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Rumor on a Vikings website

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Viking Rumor is that Red McCombs gave the okay to pursue Champ Bailey and Jevon Kearse even to the point that if Washington franchises Baily offer them our #1 this year, and their pick of of a running back off our roster.

That is something a buddy of mine got off a Vikings website (sorry I don't have a link or anything).

Now, I'm not trying to say this will happen. But, hypothetically, if the Skins could get Minnesota's first round pick and say Michael Bennett for Champ Bailey, would you be in favor of that move? I would. Discuss.

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I would definitely be in favor of that, even though Minnesota's first rounder isn't especially high. We could have our pick of Taylor or Winslow at the fifth and then pick up Greg Jones or a D-lineman with their 19th pick. Any one of their RBs would shore up our backfield situation. I definitely like it.

We wouldn't be able to completely replace Champ, but Antoine Winfield or another FA CB would fill in nicely.

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Well yeah, NoCal...I have no doubt this is just like one of us hearing a rumor out of Redskin Park. However, having heard it I found that I would be pleased with that trade. So I posed a hypothetical question wondering who would make that or a similar-type trade.

Sorry for the confusion, I'm by no means attempting to break a story as I doubt this rumor has any validity.

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I dont like it. If we trade Champ I want their first round pick for this and next year. Micheal Bennet is good, but he's injury proned. If we had to, I would like to peddle Champ off to the Steelers, or somebody. We shoudl trade him to an AFC team so he doesn't hurt us in the playoffs. But the Vikings offer would be ok. but instead of a RB, I want Kevin Williams, or Chris Hovan. Maybe EJ Henderson wouldn't be bad either.

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If we gave up Bailey for a RB and a #1 pick we wouldn't be going after safeties and tight ends. We'd have a huge gap to fill in CB and you'd see that addressed first. There are a few good corners in the draft and we'd take one at #5 (Gamble or Hall) to replace the super star lost. Then with the vikings pick you could bet the farm on a d-lineman.

I think it would be a excellent trade, we get a young good CB for less then bailey is making, a RB, and a d-lineman. All while saving money on the salary cap.

If this rumor is true I say go for it.

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This would be a no-brainer to me. Not saying it's valid, just saying I'd do it if offered.

Assuming we replace Champ with a solid FA CB, this would essentially be the trade:

Champ for:

Micahel Bennett

19th pick


I think that makes a lot of sense. Gives you full peace of mind to draft Taylor or Winslow, then allows you to still get a DL in the first round. I think Bennett would be a good enough starter for next year. And we could still take a RB as insurance in the middle rounds.

Two keys:

If we deal Champ, we MUST have a plan to sign at least a solid veteran CB.

I think if we can work a deal that allows us to draft Taylor/Winslow and STILL get a first round DL- we pretty much HAVE to do it.

I still Atlanta would trade the 7th pick for Champ-- as a matter of fact, I am sure they would do it. You might even be able to then take that 7th pick, and trade it for TWO later first round picks.

Now that we have Gibbs, I am less adamant that we trade Champ, but I still think I'd pull the trigger on a deal.

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at #19 you don't really know what you are going to come up with, the pick is too late to plan around.

if Bennett turns up lame as he did last season then perhaps you get rid of Bailey, watch him make the pro bowl for the Vikings and then get no immediate return in 2004 at all :(

and that scenario is not beyond the realm of possibility.

BTW, I have yet to see any message boards or publications indicating that this draft is one of the best in recent memory, in fact looking at some spots it is as barren of top talent as any I can remember.

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Interesting theory, but they may have to give up more than that to make us go for it given how low their #1 is, how many RB's they have, and how important Champ is to our and especially our def coor's plans apparently. Besides, while Bennett (who we'd undoubtedly take) was a stud a year ago, his speed is designed for turf, not the outdoors NFC East.

BTW, bulldog, I'm not convinced Bennett is "injury prone" just yet. He had a freak treadmill injury once. I'd like to see more than that.

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