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Arrington on NY ESPN Radio

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I just heard Lavar on the New York Sports Radio station 1050 AM, on the Wally and The Kege show. Here is basically what Lavar had to say:

On Bailey leaving: If he were running the show, he wouldn't have let Bailey leave. However, he likes Clinton Portis, calling him a "top running back" and said that CP fills a big hole. He says that him and Bailey are friends and that he wishes Bailey success.

On Jesse Armstead: He was "stunned" to learn that Armstead had been cut. This bothers him more than Bailey leaving because he didn't expect it. He believes that JA still has a lot left and that he led the team in sacks last year. He and JA were talking last week about goals for the upcoming year.

On B Smith: He respects him and he is a good person, he feels as though they are friends.

On Joe Gibbs: He stated a few times that he is not going to be overly excited because "I've had 5 coaches in the last 5 years". However, he does respect Gibbs and his legacy and praised him, stating that Gibbs has been "extremely successful" at everything he has done.

On Patrick Ramsey: Lavar said, "A wise man once told me, just worry about your own farm, don't try to take care of your neighbor's too", and he explained that he doesn't worry about the offense, he only concentrates on defense.

Oddly, the hosts never asked him about his contract controversy. Maybe Lavar told them that he would not talk about that before he came on.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Did the host hand him a box of STFU? If not, it should be in the mail.

I don't get it. Why would you say that?

Do you expect him to not have any opinions on his team, his job? Do you have no opinions about your job?

I didn't have any problem with anything he said. I too don't really understand getting rid of JA. JA still contributes, he was one of if not THE best LB we had last season and he doesn't cost that much. Did we even ask him to restructure? I too wish the whole Champ thing evolved in a different way. LaVar didn't bad mouth the team or front office, in fact he supported them in his compliments about Portis.

Why are some of you so quick to bust his chops? Do you want a leader or not? A leader is going to have opinions. That shows that he is involved and cares. Yes, there are times that he said some silly things but this isn't one of them. Sheesh, he's what 26 yrs old? Give em a break. I'm almost 40 and I still say some things that might not look too good in print when talking about subjects I'm emotional about.

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I think a large part of the problem with Redskin teams from the past decade is the inordinate amount of "chiefs" and lack of "indians". I essentially take the paraphrase ..." if I were running the show" and add it to his comments weeks ago about wanting a larger say in who the Redskins bring to the team in terms of character and heart are INDICATIONS that Lavar thinks he's bigger than the team.

I wouldn't even have a problem with the above comments if Lavar led by example and played similar to the franchise LB (Read Ray Lewis) he thinks of himself. The fact is.... he doesn't. Alot of his notoriety is based on reputation and draft position and not results on the field.

Finally, I know for darn sure I don't want the perceived "defensive" leader running his mouth when he's the direct reason why we lost 2-3 games last year due to his freelancing. What I do want him to do is learn his assignments, play to the scheme, and make the plays he's supposed to make. Not the occasional ESPN highlight hit, or the personal foul on the sidelines, the piling on at the end of plays. THE TACKLES IN THE HOLE... IN THE FLATS.... THE ONES THAT INCLUDE FUNDAMENTALS SUCH AS LEADING WITH HIS SHOULDER WITH HIS HEAD UP.... AND WRAPPING UP LIKE MOST FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND LINEBACKERS ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY THE GAME. Any questions?

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Originally posted by Cskin

I think a large part of the problem with Redskin teams from the past decade is the inordinate amount of "chiefs" and lack of "indians". I essentially take the paraphrase ..." if I were running the show" and add it to his comments weeks ago about wanting a larger say in who the Redskins bring to the team in terms of character and heart are INDICATIONS that Lavar thinks he's bigger than the team.

I wouldn't even have a problem with the above comments if Lavar led by example and played similar to the franchise LB (Read Ray Lewis) he thinks of himself. The fact is.... he doesn't. Alot of his notoriety is based on reputation and draft position and not results on the field.

