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Weekly Smoot versus Bailey watch.


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Continuing to be lost in what is spiraling down as a terrifyingly bad season is the tremendous play of Fred Smoot. Tonight the Dolphins didn't throw ONE ball Smoot's way. Didn't even try him a SINGLE time. Meanwhile, Bailey continues to be vulnerable giving up easy underneath stuff and being beaten on even close plays. And when he does have a chance to make a play he fails. His confidence is clearly shot.

But, at this moment in time Smoot is the best player we have on our football team. Not just the defense. He's been the legitimate shut down corner to this point this season. There's a reason teams aren't even looking his way guys. At some point someone else will see this. Bailey remains a fine player who's clearly in a funk. He can't create anything and he keeps getting beat even when he's in great coverage so he's now got to be unsure of himself.

Perhaps he'll be had for a little less than we imagined to start the year given how well he began the season.

Also missed is that Dalton appears to have made a real difference on the defensive line. He is getting good penetration and has given the line a bit of a dimension we thought Russell might give us. Right now I think Dalton has shown a lot more than anyone else on that line and might well be a keeper.

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I was wondering if Smoot was even playing. There was nothing going his way.

The funny thing is that every announcer talks about the greatness of Bailey.

You just wonder if they actually do any research before games, other than reading other media reports. It's a huge indictment of Champ that the Dolphins just looked for him on that last drive. They know where the plays are for them, and, conversely, where they won't be made for the Redskins D.


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YOu know what, this kind of reminds me of when we first Drafted Bailey, and it was expected that everyone would throw his way because Mr. Primetime was playing the opposite side of the field, however balls were being thrown and completed in Deion's face while Bailey would not even be tested. Seems like the same thing is happening now with Smoot/Bailey.

I think Bailey played a better game then he has at times this season, however, he needs to make the big plays when he gets the chance if he wants to be considered THE BEST.

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Originally posted by SonnyJ

I was wondering if Smoot was even playing. There was nothing going his way.

The funny thing is that every announcer talks about the greatness of Bailey.

You just wonder if they actually do any research before games, other than reading other media reports. It's a huge indictment of Champ that the Dolphins just looked for him on that last drive. They know where the plays are for them, and, conversely, where they won't be made for the Redskins D.


The opposition knows that when they throw at Bailey the worst that is going to happen is an incomplete pass. Bailey rarely ever makes an offense pay for testing him.
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Yes, Smoot was playing :). That's just how good he was. He's getting better and better and teams recognize how good he is on tape and they are more and more staying away from him. You watch the game over again and you'll see Smoot out there on several of the replays. He's the guy who owns the guy he's covering. :)

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We've had good to superb CB play in DC for quite some time. But good corner play doesn't help you close games out - a top pass rush does. I agree with the above that Bailey is vastly overrated.

Thus, I am ready to sever ties with him and get what we can get. It just might be 2 #1's. It also might only be a really high 1. I'll take whatever we can get.

Then we need to turn around and start infusing this defensive line with some talent.

Oh, 1 other thing. While I'm making out my wish list - I would like Miami FS Sean Taylor. The guy is a 6'2" 220 lb version of Brian Dawkins. It's been just as long since we had a terrific FS here too.

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Before we cream on ourselves here......

Wasn't Soot covering Thompson tonight?

That guy hasn't caught a cold all year, let alone do the Dolphins throw to him.

Smoot has had two of the luckiest Ints i have ever seen the past couple of weeks. I will believe it when he does something other than cover Thompson.

He is still Soot IMO.

BTW, tough loss today.

I was actually pulling for you guys because i work with an obnoxious Dolphins fan.


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I second that notion. I"m not anti-Champ, but if he's the true lock-down corner like everyone says he is, he needs to step it up when the time comes. Smoot did get ****ed last week against Muhsin Muhammed, of all people...I wouldn't say that he's the man, either. Probably a step below Champ as far as CB skills go.

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Are you people nuts? Do you remember how Smoot made Muhsin Muhammed look like Jerry Rice last week? While I agree i nthe 4th Bailey gave up some stupid underneath plays, he is the shut down corner of this team and shares best defensive player honors with Arrington. Champ was covering Chris Chambers, a big physical and very talented WR; Smoot was on one of their sub-par receivers. I like Smoot too, but he is nowhere near Champs calibur.

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Originally posted by mattyk72

The only reason they threw at Bailey tonight was because Chambers is all Miami has for WR.

I'll never understand why so many people are anti-Champ on this board.

But hey, to each his own I guess.

Have drugs entered your bloodstream this evening? So what? What is your point??? Baliey is supposed to be a #1 shutdown CB, best in the NFL blah blah blah....... Chambers O W N E D Bailey tonight. Bailey was his little b1tch.

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I'm not anti-Bailey. I just realize what I'm seeing though and what I'm seeing is for the second year in three the better corner for us is Smoot. Smoot was better in 2001, not as good last year, and better, by an amazing amount, this year. Bailey's problem is that he's just not making any plays. Even in great coverage, he's just a split second off. Everything can turn around for him with one big play.

But until then, he's being picked at and it's got to be weighing on him.

One other thing I'll say is the statement in this thread that good corner play doesn't end games. In fact, it does. We just haven't seen it out of Bailey yet. But, if Bailey makes a play against Carolina that game's over. If he makes one tonight, that game's over. Weakness that we have on the defensive line aside, there have been at least three games this year where Bailey has had an opportunity to step up on a near final drive and make a play to end a game or stop a drive and he's failed.

To me it appears more mental with him than physical as he's got to be doubting himself since nothing good seems to be happening for him.

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