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I wouldn't call Dykstra a joke as much as I would blame a lot of issues on some issues in the midfield and defense. He made some pretty impressive saves last year. Obviously he's no Hamid, but the guy is serviceable at the position. Missing Franklin last year hurt, and the amount of opportunities the team gave up through sloppy defensive play lie at the root of the issues we had last year. Just my opinion of course.


I also read earlier that we're apparently in talks with a midfielder from A.C. Milan. Alberto Nocerino. I'm not too familiar. Any info?

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I also read earlier that we're apparently in talks with a midfielder from A.C. Milan. Alberto Nocerino. I'm not too familiar. Any info?


Don't watch a lot of Serie A.  You'd have to talk to GHH.


I do have an opinion about Italian attacking players being able to score in other leagues because they play such a slow paced game in Italy.


I see from a quick google search he's just under 100 years old, though. So I would totally believe that would be the kind of player we bring into DCU.


This board is a joke.

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Don't watch a lot of Serie A.  You'd have to talk to GHH.


I do have an opinion about Italian attacking players being able to score in other leagues because they play such a slow paced game in Italy.


I see from a quick google search he's just under 100 years old, though. So I would totally believe that would be the kind of player we bring into DCU.


This board is a joke.


Lol Isn't that the kind of player we bring into the MLS in general?

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Lol Isn't that the kind of player we bring into the MLS in general?


Yes it is.  But there's a HUGE difference between early 30s and even mid 30s and then your 40s! :lol:


This is why I'd adore going for a guy like Ronaldinho now, or when the new stadium opens, a guy like Ibra.  We'd have to pay them in salary but would likely get them on a free. 


Ronaldinho is like 35 right now and a free agent.  Go ****ing sign him!  He'd instantly give credibility to DC United and would also fill up RFK.  Sure, it's going to cost you about 100k per week, but sign him on. 


A 40 year old you'd expect to play box-to-box mid?  That's embarrassing if we made a move like that.  And he was never in the class of a Robbie Keane, cause I've never heard of him.

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Yes it is.  But there's a HUGE difference between early 30s and even mid 30s and then your 40s! :lol:


This is why I'd adore going for a guy like Ronaldinho now, or when the new stadium opens, a guy like Ibra.  We'd have to pay them in salary but would likely get them on a free. 


Ronaldinho is like 35 right now and a free agent.  Go ****ing sign him!  He'd instantly give credibility to DC United and would also fill up RFK.  Sure, it's going to cost you about 100k per week, but sign him on. 


A 40 year old you'd expect to play box-to-box mid?  That's embarrassing if we made a move like that.  And he was never in the class of a Robbie Keane, cause I've never heard of him.




If they can get someone like Ronaldinho, then do it.  Brings flair to the side and can still add value.


I'd take a certain 40+ year old Italian GK, but that's it.

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That's kinda where I sit on the issue. Although I don't like the retirement home philosophy the league has taken on, if you're going to be a part of it at least do it right. Get a guy on the marquee that turns some heads and fills the house who still has at least a little gas. Look at what Drogba did up north. Henry for those bums in NY a few years back. What NYCFC was trying to do with Pirlo and Lampard.

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Nocerino? Please, take that stinking pile of mediocrity off of Milan's wage bill. 


Defensive or BTB midfielder. Tough in the tackle, positionally sound as Italians are. But poor technically. His distribution is poor and he has little pace. How he's gotten 15 cps for the Azzuri is beyond me. 


But he's still liable to better than the majority of MLS players and with that experience might fit in well out there. 



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Nocerino? Please, take that stinking pile of mediocrity off of Milan's wage bill. 


Defensive or BTB midfielder. Tough in the tackle, positionally sound as Italians are. But poor technically. His distribution is poor and he has little pace. How he's gotten 15 cps for the Azzuri is beyond me. 


But he's still liable to better than the majority of MLS players and with that experience might fit in well out there. 




That I don't agree with.  MLS is full of the "haves" and "have nots" when it comes to the midfield.


