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WP: Pollard, spy for Israel, released from prison after 30 years


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Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy analyst turned spy for Israel, walked out of a North Carolina prison before dawn Friday, ending one of the thorniest points of friction between the United States and its close ally.

Pollard, 61, was freed on parole, almost to the day 30 years after he was arrested when he was turned out from the Israeli Embassy, where he and his wife, Anne, had sought asylum after coming under suspicion for passing classified information.

Pollard's lawyer has said he has a job and a residence waiting in New York. Israeli media reported that Pollard and his second wife, Esther, whom he married 20 years ago while in prison, were on their way there.



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Kinda curious about what kind of job a person who's been in prison for 30 years has waiting for him.

Still, I'm going to assume that the guy was convicted, and served a just sentence, and it's time to move on.



He's a hero in Israel.   They have been trying to get him released for 30 years.  He is going to be feted like a king.

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Because (they think) he's innocent? Or because (they think) he's guilty?



Guilty but morally innocent.   They essentially think Pollard did nothing morally wrong because the US doesn't really need to keep secrets from Israel, its staunchest ally.   And if he needed to be punished, what he did didn't deserve more than a slap on the wrist.  

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Guilty but morally innocent.   They essentially think Pollard did nothing morally wrong because the US doesn't really need to keep secrets from Israel, its staunchest ally.   And if he needed to be punished, what he did didn't deserve more than a slap on the wrist.

Can't really say I'd see Americans acting any differently.

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He's a hero in Israel.   They have been trying to get him released for 30 years.  He is going to be feted like a king.



Yah, Netanyahu put it out there today that this is a great day for Israel or some other BS.


Hey Ben, take that comment and shove it directly up your ass, sideways, you ****ing asshole.  How about we cut off a few billion in aid to your sorry dependent ass?


****ing incredible amount of assholishness from an "ally".

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Can't really say I'd see Americans acting any differently.



Probably not.   Your traitorous spy is my heroic secret agent.    


Nevertheless, we know that if our heroic secret agents get caught, it's going to be bad for them.   Much of Israel seems to think that this should not be the case for Pollard.  You can make your own judgments on why that is.

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