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R D&C: Levy interested in Bills Post


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Levy interested in Bills post

He has contacted two teams already, and would consider a return to Buffalo

By Leo Roth

Staff writer

(January 6, 2004) — Marv Levy, who won more games than any coach in Buffalo Bills history and is a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, is interested in the team’s current head coaching vacancy.

But he has not initiated any moves for the job and the Bills, to this point, have not indicated that they would contact Levy.

“Buffalo is a wonderful place. It’s a great spot, a great job,” said Levy on Monday when contacted at his Chicago home. “And I feel re-energized, more energized in fact than when I stepped away. I had a bit of the Dick Vermeil syndrome, but I’m in even better shape now than I was.”

Levy, 78, retired in January 1998 after 12 seasons in Buffalo and a record of 123-78 that included a record four consecutive trips to the Super Bowl. He has worked in television and radio in the six years since, a span in which the Bills have posted a 46-50 record under Wade Phillips and Gregg Williams.

Levy said he has contacted two of the seven teams currently looking for head coaches but would not disclose them. They reportedly are the Washington Redskins and Chicago Bears.

“I will neither confirm nor deny,” Levy said with a hearty laugh.

Levy was a guest of Bills owner and friend Ralph Wilson at two home games last season and the two speak at least a half dozen times a year socially. But Levy said he has never brought up the prospect of coaching the Bills again to Wilson — and Wilson, who once gave Lou Saban two stints as his coach, has never asked.

“I’ve shied away from it,” Levy said. “I don’t feel that should be part of the conversation. I haven’t initiated that conversation.”

Levy said Wilson has not called asking his opinion on any potential coaching candidates, either. President and general manager Tom Donahoe has interviewed five candidates so far.

“He’s put a lot of trust and faith, and rightly so, in Tom Donahoe,” Levy said. “You don’t need being told from someone from the outside and I made it a point when I retired that I didn’t want to be, quote, ‘a consultant.’”

Levy, a prostate cancer survivor, said he’s in excellent health but is currently recovering from knee surgery. Seven weeks ago, he stepped off a curb awkwardly while on a trip to Italy and injured his knee cap.

Although his credentials are impeccable and he was lauded for his ability to deal with modern athletes, Levy’s name does not pop up on any team’s “A” list of coaching candidates.

Indianapolis offensive coordinator Tom Moore, 65, Philadelphia defensive coordinator Jim Johnson, 62, and recently fired Atlanta coach Dan Reeves, who turns 60 this month, are other successful older coaches not getting much run.

In the league’s zeal to correct the lack of minority candidates being interviewed for head coaching jobs, some are suggesting that age is the new discrimination in the league, a point Levy won’t argue.

“It seems, but I don’t know why,” he said. “Call it a prejudice, maybe there’s a better word, but it (age) seems the one thing that’s acceptable. I don’t know what to do about it but to point to guys like Bill Parcells and Dick Vermeil and (Florida Marlins manager) Jack McKeon and say, ‘Hey, look.’”


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I would love to get 4 years out of a coach, any coach. Right now, we are sitting around interviewing a bunch of retreads while a Hall of Fame guy can't even get a phone call.

During Levy's tenure, Buffalo had one of the most dynamic offenses I have ever seen. I would absolutely bring this guy in and at least let him make his pitch.

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Spear and Griff both just sent shivers down my spine!!!

That cannot be allowed to happen.

Honestly, the Bruce thing aside, I see a lot of upside to Marv Levy even though I don't see it happening.

1) He's had great success in the NFL.

2) His players were disciplined and played hard for him.

3) He has a special teams background and this team hasn't exactly paid much attention to ST in a while.

4) These coaches that have been coming out of retirement seem to be succeeding (Vermeil and Parcells are examples of this).

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I'd be willing to give Levy a shot as coach of the 'Skins, but the fact he's 78 years old in an extremely stressful environment (football) makes me wonder if he could in fact come back and be successful.

I'd prefer him over Green, Fassel and Rhodes, too.

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Levy is 78 and has been out of coaching since '98 which gives me great pause. He was on George Allen's staff however (I think he was the special teams coach) and has been very succesful. I could see us bring him in for an interview to 'pick his brain' or maybe put him in a consultive position.

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