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C'mon Guy's....!All the NFC east team Fans know about this now!!Ramsey...53%Lewis47%.


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I've checked The giants website and many other nfc east websites and they are voting for lewis....

Get your S.h.i.t. together and go help out our MAN!!!

Even Ganggreen is pulling for lewis...

Madden Mania....Lewis...!

Get with it....!

It ends tonight at Midnight!!!

There are FOX links all around so I don't need to post it,but start Voting....

Get all your friends all the redskins boards and everyone you know to vote for Ramsey!!!

Howie will be representing this thing come Sunday....

We need to show Everyone,Fox or whoever not to screw around with Redskin Fans....

As we are as Loyal as they come!!!!

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If anythings guys....Lets prove to everyone that the team may not be able to get it done in the 4th Quarter,But these fans could play forever in Sudden Death overtime!!!

Keep voting guys....Let's get that % up before we all go to bed....

I don't want to wake and 51% lewis and 49% Ramsey....

Com'n now!!!

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Originally posted by bubba9497

down to 53%

Those damn ravens fans

Geez Bubba, we've got the whole freakin NFL, except the Browns, against us. I think we've already shown we're a force to be reckoned with but I'll throw in a couple hundred more votes for good measure.

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I'm getting a Democrat vote-fraud feeling here. You know how they wait until the votes are in from all the other precincts in the state so they know how many they need and magically, they get 99 percent voter turnout from Philly or East St. Louis and Bam! their guy wins.

Or the chad fiasco in FLorida--how the numbers narrowed and narrowed with a new bizarre and broad definition of a cast vote and all these ambiguous votes seemed to end up in Gore's counts.

Why do I have a suspicion that LEwis is going to win 51 to 49.

BTW, TOm---Ray Lewis can't be tougher. How can a guy who lays out the hits be tougher? IS a guy who shoots someone tougher than the guy who lives after being shot 20 times?(and gets up and kicks Arse of his own)

Plus, would a tough guy do that gay dance of his before games?

I don't think so. And did you see them follow him on Hard Knocks? If I were to make an observation I'd say Lewis is actually kind of a weird guy who plays at being cool, based on that show.

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

I'm getting a Democrat vote-fraud feeling here. You know how they wait until the votes are in from all the other precincts in the state so they know how many they need and magically, they get 99 percent voter turnout from Philly or East St. Louis and Bam! their guy wins.

Or the chad fiasco in FLorida--how the numbers narrowed and narrowed with a new bizarre and broad definition of a cast vote and all these ambiguous votes seemed to end up in Gore's counts.

Why do I have a suspicion that LEwis is going to win 51 to 49.

BTW, TOm---Ray Lewis can't be tougher. How can a guy who lays out the hits be tougher? IS a guy who shoots someone tougher than the guy who lives after being shot 20 times?(and gets up and kicks Arse of his own)

Plus, would a tough guy do that gay dance of his before games?

I don't think so. And did you see them follow him on Hard Knocks? If I were to make an observation I'd say Lewis is actually kind of a weird guy who plays at being cool, based on that show.

I feel EXACTLY the same way.

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Just so you all know, it ends at midnight PACIFIC time, not Eastern.

So don't quit at midnight thinking it's in the bag.

Plus we want a lot of folks keeping an eye on FOX and ready to nail them. They've already dropped Ramsey's percentage a few times again, and my guess is that they want Lewis to win in the worst way. Any more precipitous drops and we need to be all over them.

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I'm not taking anything away from Ramsey. He is tough. He took a licking and kept on ticking until his ankle was too much to take. But, taking a hit alone doesn't make you tough. You have to give as good as you get. I saw Lewis pancaked a couple of times. But he gets up and goes right back giving it his all. He never shy's away from a hit. He is always going all out.

Lewis is by far the toughest guy in this competition. Sorry guys. And I think this whole thing is being watered down by all of you voting and the Ravens fans voting. This is becoming, who has the most fans getting others to vote. You guys have people voting who don't even know who Ray Lewis or Patrick Ramsey are. How is that a true indication? I think Skins and Raven fans should be banned from voting on this.

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Tom, this contest was never about who the toughest player really was. It always was about fans versus fans. A publicity stunt. Hence the vote. Fox clearly knew this and I'm guessing many if not most of the fans know this as well. Hell, sure even the players involved know this. The contest can't be watered down because again, it was never about the actual toughness of the players. Certainly comparing the 2 in the finals is like comparing apples to oranges and I'm certain most of the fans involved are aware of this. This should be looked at as nothing more than it really is. A fun little diversionary gimmick. BTW, there are clearly fans of other teams and rival teams voting in this contest. Obvious from those you mention who don;t know who Ray and Ramsey are. These fans will vote for or against somebody out of spite alone. DQ'ing the Redskins and Ravens fans from this contest guarentees nothing.


Oh. And welcome to the board DarkLadyRaven.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

I'm not taking anything away from Ramsey. He is tough. He took a licking and kept on ticking until his ankle was too much to take. But, taking a hit alone doesn't make you tough. You have to give as good as you get. I saw Lewis pancaked a couple of times. But he gets up and goes right back giving it his all. He never shy's away from a hit. He is always going all out.

Lewis is by far the toughest guy in this competition. Sorry guys. And I think this whole thing is being watered down by all of you voting and the Ravens fans voting. This is becoming, who has the most fans getting others to vote. You guys have people voting who don't even know who Ray Lewis or Patrick Ramsey are. How is that a true indication? I think Skins and Raven fans should be banned from voting on this.

which is tougher, the one who lays the big hit, or the one recieving the big hit ......fully exposed,.knows the hit is coming, but sacarfices his body to make the play work......repeatly, game after game

Ramsey is by far tougher (both physicaly and mentally!), Lewis couldn't handle the beating Ramsey took :hammer:

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