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VT vs USC at Fedex next year


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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

Ha ha - Tech gonna get rolled. They usually do when they play teams that are better than .500.

Nasty little secret that no one wants to talk about - Techs record in the Big East the last 3 years was 3-4, 3-4, and 4-3 (this year).

I don't think that's any nasty little secret to any Tech fans. Pitt and WVU have joined Miami in owning our number for the past couple of years. It's one of the reasons losing to them again this year was so disappointing.

Pitt matches up well against Tech due to their tall and talented receivers (Antonio Bryant is a name us Redskin fans probably know, and now of course they have Larry Fitzgerald). It seems, now, though, that those teams just have VT's number.

BTW, it's easy to forget that Tech beat LSU, Marshall, and A&M in a 3 game span last year with a very young defense. I believe they had full control over LSU and Marshall, and pulled away from A&M late in a very defensive game (Wilford caught a pass and took it to the house since A&M were probably a little anxious about KJ and Suggs).

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Tech's problem is terrible offensive play design by whoever the hell is draws up their plays. And Randall sucks against good teams, if they could get Vick ready to go, and some better plays they'd be awesome.

They're offensive plays are just so simple, they never really even throw to the running backs or anything, its all slants and curls.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

This is gonna be an incredibly fun match up. As soon as tix go on sale I am there.

Tech always seems to do well against first time opponents unless they are hopelessly overmatched in terms of talent (Nebraska Orange Bowl 1996, Sugar Bowl vs FSU in 2000 where a man named Vick kept it close) When its a "new" team ala LSU 2002, Texas A&M, Texas in 1995 Beamer ball puts them away. I am real interested to see what happens in this game. It'll be fun

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NO WAY that Va Tech beats USC, even WITH Marcus Vick starting.

USC will STILL be loaded for bear next year as well, and in refrence to SkinsNumberOne's comments about Va Tech and tall opposing WRs, USC will still have both QB Mike Leinart AND WR Mike Williams back next season, and they are both only sophmores this year, not to mention a TON of speed on defense.

By the way, who says the game is gonna be at FedEx? I saw this on the sports ticker on ESPNews, and it said the site was TBA.

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Originally posted by Troy Fakeman

VT - the jokies have no chance....doesnt USC have 2/3 of their squad coming back next year?

Tech has surprised people with their ability to field a strong defensive team at the beginning of the year. It's the whole "end of the year" thing that causes them trouble... you know, when they play Pitt, WVU, and Miami (although this year's Miami game was one of the most enjoyable football games for me to watch in a long time). Like I said, going into the season a year ago, no one expected them to go through LSU, Marshall, and A&M without at least one loss (and most expected 2 at least). Instead, they pretty much dominated LSU and Marshall, and they played a solid game against A&M in beating them as well. That was a year when they had a very young defense.

They are losing some key players, for sure... KJ of course tops that list, but there are plenty of others. Still, Tech has surprised people before. Granted, the challenge doesn't get much higher than USC.

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LSU was in rebuilding mode last year. They had just lost their number 1 receiver, starting QB, and one of the main anchors in the defense, Trev Faulk. Matt Mauck was starting his first game away from home and thanks to all the dropped balls by the receivers, LSU was hardly able to move against TECH. But yeah Tech was a pretty good team last year until their seasonal annual late season brakedown. People forget, had Domanick Davis's runback for a TD not been called back by an illegal block(which happened after Domanick Davis blew past the guy) it would've probably been a different game..at least not 26-8. I wish Va Tech's ad didn't have to ***** out of ass whooping Tech was going to receive next year down in the Bayou. It is a damn shame, LSU is going to be a national power for a while now. When Mauck leaves, Jamarcus Russel or Matt Flynn will step in and do fine. Amp Hill and either Early Doucet or Xavier Carter (whoever they get) will be the go to receivers next to Skyler Green once Clayton leaves. The offensive line will be reloaded with Terrel McGill and Sevin. On the defensive line, talent is just oozing out of the prospects aquired. The linebacking corps is the only really question mark with this team, but they have turned out to be a pleasant surprise this year. And well, the secondary is pretty much set with the emergence of Laron Landry at safety and if Corey Webster decides to stay who many think is the best CB in the SEC, well damn..LSU is set. RB is loaded with Justin Vincent, Broussard, Carey, and Addai. Damn it is great to be a Tiger fan! After all the years of futility in the 90's LSU is going to be back in the elite. Hell, no LSU fan was expecting LSU to challenge for the title this year. Next year was suppose to be LSU's coming out party. Man oh man, oh well..damn shame Va Tech isn't coming down to LSU. I was planning to go to that game! I went to the awful game in Blacksburg :(. I do hope Va Tech wins next year though, I can't stand Pete Carrol, he is a whining *****. Sure his team deserves a bid to play in the Sugar Bowl, but to proclaim the Rose Bowl as the true national championship game..and then act like you are just going to walk right past Michigan..well..that is just wrong and I hope USC gets their asses handed to them by Chris Perry and co.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I'll tell you this much warpathbraves. There isn't a Hokie fan that I know that wasn't pissed we are not going to play in LSU next year. My roomates and I all had plans to head down there, enjoy some cajun food and some of the LSU hotties. Alas we'll have to wait till 2007.

I just wish the BCA had cleared this up a few months ago and booked a Tech-USC game in September rather then giving Weaver the budget excuse to postpone the game. Most of us are asking now why aren't we playing LSU? A schedule with LSU, USC, Miami, Maryland, NCSU would have been awesome. But I'll be at LSU in '07.

And as far as my early early USC prediction. I think Tech will pull out for the reasons I stated (Beamer ball gets you early) and the fact that as discussed in this thread passing teams tend to start slower on offense then running teams. Well guess what Tech is...

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Does anyone know if Skins season ticket holders will get some kind of first chance at these?

I know that Hokie Club members will have the option to purchase tickets, although separately from the regular season ticket package.

(My dad is Club Level and I'm hoping to get a set (or 4) for my birthday.)

Lastly, WarpathBrave86, you certainly have a lot of excuses for that game last year. HAHA.

THe best part for me was some arrogant LSU fans coming in, chanting "High School Stadium". I really enjoy beating those big schools, because all the fans think they invented football.

I was against moving the LSU game, too. Weaver is not my favorite person for that and other decisions. However, seeing the outcome (big OOC game plus another home game to make $) I am okay with it. It stinks that LSU will drop back off the map once Saban goes to the pros.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

What exactly are you implying, Mike? I hope it's not what I interpeted it as.

I'm just saying could it be? If Spurrier wins next year, forget it. If not, we need to start looking. Pete is a pro coach in college. He has turned the program around and if they win the Rose Bowl, he'll have his share of the National Championship. He might be looking back to greener pastures. What I am not saying is that he is the coach I want.

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