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Where is Osama Bin Laden?


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i am still itching for us to catch OBL! every day that passes the american public thinks less and less of him. he is the biggest criminal in the world, and a man who orchestrated an attack on america. why don't we have this scumbag yet? and why has everyone from the media to the government not been addressing this? is it not a "hot" news item anymore? disgusting.

i can't help but think that if we would have put as much effort into the Afghanistan "War" (aka "War on Terror") as we did in iraq, we might have gotten him.

and here's to hoping bush comments "one down, one to go" during his address to the nation this afternoon.


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We moved a significant amount of intelligence assets into Iraq in order to help with the search for Hussein. Now that he has been captured, you will see these assets redeployed in the hunt for Osama. Today is a great day, not only for the capture of Saddam, but for the ability to bring more assets to bear on our other major target.

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OBL is impotent at the moment. His ability to lead his people has greatly diminished given his need to hide. He can't coordinate strikes very far beyond the region at present. He's essentially under control if not under wraps. Saddam was a major part of winning the War on Terror. Bigger even than OBL at the moment because he's a far larger symbol to the world than OBL, though OBL will probably resonate better at home.

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Perhaps that's partially true. OBL certainly HAS been much more of a threat to the U.S. than Saddam was. But, Saddam had the capacity to be a far greater threat to the U.S. and the eyes of the world care much more about Saddam than OBL right now. OBL, however, isn't much of a threat to the U.S. right now. He's in extreme hiding. He hasn't produced a video of himself in a long while. He's either sick, dead, or scared to death of what will happen if he is filmed because he's awfully quiet for a terrorist leader.

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Originally posted by Art


Perhaps that's partially true. OBL certainly HAS been much more of a threat to the U.S. than Saddam was. But, Saddam had the capacity to be a far greater threat to the U.S. and the eyes of the world care much more about Saddam than OBL right now. OBL, however, isn't much of a threat to the U.S. right now. He's in extreme hiding. He hasn't produced a video of himself in a long while. He's either sick, dead, or scared to death of what will happen if he is filmed because he's awfully quiet for a terrorist leader.

I understand what you're saying, but OBL was responsible for planning an attack that has had a drastic impact on Americans.

While SH is a crazy dictator, his removal is more of a humanitarian victory rather than a victory for the safety of Americans, IMO.

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Originally posted by CrankyTodd

Art, its more than simply a "long while". Before the Tora Bora assault, Bin Laden was coming out with videotapes quite regularly. Since Tora Bora, we've seen exactly ONE videotape, and that was clearly old file footage of Bin Laden, taken from a distance, with no associated audio.

Those tapes remind me of a raghed version of "Weekend at Bernie's"

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Originally posted by codeorama

I understand what you're saying, but OBL was responsible for planning an attack that has had a drastic impact on Americans.

While SH is a crazy dictator, his removal is more of a humanitarian victory rather than a victory for the safety of Americans, IMO.


It could well prove true that Saddam helped train the chief 9/11 terrorist -- which is being reported by the British press. We'll know more soon enough I suppose to his direct links to 9/11, which may surpass what we thought they might be. Terrorists hang out in the same circles. Taking any of them down directly is a victory for the safety of the American people.

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Al-Zawahiri is actually by far the biggest threat left to the US. OBL may be the public face of Al Quaeda, but Zawahiri is the brains and would be the muscle of any future attacks. It was Zawahiri who instigated the first WTC attacks. His merging of the Muslim Brotherhood with OBL's mujahadeen is what made Al Quaeda powerful. Nor should we underestimate the importance of capturing Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who was likely the mastermind behind 9/11.

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Documents will come out about saddam's involvement with al queda being more tight than believed.

I wonder if some of the tS stuffmy guys and I were privy to will come out during the trial?

Time for the truth serum, lie detector test, and sleep deprivation to make saddam spill the beans.

But I'd be on the look out for pepe the assasin or olaf to take out saddam beffore the trial

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