DC U have been the "have nots" for years.  Perry Kitchen is a tidy player but he's on the outs now and never had much to put the ball ahead save for DeRosario a couple of years ago.


DC United seem to be the en vogue landing spot for 30 somethings.  I don't know if the goal is to maintain status quo until the new stadium opens and then go after some real talent to threaten or if they just legitimately love veterans.


Nothing they've done this offseason so far has inspired me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doyle traded to Colorado Rapids for a third round pick.


Can't say I'm really upset. He really only shined against a few select teams.


I do like the idea of grabbing more draft picks. The team seems to want to go after draft picks and allocation money. I'm wondering if the idea is to maintain the status quo that has created the disdain of this FO for so long until the new stadium, and try to have a new core of younger guys together for the big reveal. Which I believe would be a smart move. Just kinda sucks that it's basically happening at the expense of team success over the next couple years.

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It kind of sucks that we're kind of in a "lame duck" situation for the next 2 years until the stadium is ready.  What the real shame is, is that MLS never once stepped up to get the ball rolling to help (money, support or anything else) DC United get a new stadium as one of their FLAGSHIP franchises.  I've seen just about every team get a new set of digs while we play in a decrepit mousoleum that is literally falling apart. I hate that it's still kind of dragging on.  I was hoping that they would have broke ground last summer, but it doesn't look like they will break ground until this summer.  United deserves better than this.

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It kind of sucks that we're kind of in a "lame duck" situation for the next 2 years until the stadium is ready.  What the real shame is, is that MLS never once stepped up to get the ball rolling to help (money, support or anything else) DC United get a new stadium as one of their FLAGSHIP franchises.  I've seen just about every team get a new set of digs while we play in a decrepit mousoleum that is literally falling apart. I hate that it's still kind of dragging on.  I was hoping that they would have broke ground last summer, but it doesn't look like they will break ground until this summer.  United deserves better than this.


Not only have the other teams gotten shiny new soccer specific stadiums, the league has been expanding like crazy. Now LA and NY have two teams. New team in Orlando started last year. Looking at teams in Atlanta, Minnesota, and a few others in the future. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of the league expanding into new markets. But I think it's a shame that while it's happening you have one of your most decorated franchises, that's also a flagship franchise playing in a place that is literally notorious for having raccoons in it and regularly gets complaints about concrete falling on people, sections collapsing mid match, etc. WTF is that?


It's bad enough that the local media, the city(Look at RFK's parking lot right now, it was the snow dump. Now it's covered in garbage.), and fans treat the most successful sports franchise in the area lately like an afterthought. Because...soccer. But it's a whole other level of bad when your own league does it too.


The bitterness about this on my end anyway outside of obvious reasons, also comes from the fact that we all know how much of a frontrunning town this is. We love shiny new things. When Buzzard Point opens up, that place is gonna sell out like crazy. We will most likely see a team built to play well specifically in that time, so we will get some good wins and probably make a run. All this while the league acts as if they've backed and supported us the whole time.

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^^ here, here.

MLS caters to LA and NY too much. That pisses me off. We're four time champs and get treated like an expansion team.


Sadly, it's been that way since the beginning.


MLS hated that DC has been BY FAR the best East Coast team in the history of the league.

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^^ here, here.

MLS caters to LA and NY too much. That pisses me off. We're four time champs and get treated like an expansion team.


LA I understand to a certain extent given the success. But NY is just hilarious considering the Pink Cows haven't won squat. The only reason they're catered to is because of the market size of NY. I get it. But that doesn't mean it's not messed up that we get treated like an afterthought despite having been such a cornerstone of the league. Most successful east coast team. First and seemingly strongest Supporter's Groups in the league. It's ridiculous.



Sidenote. Was just going through the schedule, and realized that La Barra Brava is doing a bus trip to Philly for a match against Union on my birthday this year. Definitely gonna be looking into that. Sounds like a blast.

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I tell you what. I gotta give La Barra Brava some credit. Outside of being a really fun bunch to tailgate and chant with at games, Oscar and co are a real great bunch.


