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London Fletcher pregame


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And.....I vote we lure Spanos back as D Coordinator and hire Fletcher as LB coach if he has any interest - or perhaps player development like Phillip Daniels did a few years back. The man is simply a leader by example and will continue to be successful at whatever he chooses to do. Good luck and well deserved on the retirement man, I miss him already. I hope Keenan Robinson can be healthy next year but we definitely can't rely on that and his good play was far too small a sample to know by going forward. Ugh, another hole we need to fill in the offseason. Fortunately Fletcher clears up a ton of cap space for us though. 

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London is selfish he should of retired or pulled himself out this year when he underperformed all year long. He just collects a check like everyone else on this team. Instead he continues to play and gives us the memory of a season I will never forget. He can't retire fast enough in my eyes.

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London is selfish he should of retired or pulled himself out this year when he underperformed all year long. He just collects a check like everyone else on this team. Instead he continues to play and gives us the memory of a season I will never forget. He can't retire fast enough in my eyes.

Wow, tell us how you really feel.

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What do you expect from your professional football team. These players get paid to perform and when they don't perform you reward them and keep them in the game. He was a good redskins once but now he just hurts this team. I hope he never gets in the hall of fame what a lousy teammate and leader for us moving forward.

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London is selfish he should of retired or pulled himself out this year when he underperformed all year long. He just collects a check like everyone else on this team. Instead he continues to play and gives us the memory of a season I will never forget. He can't retire fast enough in my eyes.

What do you expect from your professional football team. These players get paid to perform and when they don't perform you reward them and keep them in the game. He was a good redskins once but now he just hurts this team. I hope he never gets in the hall of fame what a lousy teammate and leader for us moving forward.

Have some ****ing respect, dude. Nobody wants to admit they're done when they've played as well and as long as London has. If you want to place blame, place it on the FO and coaching staff for being unable to line up a replacement when it was time to do so.

I'd rather a guy go out fighting and make the coaches replace him, than see him quit on his teammates and fans before it's time like Sanders.

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I wonder how London ranks the franchises he's played for, on a personal affinity level.  He was a starter in 2 SBs in St. Louis.  They didn't win a whole lot in Buffalo, but it was uneventful and they didn't have a circus every year.  Then he comes here and probably gets more personal recognition than at any pt in his career. 

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