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All I know....Is Gibbs has been to superbowls,so if we cut Champ and Lavar..so be it!


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Cry,scream and yell all you want guys....But I would rather have a team step on the field and be competitive and make the playoffs,then 3 or 4 guys make the probowl after a 5-11 season!!

Were so used for the redskins to make these big splashes in the off-season that look like were putting the screws to those teams were dealing,that maybe even all of us have forgotten what it takes to WIN!

And that's teamwork!

I don't like the idea of trading Ramsey either,but if it's in the best interest of Joe Gibbs,then so be it....

Gibbs is trying to put what players he believes are best suited for his system.....

Have you guys forgotten that Joe Gibbs has the highest winning percentage over any coach in NFL football history....?

Has 4 superbowl appearances and 3 victories in his honor as well....!

What did Norv,Spurrier,Marty,Petti,Robi or any other coach ever do for us with the talent that we had aboard?

That's right!.......1 playoff appearance in 12 years!!(1999)

So if Joe feels like gutting this team like a fish,so he can fill what players he needs to win....

I won't question him....In fact...I'll call and ask if he wants help in gutting....

Hell...At least Brunell can say he's let his team to 2 championship games...!Which is more (exception B.smith) than any player on the roster!

I wonder if the our current roster remembers how to win...!Let alone make the playoffs!

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Originally posted by michael_33

I wonder if the our current roster remembers how to win...!Let alone make the playoffs!

With all due respect, I think the better question would be if our current roster remember Joe Gibbs coaching the Redskins. And I don't mean just playing for him. I mean watching him on television or being in the league during his first stint with the 'Skins.

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When we start referring the to Washington Redskins as a TEAM again and not individuals, we may just make the playoffs. People around here get more excited about the possibility of losing a qb who hasnt done JACK yet, instead of seeing the bigger picture of maybe someday this team will pull it's collective head out of its a$$ and start pulling the rope in the same direction and get back to postseason play! The transformation has started. Either GET ON THE BUS OR GET OFF THE BUS!!! YOUR CHOICE!!! THIS AINT NO FREE RIDE!!!


:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Yeeeeeeeesh! I thought maybe John Clayton just reported that league sources had been quoted on hearing Redskins sources who had been quoted as hearing that Joe Gibbs was looking at "veteran defensive players that could mean Lavar Arrington or Jeremiah Trotter" very carefully on whether or not they'll be wearing Redskins Jersey's next year. Or something like that. Scarded me. :silly:


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Send Trotter packing too! He sucks. LOL. This is great! Only the Redskins and Redskin fans spend this much time, money, and energy on useless mutterings, inuendo, and offseason transactions. Be nice if we saw that kind of effort on Sundays in the fall.


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Ok. Point is that you bet. Joe and crew pick Desmond. Picked a few other questionable ones as well. However, we can go down the list of additions that the Skins made during Joe's first term as Headcoach and find more bad than good. We can look at the 3 trophy's, division titles, winning percentage, ect. that came with many of those additions and realize that that alone earns him the right of benefit of the doubt.


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Originally posted by michael_33

Were so used for the redskins to make these big splashes in the off-season that look like were putting the screws to those teams were dealing,that maybe even all of us have forgotten what it takes to WIN!

In football, a good team requires chemistry with their coach, not just hype and talent. Hype and talent are only icing on the cake. The cake, however, is chemistry, meaning the players must be able to trust their coach and each other, and have enough teamwork to execute plays properly. You could be a blazing fast wide reciever like Moss, or a scrambling quarterback like Michael Vick, but if you can't run the play without focusing on showing off your talent or running up your stats, you are worth nothing as a player. That's why Joe Gibbs picks players based on personality and not just skill. In order to have a good team, Gibbs knows that he needs players that can cooperate and not just show off. Stats mean nothing if you can't focus.

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Kdawg.....It has all the relevence in the world.....All these youngens' are all freakin' out cause Brunell this and Ramsey that....

Names mean didly squat to me!(and probably gibbs as well)

All I've seen for the last 5 or 6 years are players who quit on their coach,Fans and themselves....

So when I said "if gibbs cuts Lavar or Champ"..........I'm saying that I don't care who goes this year or who stays....Cause I have more faith in a coach who has proven what he can do....at the NFL level.....

Than what a player did at Penn State.....Georgia....Tulane.....or wherever....!Their good players and possible "HOF" at that....

