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Originally posted by IAMBG

I always thought Frunobulax was cool. Never had a problem with him and I know Ive seen that name here for a while....

No reason for posting. Just showing love.

Not that I am hitting on you dude.

And not that there's anything wrong with that.....:rolleyes:

Always assoicited with a far out sig...........................

I like chicken

who is that chick with the cig? Madonna?

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Originally posted by BCS: BearsCanSleep

Ahhh Kevin Miller!! I knows who you is!!

I used to lurk on that newsgroup years ago and you were always one of my favorite posters. Sophistacated sense of humor, intelligent, good insight.

It's nice to meet another person of such rare perception and good taste.

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Originally posted by GrapeApe

Thanks for baning scantily clad women in the middle of post on the FedEx board. That could get someone into some heat at work. If I'm going to get in trouble, hopefully it is because I clicked on Daily Babe and not a thread about Ramsey or whatever they were. (I couldn't figure out what was going on because I have sigs disabled). I ended up disabling all pictures.

No more scantily cald women in the sigs in FedEx?

What is this, America of the Sovet Union?

:jk: :jk: :jk:

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Site and Members,

I want to take the time to apologize to anyone that had a problem caused by the Vida picture. I never thought of people getting in trouble because of my picture popping up without notice or in a forum that isn't for model pictures. It was a quick reaction to a picture I just couldn't believe. I felt it a possitive thing to show what God put on this earth and with Gibbs back, hey It won't get any better.....So I look forward to responding to the various topics Vida free........:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

If I can add my 2 cents...... I don't believe EM should be banned. I know my opinion means nothing, nor should it mean much, but he is a quality poster that hasnt been a disruptive poster. Only a controversial one. That shouldnt be enough to get him banned.

I will say one thing. No one gets banned here without a great deal of consideration. And despite the 'rep' you guys have ascribed to Art, he is one of the least inclined to go to the extreme of 'banning' someone. I have seen him argue in defense of quite a few members. He just doesn't feel compelled to let the rest of you peek behind the curtain and see the compassionate kind Art.

I have nothing against EM. Nor, I suspect, does Art. Looking back at his last couple of posts, he pretty much asked for it. Calling one of the guys whose blood, sweat, and tears makes this free site available a 'blowhard' (among other things) crosses the line in my book. Despite that, EM will no doubt be back if he desires to be, hopefully in better control of his emotions.

Should I lose it and post similiar remarks at some point, I'd fully expect to be given a time-out. Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

If I can add my 2 cents...... I don't believe EM should be banned. I know my opinion means nothing, nor should it mean much, but he is a quality poster that hasnt been a disruptive poster. Only a controversial one. That shouldnt be enough to get him banned.

That isn't what got him banned, CHS. I like controversy and conflict. That didn't hurt him. Go read the second page of the post stuck to the top regarding the board entering a new phase and you'll know what got him banned.

But, EM certainly has a fan club, which is great. You guys may be disappointed though if he can't control himself when he gets back, because there won't ever be a partial ban of him again here.

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Originally posted by Sanders 83

Hey you are not alone, for some crazy reason, I always like Tony Banks as well. I remember watching him with the Rams and the Ravens before us, I can't explain why I liked him really.

We broke the streak of winning a Super Bowl within a year of ditching Banks!


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TC4, the problem isn't in the signatures, but when they are in the middle of the post (or the only part of the post) on the FedEx forum. If they are in the signatures, I can turn that off easy enough (which I have). But the pictures in question were not in the signatures, and the picture was the entire post. It was as if Daily Babe had infiltrated a tread about Ramsey.

Just saying that could get some in trouble at work. In the signatures I have no problem. I have no problem with the Daily Babe either. But I want to be able to pick and choose when I see that.

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Originally posted by Art

Even Madder -- Immense stupidity

ChrisFul -- Ignorant drive-by trolling from a guy who's previously been run off in a huff for being stupid, repeatedly. (Regrettably banned for 200 hours as I hate banning visitors, especially such easy ones to beat up on.)


After your preseason manifesto during this past year showing how Washington was better at every position and even in coaching than Dallas, you should feel obligated to rethink banning based on ignorant drive and trolling.

thecowboys.net didn't ban you, although we've missed you since you left in a huff. :D

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Originally posted by marsbennett


After your preseason manifesto during this past year showing how Washington was better at every position and even in coaching than Dallas, you should feel obligated to rethink banning based on ignorant drive and trolling.

thecowboys.net didn't ban you, although we've missed you since you left in a huff. :D

Ban him:)

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Originally posted by marsbennett


After your preseason manifesto during this past year showing how Washington was better at every position and even in coaching than Dallas, you should feel obligated to rethink banning based on ignorant drive and trolling.

thecowboys.net didn't ban you, although we've missed you since you left in a huff. :D

Uh, I didn't leave in a huff in the slightest. Feel free to post my huff departure to validate your position. Now, your next post on this board will be a correction that I ever stated the Skins had better coaching than the Cowboys. As I've never stated that, such a statement is a lie, and you won't post again here without that correction. How's that for a huff?


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