location’ of poster may influence the nature of the posters message. Does this make sense?

This also includes you OM, the virtuoso:cool:

I know, we're all ABOVE the demographic nature of the region we live in:laugh:

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I know exactly where your commin from Joey. Actually, with the different locations you mention, I'm not sure where you are, but understand:doh::laugh:

I've often wondered why people don't include their age, and location in their profiles. Doesn't seem to be a big deal, but to each his own.

I tend to think that age over location would have more effect on the posters opinion. Not to say that being trapped indooors all winter doesn't effect a persons attitude or delivery of a thought, but I don't think it changes the original thought. I know for a fact, that working in hell like heat most of the year gets me a bit crotchitty at times:rolleyes: and a post may be sharper then normal.

Age on the other hand, has very much to do with how you view a subject and form an opinion. There's always exceptions, but generally a 22 year old will view many things in life differently then a 42 year old. That's just natural generational differences.

Now, I'm not to sure I'm making sense.................nothing new there:laugh:


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I know where you are coming from. I think it is interesting to see where Skins fans are currently living and their age....but to each his own. If they don't want everyone to know basic info like that...I guess it is their choice.

What I have noticed, some of the biggest instigators on this site and trolls don't put that information....they like to hide!

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Having lived in the Northern Virginia area for a long time, and currently living in Fairfax, does have some advantages. John Riggins, for example, used to live in my neighborhood during his playing days. Redskins park is about 40 minutes from where I live, and I will make the trip to camp this year at least one time this summer.

Every once in a while I run into a Redskin in the mall or other store or restaurant. Heck I ran into Jan Jansen and his wife the day before a Giants game and got to shake his hand and wish him luck. He was down to earth and laid back.

My friends also run into players and coaches as well and bring back stories. Some of them go to Redskin charity events and meet former players and pick up autographed items.

I met someone the other day who works at a local Mercedes dealership in Arlington. Samuels and Smoot take their cars there for service and maintenance. The guy was telling me that Samuels dropped his car off one day for service and needed a loaner so he could go to a charity event. The dealership, don’t know how or why, didn’t have anything other than some small compact car, something like a Ford Escort. Samuels was cool and didn’t create any trouble and was more concerned with making the charity event than worrying about what type of car he was driving.

Smoot was s little eccentric, but I won’t get into that.

I think it is easier to keep track of the Redskins living here than it is living elsewhere. Heck, George Michaels and Sunny on local channel 4 provide lots of information. I can’t wait for the Redskins Report to come back on.

I also like looking where people live. I pay more attention to the content of the post, however, than to the age of the poster.

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

What, you don't really think I'm from Gotham City?????? :)

I live in Manhattan, which for all intents and purposes IS Gotham City, so that's where that comes from.

Sure you live in Manhattan, sure you do. You can't fool these jaded comic book reading eyes. Todd, your secret's out now and you might just as well admit it!

The simple truth is that you're a millionaire playboy during the day and a tight wearing caped crusading crime fighter at night. ;)


Gotham is certainly New York, but I always wondered what city Metropolis was supposed to represent. Anybody know?

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Originally posted by BCS: BbqChickenSandwich

Sure you live in Manhattan, sure you do. You can't fool these jaded comic book reading eyes. Todd, your secret's out now and you might just as well admit it!

The simple truth is that you're a millionaire playboy during the day and a tight wearing caped crusading crime fighter at night. ;)


Gotham is certainly New York, but I always wondered what city Metropolis was supposed to represent. Anybody know?

Well, I DO wear tights and a cape... :laugh:

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

What, you don't really think I'm from Gotham City?????? :)

I live in Manhattan, which for all intents and purposes IS Gotham City, so that's where that comes from.

That was a no brainer for a life long Batman fan. I was at the NY premeir of the Batman movie in 67. Adam West was supposed to be there, but got into an auto accident on the way.

Originally posted by Fred Jones

I think it is easier to keep track of the Redskins living here than it is living elsewhere. Heck, George Michaels and Sunny on local channel 4 provide lots of information. I can’t wait for the Redskins Report to come back on.

I also like looking where people live. I pay more attention to the content of the post, however, than to the age of the poster.

Agreed. It wasn't too bad when I lived in the tri-state area. Once I moved to FL, it became hell. Barely any Skins coverage. Then this site came along, and life got better every day, with every new member.............well most new members with some just male members;)

While I notice the age of posters, it never effects my opinion of them. Hell, the under 20 gang here knows more about the Skins then myself hands down. If I can learn something, I don't care how young or old the teacher is.


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.........one of the things that people notice about me on this board is my location (which is not what you would call local :) ).

I guess it helps me stand out a bit, it also gives people a little ammo to use on me :silly:

Just kidding there, everyone who has noticed my location has made a point of saying it's good to have 'Skins fans from all over the world here.

To be fair, it is peoples right if they do not want to disclose their location...........each to their own.

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I put this in my handle the first winter I spent up here when we had 122 consecutive days without the high temperature reaching 30 degrees. I figure since everyone knows where I live and I'm on the fan map and I've posted my address on the board that I wasn't being all that paranoid :).

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I always thought Metropolis was DC. The Hall of Justice kinda looked like the Capital Building or one of the monuments. I think it was also important for the Superfriends to be close to the President...

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Originally posted by GSF

I always thought Metropolis was DC. The Hall of Justice kinda looked like the Capital Building or one of the monuments. I think it was also important for the Superfriends to be close to the President...

You may be right, but I'm not sure. I recall that one of the DC comics superheroes (I think Flash or the Green Lantern) was from a mythical place called Capital City, which I assumed to be the comic equivalent of Washington, DC.

Maybe Metropolis is Chicago or Los Angeles. --shrug--

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Originally posted by miragv

I agree with everyone wanting people to post their locations and age. Age seems to be more important on the tailgate, however I hate it when people say things like "you are only 18, you dont know anything."

What do you know, you're only 18! :D

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