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SI:Black QBs lament Limbaugh's comments


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I can't understand why so many seek to defend that crack head draft dodging moron known as Rush Limbaugh. He pissed off QB's because he said the media wanted Black QB's to succeed and thus implied that all Black QB's were being treated with kid gloves by the media thus lowering their accomplishments.

Like it or not Rush brought up the race issue and was rightfully ripped for it. DO NOT BRING POLITICS TO ESPN PLEASE!!!!

I was glad when they canned his fat @ss and equally so when Miller was tossed off MNF. I don't want my football mixed with right wing lunacy.

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Crack head? your proof?

Draft dodger? Your proof?

If you took his comments to mean that he thought all black QBs were treated with kid gloves, then you are a moron.

ESPN hired him to stir the pot. They hired him to do exactly what he did. He resigned, they didnt fire him.

You'd be better off on a looney tunes lefty circle jerk board like Democratic Underground.

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so u want a cookie? fact is he is one of the top rushing qb in the league and that messes up the offense. sure you can beat crappy teams with that kinda qb hence the giants twice and the redskins (see i mentioned the redskins) beside man the main point was mcnabb is overrated and he is. now i know u gonna stick to mcnabbs side but sometimes u cant be bias. like me i know bailey is overrated and i have posted it. ive also posted that lavar is a moron thinking that gibbs should call him first. if u think im lying u can check the lavar on patrick topic forum. U better recognize.

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Poor fools

Rush didnt say anything racial and brought up other black QBs he thought were better.

And the media to an extent are hoping for the great black QB. But unfortunately he retired years ago and his name was Waren moon.

Since Rush is not liberal he is gonna get slammed and misquoted and even us here on the board in previous years were saying mcnugget is overrated.

Heck the media still doesnt give a better QB peyton manning credit either and lets be honest if manning and mcnabb were both free agents that we could have with out losing picks 9 out of 10 of you would go with peyton.

That has to do with skill not color if that case just as if I had the option of QBs that came out last year it would be the kid in jacksonville and its all because of his skill

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He resigned like so many of Hitler's officers,, in a locked room with a pistol and one bullet.

The bottom line is,, Shame on ESPN for even bringing him in.

Why do they insist on trying to fix what is not broken? I for one don't care what any fathead radio guy has to say. ..unless he's around the game and knows a little something about it, I see no reason to put him in the mix.

ABC/ESPN has now had two miserable experiments of bringing entertainers in to comment on football. When will they get it that the game is entertainment enough?


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so u want a cookie? fact is he is one of the top rushing qb in the league and that messes up the offense.

I'll pass on the cookie; I don't know where it has been. I was merely using stats to refute your argument that McNabb was the leading rusher on the Eagles. Now we're using a different argument - that he's one of the top rushing QBs in the NFL. He just might be; who knows.

beside man the main point was mcnabb is overrated and he is. now i know u gonna stick to mcnabbs side but sometimes u cant be bias. like me i know bailey is overrated and i have posted it. ive also posted that lavar is a moron thinking that gibbs should call him first. if u think im lying u can check the lavar on patrick topic forum.

For about the third time, everything I've written on this thread comes from the assumption that I'm conceding that he's overrated (although aside from that, there are points to be made that he is an accomplished QB.)

U better recognize

Uh, OK Cap'n.

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Rush isnt a nazi

And Rush resigned so Tom jackson wouldnt have to because tom was being called out for not being black enough by the typical race baiters.

And is entitled to his opinion and its funny how when he was praising activists trying to bring social equality into NFL front offices and it was long overdue people behaved like it was just a bee buzzin by.

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Rush didnt say anything racial and brought up other black QBs he thought were better.

I have no recollection of Limbaugh mentioning other black QBs.

Since Rush is not liberal he is gonna get slammed and misquoted and even us here on the board in previous years were saying mcnugget is overrated.

Yet again, assume he's overrated. Where is the link to the liberal sports media? Maybe he's overrated for a bunch of other reasons. Yet Limbaugh just lazily attributes it to the liberal media.

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McNabb doesn't look overrated when he's playing us and if he had some decent receivers his team would be playing Sunday. He goes to the pro bowl every year and to win in this league it takes more then a good quarterback. I wouldn't complain if he was our QB and I know a lot of other teams that wouldn't also. The Cowgirls would be a lot better McNabb makes plays and he makes highlights against us every year.

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By the way... When Rush said that stuff, how did Steve Young, Michael Irvin and all the rest respond to it?

I'm no Mcnabb fan and I ridicule him all the time - like when he did the Thriller thing in the endzone and also how he always cries when he gets hit and begs the ref for a personal foul - but it was pretty impressive that he took the comments in stride and kept playing. But I think pretty much everyone was pulling for him in the season and playoffs because of Rush's comments.

Anyways if he wants to become a good pocket QB , then he has to improve his freakin accuracy. If you throw at receivers' feet all the time you might as well run once in a while.

