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Marjorie Taylor Greene Attacks GoFundMe Over Refunds on Trucker Donations


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, attacked GoFundMe Saturday morning over its decision to refund donations to the Canadian truckers who are protesting a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.


Truckers began the protest in downtown Ottawa last week and have faced scrutiny from the Canadian government, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saying they should go home.


Since the launch of the fundraiser in support of the protests' organizers, supporters donated C$10 million—about $7.9 million—to the now-defunct page on GoFundMe, which said Friday it would refund contributions to any donors. The company first halted the fundraiser on Wednesday.


Greene called for the company to be "arrested for theft" and told her followers that "no one should use their site" in a five-minute video posted to her account on the conservative social media site Gettr.


"These corporate communists—this big tech company, basically—that acts as like a bank, and their corporate communists are stealing money," she said. "I mean, this is literally theft by deception. It is completely wrong and they should be arrested. They seriously should be arrested."


She went on to criticize companies for deciding "they are the kingmakers" by choosing "what's information and what's misinformation" and "what you can donate your money to."


The company initially said it would refund donations to anybody who applied, and the remaining funds would be donated to charities chosen by the Freedom Convoy organizers. But after receiving "donor feedback," GoFundMe later said they would automatically refund contributions directly to donors.


Other conservative figures also attacked the company for the decision.


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On 2/2/2022 at 4:34 PM, China said:

Breakaway US Republic Builds Ties to Regional Extremist Movements


As the crisis over the Constitutional Republic City of Oroville continues through its second year, hundreds of internal documents newly obtained by Motherboard show that the leaders of the separatist faction that has seized control of the restive Northern California enclave of 15,000 and put it on the brink of war not only have ties to the leaders of other breakaway movements but also have provided them aid and support.


The new revelations call into question the integrity of a 244-year-old political union and raise fresh concerns about the possibility of armed conflict, even as the crisis seems to have settled into an uneasy detente. The circumstances under which these documents were obtained, however, show that elements of the regime are obeying provincial law—strongly suggesting that the separatists’ grasp on the mechanisms of government may not be as firm as has been widely assumed.


Among the documents are communiqués from enigmatic Vice-Mayor Scott Thomson, a world-traveled religious leader who, according to an autobiographical account located in the cache of documents, “helped plant three churches and a Bible College” in Russia and was the driving force behind the November resolution in which Oroville leaders, who oppose regional COVID-19 policies, declared that they would no longer follow provincial or federal law. They offer rare insight into his strategy and motivation and his background, as well as his dealings with foreign media outlets. (“I have no real ‘credentialed’ education to speak of since the church-based Bible College I went to is only really recognized by my denomination,” he wrote in a statement provided to the president and CEO of a firm “creating a conservative television network with nine stations in Northern California.”) The most substantial document was produced on November 15 of last year, after a Fox News booker asked Thomson to provide “a few bullet points outlining the main ideas or opinions you would like to express” ahead of a 1:50 a.m. appearance on the Fox and Friends First program. In response, Thomson produced a detailed manifesto, which you can read in full here.


“As California seems to be moving toward a ‘dictatorship’-style government, we’re putting our ‘steak [sic] in the ground,’” Thomson wrote, “that we’re staying a Constitutional Republic.” He went on to explain his false belief that COVID vaccines are lethal (“I know people who have died within days of taking the vaccine,” he wrote) and issue an ominous warning.

“History shows us,” he wrote, “that once a people surrender any freedom, it often takes bloodshed to get it back.”  


Citizens, the documents reveal, are not uniformly in favor of secession, much less bloodshed. ”We must maintain social cohesion between local, state and national governance for all our best interests and health during this difficult time,” one wrote to regime officials. “Division will only destroy us.”


Residents of the broader region also expressed dissatisfaction with the regime. “I travel through Oroville multiple times a year, and you have just ensured that I will never again stop in and leave any tourist revenue,” wrote one, a week after Oroville announced its new status.