But give me Joe gibbs and I'll trade you Lavar,Champ,Ramsey,Coles,Jansen,Samuels,Gardner,Smoot and anyone else you want....

Catch my drift?

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First off, I'm 19... And you don't see me stressing...

I can personally promise LaVar isn't going anywhere, period... at least for a few more years...

Everyone is expendable... There's at least five to six guys I wouldn't allow to go anywhere, but that's why I'm sitting here and not in the 'Skins front office...

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Originally posted by TankRizzo

with all due respect to Mr. Gibbs, I don't really trust him w/ personnell moves. Remember when we HAD to have Desmond Howard?

With all due respect, isn't it hard to value someone's opinion on personnel moves when that person can't even spell personnel? :rolleyes:

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I posted this in another topic too:

I know you're all aware that Gibbs isn't the only person working on the Redskins. He has his special teams, offensive (Joe Bugel), and defensive (Gregg Williams) coaches too. Don't they play a part in who gets traded, released, and signed as well? If so, then maybe we're ranting too much on Gibbs. If not, then I'll just shut up now.

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Originally posted by TankRizzo

misspellings and all, the truth hurts. Gibbs doesn't have a great track record in that department.

I won't bother to list obvious first round choices like Mark May and Darrel Green.

Gibbs can't find talent.



G Russ Grimm, 3rd round.

DE Dexter Manley, 5th round

WR Charlie Brown 8th round

DT Daryl Grant, 9th round

TE Clint Didier, 10th round

T Joe Jacoby, UFA

FB Otis Wonsley, FA

LB Mel Kaufmann, UFA

RB Joe Washington, FA

WR Alvin Garrett, FA


S Ken Coffey, 9th round


DE Charles Mann, 3rd round


Jay Schroeder, 3rd round

Gary Clark, 2nd round, supplemental draft

Clarence Verdin, 3rd round, Supplemental draft


CB Barry Wilburn, 8th round

TE Terry Orr, 10th round

G Raleigh McKenzie, 11th round

RB George Rogers, FA

G R.C. Thielemann, FA


S Alvin Walton, 3rd

QB Mark Rypien, 6th

LB Kurt Gouviea, 8th

S Todd Bowles, FA

WR Ricky Sanders, FA

QB Doug Williams, FA


RB Timmy Smith, 5th

T Ed Simmons, 6th


QB Stan Humphries, 6th

T Jim Lachey, Trade

LB Greg Manusky, FA

LB Wilber Marshall, FA

TE Ron Middleton, FA


G Mark Schlereth, 10th

T Ray Brown, FA

RB Earnest Byner, Trade (for no-name T Mike Oliphant)

K Chip Lohmiller, FA

DE Fred Stokes, FA


KR Brian Mitchell, 5th

DT Jumpy Geathers, FA

DT Tim Johnson, FA

RB Gerald Riggs, FA


WR Keenan McCardell, 12th

S Brad Edwards, FA

S Terry Hoage, FA

LB Matt Millen, FA

Seriously. Some of you kids need to just settle down.


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Originally posted by michael_33

Cry,scream and yell all you want guys....But I would rather have a team step on the field and be competitive and make the playoffs,then 3 or 4 guys make the probowl after a 5-11 season!!

Were so used for the redskins to make these big splashes in the off-season that look like were putting the screws to those teams were dealing,that maybe even all of us have forgotten what it takes to WIN!

And that's teamwork!

I don't like the idea of trading Ramsey either,but if it's in the best interest of Joe Gibbs,then so be it....

Gibbs is trying to put what players he believes are best suited for his system.....

Have you guys forgotten that Joe Gibbs has the highest winning percentage over any coach in NFL football history....?

Has 4 superbowl appearances and 3 victories in his honor as well....!

What did Norv,Spurrier,Marty,Petti,Robi or any other coach ever do for us with the talent that we had aboard?

That's right!.......1 playoff appearance in 12 years!!(1999)

So if Joe feels like gutting this team like a fish,so he can fill what players he needs to win....

I won't question him....In fact...I'll call and ask if he wants help in gutting....

Hell...At least Brunell can say he's let his team to 2 championship games...!Which is more (exception B.smith) than any player on the roster!

I wonder if the our current roster remembers how to win...!Let alone make the playoffs!

Well said. If we had hired some other coach and that other coach felt the team needed to be gutted; I'll give that coach the leeway.

