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Remember, Always Get Your Flu Shot


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Flu shots are how the government controls our minds...

Homer Simpson was kidnapped and put on an island for accidently sumbling (he made it up) across that.

I had my flu already I think earlier this year (nausea, sweats, ached, etc...). My girl had her flu as well... a month or so after her flu shot... I guess nothing is certain.

Hope you get well soon...


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Flu shots are how the government controls our minds...

Homer Simpson was kidnapped and put on an island for accidently sumbling (he made it up) across that.

I had my flu already I think earlier this year (nausea, sweats, ached, etc...). My girl had her flu as well... a month or so after her flu shot... I guess nothing is certain.

Hope you get well soon...


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Originally posted by UtahSkinsFanatic

As someone right now is under the attack of the nasty bug and who thought I would be able to survive the season without getting the flu, I have one advice: Next year get the spray or shot and avoid all of this. Just some friendly advice from a fellow ExtremeSkins member.


The one year I did get the shot I was even more sick. It doesn't prevent you from getting it just gets your immune system ready. The flu shot is just a small dose of the actual flu. It is not recommended for eveyone.

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Originally posted by UtahSkinsFanatic

As someone right now is under the attack of the nasty bug and who thought I would be able to survive the season without getting the flu, I have one advice: Next year get the spray or shot and avoid all of this. Just some friendly advice from a fellow ExtremeSkins member.


The one year I did get the shot I was even more sick. It doesn't prevent you from getting it just gets your immune system ready. The flu shot is just a small dose of the actual flu. It is not recommended for eveyone.

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Originally posted by jbooma

The one year I did get the shot I was even more sick. It doesn't prevent you from getting it just gets your immune system ready. The flu shot is just a small dose of the actual flu. It is not recommended for eveyone.

Not exactly. The shot you'll get is a dead version of the bug, you can't actually contract the disease. The spray - FluMist, I think they call it - is the weakened but live flu and yes a small fraction of the recipients will suffer from the spray.

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We're in January, I got the shot in very early December or late November and I've yet to get sick.

But let's wait until March to gauge the effectiveness of the shot.

And I'm quite a scientific case because I get at least TWO flus a year, one in the "flu season" and one during the summer or early fall for some reason.

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I did not get the shot and I did catch the flu.

However, this year they missed thestrain a little. The flu that is going around this year is not the one they vaccinated for. It happens every once in a while, so if you are like me and didn't get the flu shot but got the flu, don't beat yourself up over it.


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Originally posted by NavyDave

Had it for one night

Woke up in the middle of the night

Body aches and dry heaves which stopped after 30 mins under a hot shower and drinking lukewarm to hot tap water.

Me too, bed was spinning, an unknown girl lying beside me, empty wallet and a red mark on the top of my hand reading "Admit One". I told the doctor that I thought it was diphtheria, he told me I was just hung over. :cheers:

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If nothing else, remember this. The number one entry point for viruses is the eyes, followed by the nose and mouth.

Ergo, wash your hands frequently, avoiding touching your eyes, and keep your fingers out of your nose and mouth.

I rarely get colds and haven't had the flu in 15 years. And no, I've never received the flu shot. If I were, I'd definitely go with the nasal spray version.

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Sage advice. Know I'm asking for it, but have avoided the flu so far myself, little touch of something back in say November, but overall this winter nothing. Tough going though since the Flu swept through here early and has stuck around. Add to that this is the tourist season here and they always like to bring stuff with them. Working outside doesn't help but hey. I take my vitamines. :silly: having had a version of this little beast last year at this time, I highly recommend avoiding it.


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