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US Government Seizes Assets of Leader of Breakaway Republic


An hour into a February 1 meeting of the council that controls the Constitutional Republic City of Oroville, which for months has stood at the precipice of war with the neighboring United States, regime leader Chuck Reynolds—the humble, blue-collar owner of a multi-million-dollar construction business and a convicted felon—gave a long, winding monologue in which he railed against his enemies while explaining that he doesn’t have any money because of evil billionaires, his own generosity, and the U.S. government. 


Holding loyalists in his thrall for 26 minutes, an emotional Reynolds sought to bind himself to citizens of the breakaway Northern California republic over which he lords, offering himself as the last defense between them and those who would do them harm. The performance offered rare insight into the pressures and demands of leadership on the world stage—and the stagecraft with which leaders in this region, torn by strife and their refusal to obey public-health measures put in place by the regional and federal governments to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, appeal to the masses who will decide its future.


Reynolds went on to say that as he was fulfilling his biggest-ever contract, to build a local fire station, “All of a sudden, money was disappearing. IRS [the Internal Revenue Service, a U.S. federal agency charged with collecting taxes] showed up and said, ‘You haven't been making your payments.’ I said, ‘No, I have, I've been making my payments, look.’ And he said, ‘No,’ or they said, ’No, you haven't, it shows here in your Quickbooks that you've made all your payments, but it never showed up to our office. Somebody's intercepted your money.’”


The IRS, he said, “seized the proceeds from all my accounts receivable—$500,000” and allowed him to begin a payment plan to repay the rest of what he owed. Just the week before, though, he said 17 minutes into his monologue, he had an odd feeling, looked at his account on his phone, and saw that the IRS had seized $125,000 that he’d just been paid for a job. (That the IRS would do this to the leader of the constitutional republic speaks to the depth of the breakdown in relations between Oroville and the U.S.)


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Don't need to register your gun, but do need to register if you're pregnant....


Oklahoma Considers Database For Pregnant People As Roe Hangs In The Balance


The Oklahoma Legislature started its 2022 session this week with a slew of anti-abortion bills, which isn’t uncommon. “This is my 12th year in the legislature now, and it feels like every year we go through this,” said Oklahoma House Minority Leader Emily Virgin (D).


But this year’s anti-abortion bills ― 11 were pre-filed before the legislative session even began ― bring fresh menace. The state’s Republican governor has already promised that he would sign any abortion restriction the Oklahoma Legislature sends his way. Moreover, some bills, which clearly go beyond what’s allowed by Roe v. Wade and normally would immediately get bogged down in the court system, could actually become law given the looming U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which could upend five decades of abortion rights.


And the bills coming to the floor range from extreme to downright dystopian, including one that would create a state-run database of some pregnant people in the state.


“[W]e have absolutely seen the bills get more and more extreme,” said Virgin. “That’s due to the national landscape and the conservative majority on the Supreme Court. I think the anti-abortion movement has been strengthened and emboldened by that. And with our current governor, it’s pretty likely that he’ll sign any anti-abortion bill that makes it to his desk.”


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Mexican Officials Fire Back At Ted Cruz After Criticism


Mexican government officials have fired back at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), after he accused the country of “undermining the rule of law.”


“If he praised me, I might start thinking we weren’t doing things right,” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Friday. “But if he says we are wrong, well that for me is something to be proud of.”


He said Cruz’s criticism was “expected” given their political differences, the Dallas Morning News reported.


The exchange followed the senator’s criticism of the country over recent killings of journalists and politicians there, with Cruz describing “deepening civil unrest in Mexico and the breakdown there of civil society, the breakdown of the rule of law.”


Mexico’s ambassador to the U.S., Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, also responded to Cruz, publishing an open letter to him on Thursday.


In his letter, Barragán said that at least Mexico’s political candidates accept defeat when they lose elections.


“I invite you to look at what happened in our federal elections last June. All parties, with no exception, accepted the results and kept moving forward to strengthen our democracy and freedom of expression,” Barragán wrote.



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I saw booze, guns and fights on the Missouri House floor. Voters must fix this mess


The Kansas City Star’s Feb. 17 editorial, “Of dogs and dysfunction: Anarchy in Jefferson City,” was so right on the money. As a nine-year veteran of the Missouri House, I can wholeheartedly vouch that dysfunction is the legislature’s middle name.