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When Gibbs and Beathard butted heads over trading a 1st round pic. for G. Riggs, it was most likly one of the major reasons that Beathard left.That trade really pissed me off, but the sight of Riggs running over the defender in the Super Bowl like a man playing with boys made me forget how mad I was.

When Gibbs pushed Beathard over the edge and traded M. Olaphant for E. Byner,can anyone tell me who got the better end of that deal, Gibbs.

So I say its safe to say that Gibbs will piss some people off, but you'll tend to get over it. Even as bad as the D. Howard thing went, he was the Super Bowl MVP for Green Bay.

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Desmond howard was picked by gibbs but never played under gibbs system cause gibbs retired. who knows how well howard wouldve done if gibbs never left. i do recall howard winning a SB later on with another team .. cant recall but was it the packers? i think howard did very well as well. but bottom line is this u talking about one bad move gibbs made. no one is perfect.

anyway. i agree with micheal_33 100%.

I ve been saying this for ever now. who the hell cares if lavar and bailey makes it to the pro bowl after a 5-11 season espcially when bailey and lavar both had avg season. there is no way in hell they shouldve made it to the pro bowl in the first place and that pieace of crap arrington keep mouthing off about gibbs should call him first? what a freakig loser. and he wants to be the leader of the team? yeah right. oh yeah pro bowl is popularity contest. its all about big names. hahahahaha.

Coles on the other hand deserved it and good for him.

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alright i think one of michael_33's main points is to relax a bit about all the potentials trades and cuts--gibbs has to know what hes doing and maybe the critics needs to stop questioning everything so much...ill trust any coach with that successful of a career.

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How can you trade an UFA player?

We have only 4 picks and to spend a high 2nd rounder on brunnell who has at best 3 yrs remaining does bring into question the direction we are going.

Eliminate the joe gibbus maximus factor for a minute.

Spurrier is still here we have the same holes still have champ unsigned the same 4 draft picks and the first offseason move by Danny is to fly Redskin one to Jax and have the infamous shrimp dinner with Brunell.

Danny seals the deal with our second round pick reducing it to 3 remaining and another big offseason splash on offense while ignoring the defense and taking care of contract negotiations with our own players.

There would be WTH and WTF all over this board and in the media.

Personally I hope the deal falls thru and brunell is headed to the dolphins or chargers and we get the cost effective and just as serviceable Blake.

Then the 2nd rounder can bring us our version of the panthers jenkins (Dockett) or the big bruising Back G Jones

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Originally posted by Bang

I won't bother to list obvious first round choices like Mark May and Darrel Green.

Gibbs can't find talent.



G Russ Grimm, 3rd round.

DE Dexter Manley, 5th round

WR Charlie Brown 8th round

DT Daryl Grant, 9th round

TE Clint Didier, 10th round

T Joe Jacoby, UFA

FB Otis Wonsley, FA

LB Mel Kaufmann, UFA

RB Joe Washington, FA

WR Alvin Garrett, FA


S Ken Coffey, 9th round


DE Charles Mann, 3rd round


Jay Schroeder, 3rd round

Gary Clark, 2nd round, supplemental draft

Clarence Verdin, 3rd round, Supplemental draft


CB Barry Wilburn, 8th round

TE Terry Orr, 10th round

G Raleigh McKenzie, 11th round

RB George Rogers, FA

G R.C. Thielemann, FA


S Alvin Walton, 3rd

QB Mark Rypien, 6th

LB Kurt Gouviea, 8th

S Todd Bowles, FA

WR Ricky Sanders, FA

QB Doug Williams, FA


RB Timmy Smith, 5th

T Ed Simmons, 6th


QB Stan Humphries, 6th

T Jim Lachey, Trade

LB Greg Manusky, FA

LB Wilber Marshall, FA

TE Ron Middleton, FA


G Mark Schlereth, 10th

T Ray Brown, FA

RB Earnest Byner, Trade (for no-name T Mike Oliphant)

K Chip Lohmiller, FA

DE Fred Stokes, FA


KR Brian Mitchell, 5th

DT Jumpy Geathers, FA

DT Tim Johnson, FA

RB Gerald Riggs, FA


WR Keenan McCardell, 12th

S Brad Edwards, FA

S Terry Hoage, FA

LB Matt Millen, FA

Seriously. Some of you kids need to just settle down.


Ummm, I would give Beathard alot, if not all of the credit for most of those moves.

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