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Breaking News: Gregg Williams to be gone Monday

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Breaking News: Gregg Williams to be gone Monday

By BillsReport Staff

Date: Dec 27, 2003

As Ruben Brown sitting out this is any possible indicator, BillsReport.com has learned from sources that Gregg Williams is to be formally excused from the Buffalo Bills organization sometime Monday or possibly early Tuesday.

Gregg Williams stint with the Bills for 3 years has resulted in a losing category.

Williams took the Bills to a 3-13 record in his first season as head coach. In his second season, Williams created a spur in Buffalo by acquiring quarterback Drew Bledsoe from New England, the Bills improved to 8-8 last season and set the stage for this year's potentially successful season.

However, the Bills are 6-9 right now and face the New England Patriots for the season finale. The Patriots, who were downed 31-0 in the Bills season opener, have already secured a playoff spot.

For more information on this story, stay with BillsReport.com to keep you updated.

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ESPN's also reporting that Dave Wannstadt won't be fired, and will get a 1 year contract extension so he won't be a 'lame duck' coach next year. Apparently, he's agreed to have a GM-like superior who'll have final say in personnel, or something to that effect, as a condition for keeping his job.

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A defensive coordinator who has failed as a head coach will be a perfect fit; there's no fear of him moving up. If he comes here as DC, that's as high as he's going.

It may seem twisted, but McGinnis probably has a better shot as a head coach than Williams, so it would probably be better to bring Williams in.

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Dave McGinnis has gotten the most out of lame-duck talent in Arizona ever since he has been the head coach there. A perfect complement in my opinion for Spurrier. Whereas the Ball Coach is a seemingly laid back guy, McGinnis is more of a high energy guy who would be able to light a fire under the butts of our defensive unit. Exactly what is needed around here.

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Jauron has one year remaining on his contract, at a salary believed to be $2.2 million-$2.5 million, and the Bears are responsible for that. It is possible Jauron could be considered for any of the other vacancies expected to be created this week and he might also be a candidate for a defensive coordinator's job with a number of franchises.

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Spurrier will be back next year, like it or not. I also think Edwards will be given the benefit of the doubt considering the troubles of the Defensive line.

He may have to concede Helton's job, although the O line played much better after Hasselbeck took over and the offense was streamlined.

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