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Who I think should be the next coach


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Well ever since this morning when I saw the news that Spurrier had quit, ive been thinking on who would be the best fit as the next HC of the skins...

I had to take in a few things into consideration when I thought of all the possible canidates:

1. Our current roster (more specifically the offensive players we have now) and who would best use them and in what scheme.

2. Track record of winning in the NFL.

3. Ability to instill dicipline and leadership into players.

4. Ability to take no sh!t from anyone.

5. The fact that we have no GM and that Snyder and Cerrato are going to want things run their way, which may cause problems..

so my suggestion as who should be the next coach of the Washington Redskins is.....

Tom Coughlin

Yup Coughlin. Id also like to see him take a folding chair to both Vinny and Danny's nogins and make himself GM.

This team hasnt had a coach or a GM that the players would listen to since Saint Joe left for the land of the oval circles. Coughlin is the only person IMHO that can straighten this bunch of under achivers out. Bonus is, that he plays a similar type of offense to the FnG so the shock of a new offense wouldnt be as bad to the players. And hell we know he can win; between 1997-1999 he went 36-10 with an expansion team.

Thoughts? Flames? Death threats? Bring them on!

:finger: :laythehur :redpunch:

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Originally posted by riggins44

Do you think he could turn this team around? The teamed balked at Marty and his strict ways.

that was a team of older vets. I honestly think this team is different; sure we have plenty of vets but I think that they have had enough summer camp and want to win sooner than later.

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The team mutinied under Marty and Marty caved. That was what really did him in here. Coughlin won't cave. He'll respond to the mutiny by having the team doctor cut someone's leg off. I think Coughlin is the guy you really want here if you are SOOOOOOO PISSSSSSSED at these players that you just want them to suffer for a couple of years so they appreciate how good they've had it here for so long.

No way Joe Gibbs is coming back. Too long away. Too much to lose if he can't get the magic back. But, dammit, THAT'S a dream I don't think should be ignored :). Can you imagine? If we actually announce Gibbs as the next coach you won't ever hear another word spoken negatively about Snyder :). Won't happen. But talk about a coup :).

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Coach Gibbs would be miraculous but in reality,that's just a dream. Oldskool talked about the qualities to consider for our new coach and one of them was being able to use the players we have on offense properly. With that in mind,what about Gary Kubiak with Denver? At one time he was a hot commodity. The Bronco offense would fit in the NFC East IMO. Just throwing out a suggestion here. Thoughts??

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Forget Couglin. Forget Jimmy. Forget Green.

If I see a thread announcing Joe Gibbs, someone please wake me up! We could re-live the 80's again--some of you young guys will see what winning games is all about!

Seriously, I still like: Herm Edwards, Romeo and Jimmy Johnson as our picks.

Sonny was grinning though????????

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Originally posted by DieselPwr44

Coach Gibbs would be miraculous but in reality,that's just a dream. Oldskool talked about the qualities to consider for our new coach and one of them was being able to use the players we have on offense properly. With that in mind,what about Gary Kubiak with Denver? At one time he was a hot commodity. The Bronco offense would fit in the NFC East IMO. Just throwing out a suggestion here. Thoughts??

If we had Kubiak as a HC and a OC, his offense would fit but im more concerned that he's never held a HC job in the NFL before.

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Folks, I have trouble believing that, a month ago,

  • Sonny knew Steve was going to leave
  • Danny knew about it, and had made arrangements with another coach,
  • And Danny told Sonny about it.

Now, maybe Sonny heard we were talking to a DC or GM . . .

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Obvioulsy the talk of Gibbs is just wishful thinking. He is a part owner or something now with the Atlanta Falcons.

I think Coughlin and Marty are alike except that Coughlin is an offensive coach and Marty Defense but they both seem to know how to rub players the wrong way.

Outside of Parcells and maybe Marvin Lewis, I dont see many coaches who are gonna be good disciplinarians. Its sad that we as fans have to hope that these players act right with another substitute teacher (coach) coming soon. Pro millionaire athletes should not need to be babysat.

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