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A Christian Defends Gay Marriage

Ancalagon the Black

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Originally posted by codeorama

The point is that it is YOUR opinion, just as the opposite is mine. It is not fact. Your original post was stated as fact.


My point was that there is no proof of a homosexual gene… thus predisposing people to be homosexual. That is not opinion, it’s fact! Not sure how else to explain it to you. That fact does not change until they find a gene responsible. Perhaps they will. My brother is homosexual, and calls me every time the discussion comes up in the news about genetic links to homosexuality – to razz me that I’ll be proven wrong soon. :silly:

But the fact still remains that it is a choice until otherwise proven.

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Originally posted by Phat Hog

To my point… Homosexuality is a choice until empirically proven otherwise. Thanks for the dance.

Prove it's a choice. Logical fallacy, no.

It stands against reason that a human being would choose to be discriminated against, more likely to catch STDs, unable to marry his chosen mate, and unable to have children. The logical conclusion is that it must be mental disorder (already studied found not to be true), biological, or genetic.

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This is probably the most disappointing thread I've encountered here.

If it were about race, some of the remarks here would have gotten their spewers banned for life.

Sorry, but all the bigotry and ignorance, enveloped in a seemingly 'scientific' debate about genes is just sickening (as is the deafening silence of the sane majority or what I hope still is).

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Well... Alcoholism is considered genetic... Obesitiy is absolutely considered genetic....

I agree with Blue Chill... come on, seriously... why would someone CHOOSE to be gay?? Makes Zero sense. Sex is for pleasure, the thought of being with a man is sickening to me... what pleasure could a straight person get from that?

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So....if it is indeed genetic or biological....seems that would make it an abnormality or a disease. No?

know that all of us have noticed kids that act feminine at an age before they have reached puberty.

Yeah, but you know, I have seen a couple of kids completely change once they got older, some haven't. Seems once they came to an age of understanding some choose one way some choose another. The way they acted as kids wasn't the determining factor of their future.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

(searching for the "what would you do for 10 Billion dollars thread)

I didn't forget that thread...:D

It was actually 50 billion and for that amount of money, there's alot of sick stuff I could do....:silly:

For starters, I'd buy the Redskins and Extremeskins and make Navy Dave have a Ricky Martin pic in his sig line....;)

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

No they're not. They can still get married. Just not to someone of the same sex.

I cant marry 12 women either. Are my rights being denied?

(Just taking the argument side, I personally dont care about it)

Just to take the argument side too... I you wanted to mary 12 women and all 12 were in agreement, then what's the problem?

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Right, I understand that it's against the law, but why?

I'm assuming it's against the law to protect people that don't know about it, but IMO, I find it strange that if 12 adults don't have a problem with a situation, why should the government. My opinion on this argument could be swayed, I just don't know the reason behind the law other than protecting a wife that didn't know her husband had another wife.

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Also, is their a "right" to get married in this country?

I think the simply solution is to get government out of the marriage business completely.

However, if government continues to sanction the business of marriage, government should not extend the right or marriage to some individuals while denying the right of marriage to other individuals.

Essentially, I am not a fan of state sponsored bigotry.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

What if I want to marry a houseplant?

In France, a woman just married her dead boyfriend. :doh:

Realy though. If Gay marrage is against "God's will" do you not think God can sort things out for himself? And if the government wants to pass laws based upon "God's will", where is the seperation of church and state? The government has no more business in this matter than it has telling our children they cannot pray in a public building.

And this is not about sex. It's about love. If two gay people want to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. More power to them. If a church is willing to sanction the union, what right does our government have to say they cannot?

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Well, blue chill makes about as much since as a one-wheel rickshaw – I’m not even sure what coherent response there is to that. But the “probability of choice” subject could be interesting. The term ‘choice’ itself implies the power, right, and liberty to choose or select. The only limitations placed on those choices are natural law (you can’t choose to be invisible) and self-imposed law (you can choose not to eat pork) – that greatly oversimplifies the reality – but let’s keep it simple.

Because we are all different implies that there is a high probability that we will make different ‘choices’ in areas such as goals, core values, attitude, etc… That being said, why wouldn’t someone choose to be a homosexual, or drive 75 mph in a 55 mph zone, or cheat on their taxes, or pierce/tattoo parts of their bodies, and many other things that some would deem reprehensible. It remains, however, a choice. And as unimaginative as it would seem for you to make such a choice – others have no such trepidation.

Not to mention, the statement, “no one would do X because I wouldn’t do X” is a bit egotistical wouldn’t you say? While we can debate the morality, one thing is clear… people make the choice to be homosexual the same way people chose not to be homosexual.

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