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How is McNabb being blamed for the Eagles third collapse? Is it his fault Pinkston and Thrash cannot catch?

He beats the sh!t out of us everytime we play him, and he's definitely a double threat quarterback.

I don't make it a habit of defending Eagles players, yet the only weakness I see in McNabb is his erratic accuracy in some games.

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jay master jay would be happy with mcnabb. well first of all mcnabb wouldnt fit gibbs system. gibbs like pocket qbs not scambling qbs. second, whats wrong with ramsey man. what u dont like him? still think ramsey can be one of the best in the league and we saw little bit of that early in the season. im happy with ramsey and u cant not deny thw power of ramseys arm.

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First of all what Rush said was not racist. Instead it was preducial in it's application. There are alot of over rated QB's in the league, but Rush did not address those players, he singled out McNabb. If he wanted his comment to be anti-inflamitory then he should have grouped McNabb with players such as Bledsoe, Plummer, Griese, etc. Instead he commented on McNabb, and the desire of the media for a successful black QB. He showed extremely poor judgemnet in saying "the media wants black Qb's to succeed". That was his and ESPN fatal error. He should have never addressed McNabb's race what so ever. I'm equally mad that Tom Jackson and Michael Irvin sat back and let him say it. I know he wasn't singling out McNabb becuase he was a "black QB", but he put the word "black" in to the comment. That was a no no. ESPN knew that Rush was controversial. We act as though Rush doesn't have a history of saying ultra conservative comments that were seen as prejudicial. I remeber catching one of his late night shows where he made the comment about welfare and the people on welfare. He even showed a picture of a black woman and some kids. I tuned that punk off aftet that. And I was disturbed he got a job on ESPN NFL PRIME TIME. I remember the first time I saw him I had to do a double take. I knew he would put his big foot in his mouth. Now he's popping pills, and crying. What did this guy ever know about football? Why did ESPN hire a guy that probably never played football in his life? ESPN wanted the controversy. And they got it. And Rush said something prejudicial, just as ESPN management knew he would. The reason I say his comment were preducial is because he doesn't have the power to minipulate anyone on the basis of race. Instead he makes inferences based on reace, then he scurries like a punk. If he had any power then he would be a racist. Insted he's powerless, just spitting out dumb comments, and crying like a baby and popping pills. Way to go Rush.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Crack head? your proof?


Originally posted by Kilmer17

Draft dodger? Your proof?


Originally posted by Kilmer17

If you took his comments to mean that he thought all black QBs were treated with kid gloves, then you are a moron.

"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well," - Rush Limbaugh

If you take that as anything else you are rush apologist otherwise known as a ditto head.

Originally posted by Kilmer17

ESPN hired him to stir the pot. They hired him to do exactly what he did. He resigned, they didnt fire him.

Yeah he resigned when it became obvious he was going to be fired. Honestly, if that's possible for a dittohead, do you think had Rush wanted to stay they would have said "hey sure we'll just ignore the thousands of football fans you just pissed off.

Originally posted by Kilmer17

You'd be better off on a looney tunes lefty circle jerk board like Democratic Underground.

I've been a skins fans for as long as I can remember and I don't need some right wing blow hard telling me I don't belong on the fan forums because I don't like his crackhead idol Rush "defended by the ACLU" Limabaugh. You can take yourself back to FreeRepublic.com and pat ol Rushbo on the back with all the other backwards knuckle dragging fools. The rest of us don't want politics mixed in with our sports.

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Such hatred and vitriol from a lefty. (Go to dictionary.com to get the definition).

What your Exhibit is supposed to show Im not sure. I didnt get this months decoder ring from Leftwinglosershateclub.com. Care to explain. If it's an attempt to say that Oxycontin is crack, it's not only innaccurate, it's stupid. I should expect that little though.

The next part is great. Dodging the draft was an artform of lefties for years. Limbaugh had a medical issue that kept him out. That's not dodging the draft (kind of like Howard Deans "back injury). Again, that distinction is obvious to people who dont goosestep to the left wing propoganda and hate.

Then we have the classic red herring. You attempt to prove your point by trying to divert our attention. I knew idiots in college who could grasp this simple Logic 101 problem. But you probably think it's intellectual. Congrats for showing how stupid you are.

Next is the almost as classic- "attempt to change my original argument". Fine and dandy. He resigned under pressure. Doesnt change the fact that you were wrong to begin with.

Finally. If you would spend more time on this board learning about it's members and our views, and less time dreaming with the Michael Moore crowd, thinking up ways to call people who disagree with your narrow view of the world; you'd know a few things.

1- I dont like Limbaugh at all. I think his style is annoying. I think his "conclusions" are fabricated.

2- Go to the tailgate board and find the thread on the Evolution issue. You'll find my views are quite different than what you assumed.

3- Your close minded hateful rhetoric rings hollow. Come with more substance and less Liberal talking points and you wont find yourself on the heel end of a boot.

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