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WP: Redskins, D. Russell will part company

Zen-like Todd

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The one common thread with the players we signed this offseason in free agency was that each was said to play with heart and have a passion for the game. I guess except Canidate and Hall.

But, Fiore, Noble, Coles, Morton, Thomas, Bowen, Upshaw and Haley were all generally considered blue collar types of varying abilities who were brought in to improve that aspect of the team. This was the first offseason where Cerrato was said to be in charge.

I don't think giving Russell a second chance was a bad idea. I don't think it's a bad idea to look at him this offseason. But I think it would need to be a signing that does fit into the general theme of players Cerrato targeted this offseason in his first where he was said to be the guy pulling the shots. Or, first since 2000 :).

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hahahaha...good riddance. I'm still amazed at all the people who were in favor of re-signing this scumbag when he showed absolutely nothing in the eight weeks that he was here.

And how the hell can you get lost when you've been driving to Redskins Park for seven weeks beforehand? Must be that short-term memory loss. :rolleyes:

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I don't know where Russell is living right now, but I live just a few miles from Redskin Park and find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that someone could get lost getting there. It's just too straight-forward.

I think not re-signing Russell is part of a general trend of ridding the team of bad apples. I hope Rod Gardner is part of this purging...:mad:

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Originally posted by JeffSchmeff

Why are people so AGAINST bringing Gardener in? Say what you want about him being trouble, but he was a model citizen in the locker room when he played for Washington. The guy's a manchild: 6'6", 325 with no fat. He was one of the few that actually got pressure on our line last year. I would take him if we could sign him to a reasonable deal with some behavior/injury clauses in the contract...

He was a model citizen in DC at a time when the staff was apaprently very lax with the players. If that is to change like Spurrier says it will, Gardener would be a very poor fit here. He also admitted to taking plays off. No thanks.

I was for the Russell signing because in the end we didn't lose anything. Apparently he wasn't a guy we needed around so we got to make an example out of him. I think it was worth the gamble. Now we can cut him and move on. We lost nothing.

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Originally posted by JeffSchmeff

Why are people so AGAINST bringing Gardener in? ... I would take him if we could sign him to a reasonable deal with some behavior/injury clauses in the contract...

That's exactly what they tried to do when they negotiated with him last offseason. I believe he was the first in-house person they did try to negoatiate with last offseason.

The Redskins made it a priority to try to get him in, offered a large contract, and he refused to address his health issues when asked to do so.

And a bad back is a health issue that must be addressed.

Let him keep walking.


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Huh? WTF? The guy barely got back into the league and knew darn well he was skating on thin ice. So... with that said... he shows up late for practice? Geez... if I was in his predicament, I'd be sure to be a half hour early to practice..... hang out and have a cup of coffee at the Starbucks down the street to make sure I was there when I was supposed to.

No......good move....get rid of him. Also, we don't know whether he's one of the "bad apples" who was unprofessional and who goofed off and didn't practice hard. That's the type of player that helped get us where we are now. Ba-Bye!!!!

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Anyone who thinks we're not bringing Russell back just because he was late to one practice is kidding themselves. For once in my life I'll defend Cerrato. As he said, we had 8 weeks to evaluate the guy, and we're going to go in a different direction. The quote about "8 weeks" is significant, because it means this was not a hasty decision. It was based on the entire 8-week tryout, and the guy failed. Simple as that. Russell brought nothing to the table for 8 weeks...and apparently no fire or desire. I'm glad he's gone.

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