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Shocking miss from DeLeon at 1-1 when he was clean through the middle around the 55 minute mark and somehow managed to hit the post when it was easier to score. Game changer right there. 


*The 10 mins from the 50 through the hour was all I saw. 


That one broke my heart. I think the game ends totally different had he scored. His move through the middle was great and I think it's definitely a sign of things to come. He showed flashes last year on the wings with his ability to find space.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Off to a ROUGH start. No wins to speak of yet. On our third keeper. The back looks weak with Kitchen gone. No one is finishing. I want to believe this is just shaking off cobwebs and building chemistry SO BAD. But it appears like it's going to be a long year.


Please prove me wrong DCU. PLEASE.

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totally fair. The ES Soccer thread is a waste of space. There's no point in talking about US Soccer these days. 


It (soccer thread) tends to be dominated by a few teams. I tend to not post in there much just because I only loosely follow the BPL and don't really watch Bundesliga. I follow MLS. I've honestly considered changing up the thread title to include MLS talk as well since I don't think there are many here that follow outside of myself and a few others.

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I see Ellaser is in here contributing to the conversation again... :rolleyes:


As for DCU, looks like things are going according to plan again.  At this point you just have to hope Hamid sticks around until the new stadium is finished.  You get the feeling the club is more interested in draft picks up until that time anyway... the more offensive talent they can acquire until the sign Ibra or Balo, the better. 


Speaking of Hamid, you have to wonder if it's not smarter just to shelf him for the year.  This team literally has nothing going forward.  Watched a NASL match this past weekend (Carolina Railhawks) and they had a better midfield against the Mexican Premier League Champions (in a friendly) than DC United has had in 10 years.

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Fabi 0-2 on PKs on the year.


The team as a whole has scored a grand total of two goals the entire year. TWO.


Without Kitchen in front of them the back line is flimsy to say the least.


Got to the point on Saturday that in the Barra section we started chanting "SIGN A STRIKER!" over and over.


Everything is looking pretty bleak right now. My hope is that a spark lights SOMEWHERE, and someone starts finishing and giving us a chance in these games. Ben is obviously trying to trot out as many guys as possible to find something, but nothing has worked so far. I swear, if Acosta wasn't tiny, I feel like this would be a completely different year. Setpiece game is terrible on both sides.

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Hey lads was looking on some info on kitchen. He has recently moved to scotland to play for hearts. It's received a big fan fare here with people saying he could have gone anywhere. What's he like as player? Will he be a huge improvement for hearts?

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Should be. He was recommended to go there by Klinsmann. I was definitely sad to see him go, but wish him all the luck. The center of our midfield has suffered at the back due to him being missing. But he was also happy to go overseas to play. He did a small stint for Tottenham at one point. He has solid defensive skills that should prove well for Hearts. Time will only tell.

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Should be. He was recommended to go there by Klinsmann. I was definitely sad to see him go, but wish him all the luck. The center of our midfield has suffered at the back due to him being missing. But he was also happy to go overseas to play. He did a small stint for Tottenham at one point. He has solid defensive skills that should prove well for Hearts. Time will only tell.

So a solid break the play up midfielder that'll keep things ticking over. That's exactly what hearts needed which is not good!
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So a solid break the play up midfielder that'll keep things ticking over. That's exactly what hearts needed which is not good!


He can play a little bit going forward, but he's certainly got the goods to be a boss in the midfield in a place like Scotland.


Heard he was looking to make a move to the Bundesliga or the German second-tier in January but that didn't come to fruition.


He was easily the best player on DC United and I'm not sure why he hasn't gotten more caps for the national team, probably because we're addicted to Michael Bradley playing the wrong ball in the final third.

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God that win felt so good. I was beginning to think we weren't ever going to get the scoring back on track. Four beer showers later, and all was right with the world again.


Acosta delivered some absolutely brilliant passes during his time in, completely justifying all the pleading for him to see more time on the pitch. Both passes he delivered to spring Saborio were beautiful. He is going to be absolutely ESSENTIAL to this team having any chance to make the postseason this year. His speed, ability to shake defenders, create space, and deliver great passes will be huge.


Defending is still a little shaky for my comfort, but I thought the boys in the middle did a better job on Saturday to disrupt forward movement and make things difficult for Vancouver.


I bet Fabi was feeling like a million bucks by the end of that game. Great to see him end that little drought he was having. Even when he had those first few chances in the beginning get saved or miss the mark I just kept thinking "Oh here we go again." but once he capitalized on the keeper's mistake and got that first one I knew the seal was broken.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a performance on Saturday! Happy to see the boys get a win for Benny. TW plays another good game in net. Acosta with what better be goal of the week, what a shot! Great way to bounce back from a loss. Hoping we can put together another performance like that next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...




So here we are. The first installment of the Atlantic Cup tonight. RBNY has seemingly started to bring itself out of the funk they started the year in, while DCU just can't seem to pull themselves together. I'm leaving work today and going straight to a side job until late tonight so I can't go sadly. Gotta DVR it and watch when I get home.


I'd love to see this be the turning point in our season and get things moving in the right direction.


Vamos United!!!

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