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superbowl picks?


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In the preseason I picked the Rams to beat the Colts, and I'll stick to it.

Seriously, though... who looks like they have the most balance going in?

The Packers?

Brett Favre's hot, but he gets smoked in the playoffs. Ahman Green IS tearing it up, though.

The Titans?

The Eagles and Chiefs can't stop the run, the Rams and Seahawks can't win on the road, the ravens have no passing game, the Pats have no running game, ..the Colts defense is good, but can be made to look bad.. their speed can be used against them, the Cowboys offense is belly-up.. Denver has Jake Plummer, for cryin out loud.

Should be fun.

I can't wait til the ... era begins and we can get back to the party.


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Well, while I'm not ready to give my prediction, you guys remember Dave Jennings? He predicted a Bill vs. Bill Super Bowl. Could you imagine the Cowboys in the Super Bowl? :puke:

He did predict the Pats to win it. Fact is, if the Cowboys beat the Panthers, it is likely that an NFC East team will be in the NFC Championship game since the Eagles and Cowboys would probably play each other. Assuming the Packers beat the Seahawks.

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New England over Green Bay in a 1996 rematch (except the Pats are a totally different team)

Philly has 4 L's this year....3 at home....1 most recently. If Green Bay goes to Philly.....they will win by using the same gameplan the 49ers used....except with a better QB and RB just picking at the LB corp.

New England at home in the deep deep cold is even too much for a Denver or Tenn to win in.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

Well, while I'm not ready to give my prediction, you guys remember Dave Jennings? He predicted a Bill vs. Bill Super Bowl. Could you imagine the Cowboys in the Super Bowl? :puke:

He did predict the Pats to win it. Fact is, if the Cowboys beat the Panthers, it is likely that an NFC East team will be in the NFC Championship game since the Eagles and Cowboys would probably play each other. Assuming the Packers beat the Seahawks.

If Dallas wins, the Eagles play them, regardless of the outcome of Seattle-GB. GB is 4th seed, SEA is 5th, Dallas is 6th.

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I like Denver over the Rams

I would have gone with the Pats but man, they have got to lose sooner or later, you just cant win that many in a row these days. I think Denver is peaking at the right time. And they are all healthy now. Bang, Plummer had a very good year. He's a good QB, just always been with a crappy team. I saw every Denver game this year. They lost on a BS no-call on Hall's punt return and then they lost a couple when Jake was hurt and then out. If he was healthy the whole year, I think they could have won that division. KC is way overrated

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just don't think the Rams have it this year.

losing to Detroit when they had the chance to lock up homefield, regardless of the Bulger injury, just showed that the club isn't that quick to bounce back from adversity.

it also showed their defense is not up to carrying this team if the offense doesn't put on a clinic.

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That is why I thought the Cowboys were the fifth seed, because they are.


The Cowboys are the fifth seed and the Seahawks are the sixth seed. If the Cowboys and Packers win then the Cowboys play the Eagles. If the Cowboys and Seahawks win, the Eagles play the Seahawks.

Of course, if the Cowboys and Seahawks win then the Cowboys and Eagles win the following week, you will have a Cowboys @ Eagles NFC Championship game guaranteeing one of them in the Super Bowl. :puke:

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