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Mark My words. Davis will bring memories for redskins fans of those Dallas games where we're running davis to kill the clock and Davis fumbles and the opposition scores.

I almost etched those out of my scorned retinas. :doh:

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Enough of the Davis bashing to try to make us feel better for our bad judgment in letting him get away. I'll take a RB that puts 1400 yards on the board for a season any time, regardless of whether someone calls him injury prone. And if a back is going to be a workhorse to that extent and get tough yards for my team, I can live with a ratio of 3 fumbles per 300 carries.

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Originally posted by monarch34

Enough of the Davis bashing to try to make us feel better for our bad judgment in letting him get away. I'll take a RB that puts 1400 yards on the board for a season any time, regardless of whether someone calls him injury prone. And if a back is going to be a workhorse to that extent and get tough yards for my team, I can live with a ratio of 3 fumbles per 300 carries.

I'm not saying he's not good. He's probably the main reason that the Panthers are in the Championship game. But he's also gonna be a big reason why they're not in the super bowl.

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Been seeing those "he'll have a costly fumble" posts for the whole year practically. Still waiting. Especially since the playoffs started. Maybe it will happen. Maybeit won't. I'm going with the odds and saying he won't.


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Ehhhh, I hope he gets the job done today. I think this is his year. After catching lightening in a bottle like BCS is trying to do, errrrrr.......I mean winning that game against us on a freak no call by the officials, I have harbored to much ill-will towards the man. Not to mention the fumbles, the injuries, the sh*t talking last year and the $ demands, I'm ready to let it be.

He's got mojo on his side. SO do we now. Imma let the past go and cheer for him tonight.

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My bro's pretty plugged into the Panthers down here-- friends with a number of the players-- and he called me last night to say that Davis is probably around 90%. Said he'll start the game, and will probably be spelled some by Foster, but if all goes well should play the entire game.

He said they didn't practice him Wed. & Thurs. with the express intent of getting his quad better. He could've gone, but by now the coaching staff knows what to expect of him, and he's familiar with any nuances they want to make just for the Philly defense.

If he plays a decent portion of the game, I love Carolina, but I may buy the hook (to 4 1/2) for an extra 10%. Heard there is rain in Philly now with freezing rain possible by kickoff. Yuck!

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Boomer just reported on CBS that Coach Fox had gotten tips from another coach on how to play & beat the eagles. I didn't catch the name of the coach. Anyone else hear this & able to fill in the blanks?

Edit - Nevermind, Tom just answered it here

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Originally posted by monarch34

Enough of the Davis bashing to try to make us feel better for our bad judgment in letting him get away. I'll take a RB that puts 1400 yards on the board for a season any time, regardless of whether someone calls him injury prone. And if a back is going to be a workhorse to that extent and get tough yards for my team, I can live with a ratio of 3 fumbles per 300 carries.


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