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WP: Sharyl Attkisson’s computer intrusions: ‘Worse than anything Nixon ever did’


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It's also possible that she genuinely believes it, but in reality just had a virus ridden computer and a paranoid imagination.   Believing that you are being spied upon is extremely common among the conspiracist community, of which she certainly dabbles on the fringes.   Orly Taitz, the birther queen, believes the government is spying on her and hacking her and so on, but she really just has a ton of malware and no understanding of computers.     


In this case it seems the beliefs of the  "conspiracy theorist community" (whatever that means) are true.


The government is spying on all of us (and that is not hyperbole).  Haven't you heard?

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I probably need an education on this, but it was my understanding that Obama has actually reigned in this type of data collection/domestic spying, compared to the Bush Administration.  No?


I haven't heard anybody (well, anybody who knows) so much as claim that. 


(And I'm pretty sure that, if they were doing it less than Bush, they would be saying so.) 

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The government is spying on all of us (and that is not hyperbole).  Haven't you heard?

They were saying so. For the last two administrations. All you had to do was to pay attention to what they actually said.

Hint: When the exchange is:

Reporter: Mr. President, is the US Government maintaining a database of every single telephone call made by every single American citizen, with no probable cause whatsoever?

President: I strongly and clearly state that the US Government is not listening to all of your phone calls.

Then the question has been answered. And the answer was "Yes".


(And for the last two administrations, the answer has been "yes".) 

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And they always have been and they always will be.


And it won't ever stop. There's always a reason, even if it's just 'because we can.'


Thing is..  i've never noticed it in my life. Ever. I've never had any hassle about anything i've ever done due to any sort of phone surveillance, and I've done things like buy dope over the phone using the flimsiest of codes. 

and you know who else has never noticed all this spying?

the guy i've been buying it from for 25 years.


It's awful and it's terrible to think that the government is reading all of our emails (they're not) and listening to all of our phone calls. (they're not).

They're not in the traditional sense of a person listening to your phone and taking down the most intimate details of your life.

But if you start talking about bombs or blowing **** up, then you trip computers that start to pay more attention..  we all know how this works.

they don't care if I buy pot, and have been buying pot the same way since long before legalization became any real topic, and post-9-11. (and in the past, other things.)

and they just don't care. they don't care about me, my guy, or his guy.they don't listen to me to draw them to the bigger fish to then draw them to the bigger fish..

the POLICE might, but NSA and all that,,, they don't even hear it, and thus never tell the cops, who never tap my phone, and hve never given me even an ounce of trouble.


But if tomorrow, here in the age of legalizing, i started saying over the phone, "hey man, can i get an ounce of nitro glycerin? I feel like blowing up some feds".  then they would find me. In fact, I'd bet me just writing that right there has caused a sniffer to wake up. I figure it will read other things i write for a little while.



i know it' all un-American and what-not to not care.. and believe me, it's not that i don't care. 

But there's not a damn thing to do about it, so there's no reason to stress over what i can't control.

it's like living with the bomb. We know still that we could all be obliterated if one guy hits some buttons. Or if an accident sets off some missiles.

How much do you worry about it? You can't make it go away.

there's non-nuke pacts. Does anyone really think all those nukes that could blow us all up 100 times over are gone?


how much sleep to lose worrying over things you can't control or change?



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Ok, I watched the video... now i think she is suffering some form of paranoia.  Watch it... she wrote a book because her computer deleted a paragraph of words and she's claiming it was some "government entity."  wow.


also, i know its media matters, but just watch the video...

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You seen the statistics on how many times the PATRIOT act has been used against accused terrorists, and how many times it's been used to gather drug evidence?




"Adam McGaughey, the webmaster of a fan site for the television show Stargate SG-1, was charged with copyright infringement and computer fraud. During the investigation, the FBI invoked a provision of the Act to obtain financial records from the site's Internet Service Provider. The USA PATRIOT Act amended the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to include search and seizure of records from Internet Service Providers."

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Ok, I watched the video... now i think she is suffering some form of paranoia. Watch it... she wrote a book because her computer deleted a paragraph of words and she's claiming it was some "government entity." wow.

also, i know its media matters, but just watch the video...

Note to self: if I ever go back to school and forget to do an assignment, blame government entity.

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