Finally, I know for darn sure I don't want the perceived "defensive" leader running his mouth when he's the direct reason why we lost 2-3 games last year due to his freelancing. What I do want him to do is learn his assignments, play to the scheme, and make the plays he's supposed to make. Not the occasional ESPN highlight hit, or the personal foul on the sidelines, the piling on at the end of plays. THE TACKLES IN THE HOLE... IN THE FLATS.... THE ONES THAT INCLUDE FUNDAMENTALS SUCH AS LEADING WITH HIS SHOULDER WITH HIS HEAD UP.... AND WRAPPING UP LIKE MOST FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND LINEBACKERS ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY THE GAME. Any questions?

What?? Lost us 2-3 games? C'mon now.

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Armstead clearly got cut because Gibbs and particularly Williams looked at the film and determined that he didn't fit into what we want to do this year. I doubt it has to do with cap room. They wanted to give him all of the time possible to hook up with another team - overall classy by the Skins. It isn't the National Friends League, the National Fine Fellow League, or the National Favorite Player League. The point is to win - that's it. If the best head coach in football and the most covetted DC say he doesn't give us what we want - I'd venture to guess they're probably right.

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Originally posted by Cskin

I wouldn't even have a problem with the above comments if Lavar led by example and played similar to the franchise LB (Read Ray Lewis) he thinks of himself. The fact is.... he doesn't. Alot of his notoriety is based on reputation and draft position and not results on the field.

You are comparing apples and oranges. MLB and OLB are two completely different positions with different jobs. It's Ray Lewis' job to cover running backs and the middle of the field. That's it. If the stat peeps didn't give Ray Lewis a half a tackle on every play that he runs into 2 other teamates making a tackle his stats wouldn't be half what they are. Lavar has more raw talent than Ray, but hasn't had half the coaching.

I've wondered for years why they haven't put Lavar at MLB. At 260+ he's bigger than almost every MLB and faster. That way he could "freelance" on every play and let the ILB and OLB cover gaps.

You want to free up money, cut Trotter's worthless tail.

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I PERCEIVE Lavar as the leader of the defense. Cskin.... are you a champ hater as well? How many games did Champ cost us, 2 or 3? So our two most highly regarded players cost us half of our losses? Would that be accurate?

I don't think your argument is grounded in any sort of logic or reason. But thats just my preception.

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Well Snagletooth... let's take a look shall we.

Let me preface things by saying I was generalizing when speaking about "lost games". But... you can make an argument that Lavar's lack of discipline can be directly related to lost games.

**In the Giant Game he allows the Giant FB to catch a swingpass and rumble for 30 yards for a 1st down and into Giant field goal range IN OVERTIME. Chose to rush the passer instead of play his assignment, which was to protect the flat. He admitted as much in post games comments, how he thought he could get to Collins and just missed... Could that count as ONE LOSS?

**In the Bucs game, he again chose to rush BJ instead of protect his responsibiilty and allowed Pittman to slip out for a 3rd and 18 conversion. 3RD AND 18 mind you, in a game we were leading 13-7 in the 3rd quarter. Could that count as LOSS #2?

**Continually led with his helmet and hit ballcarriers out of bounds, in essence giving them an additional 15 yards and a 1st down. Does those type of selfish bonehead plays lead to losses? You bet they do!

So.... what I want Lavar to exhibit isn't much more than any other fan or NFL coach. PLAY YOUR POSITION, PROTECT YOUR ASSIGNMENTS, MAKE A LEGAL TACKLE!!!! This isn't rocket science here..... and Lavar can make no excuses for not doing what he's told. He is just a player isn't he, or have I just missed where he was given partial ownership of the team and a coach's has as well?

As for Champ.... I'm stating my opinion. I felt from his second year on he was overated. Great physical tools, measurables, yet wasn't aggressive enough nor had the inate "awareness" to make impact plays. Call me a hater if you like, whatever that means, and I'll simply reply that he hasn't played to his physical potential nor does he change games I believe SHUT DOWN corners are required to do in order to maintain the SD Corner label. Deion changed games, Darrell changed games, Aeneas Williams changed games, Champ doesn't change games unless it's against Arizona led by Jake Plummer.

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