So last year, I went to my first game. Ended up unknowingly getting tickets in the Barra Brava section. Had ZERO idea what watching with a SG was all about. It was a blast. Loved every second.


Of course, I immediately joined the group. Problem was, I joined late, and wasn't able to get to any more games after the first couple. Therefore, I wasn't able to get my membership card, jersey, and anything else that comes with membership.


I brought it up before and didn't hear much back, but then again, things were really hectic. I kinda just brushed it off and figured I'd bring it up when I went to renew my membership.


Fast forward to today. I sent an email to the group explaining what happened. Not long after, I received an email from Oscar (He runs La Barra Brava) asking that I call him. So I did. I explained the whole thing and he not only apologized, he's refunding my money, getting me two jerseys, and discounting my membership renewal from this year. I know I probably could've pushed for something like this last year, but I didn't. And instead of taking any kind of "Snooze you lose" type of mentality, he's going out of his way to make sure I'm satisfied. I thought that was a pretty classy move.

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"Put the ball into the net and we'll go ****ing mental!!!"


Come check out the tailgate sometime man. SG tickets are cheap, they're good, and the only stipulation is that you gotta be rowdy all game. Did you see the halftime mosh pit that goes down on the concourse? It's so much fun.

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CCL matches coming up and the start of MLS play not long after. Pretty excited to see this new midfield heavy strategy in action. I think "Bennyball" might be getting a facelift in the near future. I have heard rumors that the hope is to go from the standard 4-4-2 they play to a 4-4-2 Diamond. I think this could really do a lot to maintain Rolfe's offensive presence and get some more skill in on the attack at the same time.

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MLS play begins Sunday folks! We play LA Galaxy at 10pm. Pretty sure it will be on UniMas, correct me if I'm wrong or if there are any changes that I may not be aware of. Be sure to tune in. It's finally time!



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Terrible game. United loses 4-1.

Someone please explain to me how LA gets all the BPL cast offs? I'm serious, I don't know the assignment system. But they shouldn't be able to get Ashley Cole, Robby Keane and Robbie Rogers after having Beckham (and another big name guy- can't think of his name).

How do they afford them under the salary cap? How do they always get them?

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Terrible game. United loses 4-1.

Someone please explain to me how LA gets all the BPL cast offs? I'm serious, I don't know the assignment system. But they shouldn't be able to get Ashley Cole, Robby Keane and Robbie Rogers after having Beckham (and another big name guy- can't think of his name).

How do they afford them under the salary cap? How do they always get them?


I'm curious to see how that is affected once LAFC comes around. NYCFC made a splash in that department when they came in getting Lampard and Pirlo. I'm thinking the new kid in town might cut in on that action a bit. Lol It's funny you bring that up. I've been trying to get my cousin who is just a big sports fan in general but isn't too big on soccer into more MLS, and he's opening up to it. But the other night we were texting during the DCU game and he was like "WTF, is LA just a recycled Premier League team?!"



Yeah....watching DCU is sooo tough sometimes. They have no offensive ability at all.

LA better win it all with that lineup


What kills me is seeing people calling for Olsen's head. Seriously? It's one game. It's a new formation, the FO isn't spending money, our star GK is out, we have new blood trying to build chemistry, etc. The guy is doing the best he can with what he has. Really hoping we can string a couple wins together to shake off that loss.


On the bright side, I thought Neagle played well and Nyarko showed some flashes. I'm calling it now(Obviously I'm biased because I love watching NDL), putting DeLeon in the center spot of the diamond will lead to more goals.


I will say this though, our defenders need to step up the FULL 90 or week one is going to be the story of the season, and we will lose some serious heart crushers.



Also, I just created a squad and joined a couple MLS fantasy leagues. If we can generate some interest I would totally join an ES league. Maybe some of the folks in the soccer thread might be interested.

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Shocking miss from DeLeon at 1-1 when he was clean through the middle around the 55 minute mark and somehow managed to hit the post when it was easier to score. Game changer right there. 


*The 10 mins from the 50 through the hour was all I saw. Don't know about the rest of the game but DCU were on top that period. 



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