As do most voters, I expect legislators to be serious when they take their oath of office. I want to trust they will treat their offices with reverence instead of middle school immaturity — I really do.


My first late-night session as a freshman involved debate over a pornography bill. Arguments proceeded way past midnight as I was introduced to #molegafterdark. Coffee cups are allowed on House chamber desks, yet during evening sessions, many of those cups contain alcohol. I was appalled at the drunken debate, remembering how hard I campaigned just to be sitting at one of those desks. Surrounding us were the words carved at the very top of the House chamber: “Liberty, Justice, Law, Progress, Truth, Knowledge, Honor.” Yeah, right.


Hijinks abound every session — particularly as tempers flare between the Republican-controlled state House and Senate. It is routine for both chambers to be at odds as constitutional deadlines loom and members are often campaigning against each other for higher office. Legislators are permitted to carry concealed guns in the Capitol (really) and many pat their pants pockets during high stress debates, reminding everyone who has firepower.


One year, I witnessed a screaming near-fistfight of legislators behind my seat as security rushed to intervene. On another late night, I prepared to hide under my desk as an armed inebriated state senator paced our side gallery in intimidation during a contentious House vote on her bill.


In 2015, House Speaker John Diehl barricaded himself in his office the last week of session after media unveiled his inappropriate sexual relationship with an intern. All work came to a standstill until he eventually resigned. That year, members of the Senate threw up their hands and adjourned sine die early. They had had enough hijinks and went home.


In 2018, the House spent five months investigating then-Gov. Eric Greitens and members were ready to impeach him on several counts before he abruptly resigned. Impeachment drama as he faced potential felonies colored everything that session, with hardly anything getting done for the people.


Yet we keep hoping for serious people to take over and heed the state motto, “Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law.” It doesn’t say anything about hijinks.


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Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan Charged With Racketeering


Michael Madigan, the former speaker of the Illinois House and for decades one of the nation’s most powerful legislators, was charged with a nearly $3 million racketeering and bribery Wednesday, becoming the most prominent politician swept up in a federal investigation of entrenched government corruption in the state.


Madigan, 79, is charged with 22 counts, according to the indictment obtained by NBC 5. It "accuses Madigan of leading for nearly a decade a criminal enterprise whose purpose was to enhance Madigan’s political power and financial well-being while also generating income for his political allies and associates," according to a release from the U.S. Attorney's office for the Northern District of Illinois.


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8 hours ago, China said:

Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan Charged With Racketeering


Michael Madigan, the former speaker of the Illinois House and for decades one of the nation’s most powerful legislators, was charged with a nearly $3 million racketeering and bribery Wednesday, becoming the most prominent politician swept up in a federal investigation of entrenched government corruption in the state.


Madigan, 79, is charged with 22 counts, according to the indictment obtained by NBC 5. It "accuses Madigan of leading for nearly a decade a criminal enterprise whose purpose was to enhance Madigan’s political power and financial well-being while also generating income for his political allies and associates," according to a release from the U.S. Attorney's office for the Northern District of Illinois.


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Democrat. Good, clean house regardless of party.

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Idaho House committee approves bill to prohibit gender-confirmation medical treatment


The Idaho House State Affairs Committee passed a bill that would prohibit gender-confirmation surgery from being performed on children, even if they had parental consent.


Rep. Bruce Skaug, R-Nampa, introduced the bill that would add to the existing law for “female genital mutilation” under Idaho Code 18-1506B.


The Legislature initially established that law in 2019, targeting ritual genital mutilation conducted against girls by some faiths. The law also added an enforcement mechanism to align with a federal law that passed in 1996 outlawing female genital mutilation.


But Skaug’s bill, HB 675, would change the law to apply to both male and female children and would prohibit surgery “if it is for the sole purpose of attempting to change or affirm the child’s perception of the child’s sex if that perception is inconsistent with the child’s biological sex.”


Some transgender people choose to undergo a gender-confirmation surgery.


Should Skaug’s bill pass, any person convicted of a violation of the law would be guilty of a felony, punishable by up to life in prison.


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