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Hindsight is 20/20: This Year Was Setup to be a Wash and Shanny deserves year 5


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To answer your question, if I was the shot caller.  I do the following. 


Keep the Shanahans, and the rest of the offensive staff in place for at least year 5.  Jettison Haslett and most of the defensive staff for something better.  Not sure who at this point, but there has to be somebody out there.  Somebody mentioned Mike Singletary.  I would joygasm if this happens.


Use the draft and free agency to try to replace the entire interior offensive line.  I don't want Chester, Montgomery, or Lichtensteiger starting next year. 


Definately draft safeties early and often.  See who is available in free agency. 


The one big free agent signing I would look for is another top flight receiver to compliment Garcon.  Fitzgerald would be great.  Don't know if that's possible though.  Johnson seems disgruntled in Houston.  Maybe we could somehow get him in here since he has already worked with Kyle.  Maybe a trade? 


Orakpo.  I love the guy, but if he wants too much money he has to go. 


that's a start.  I don't think that a system reboot is necessary, but yes we need some changes.  I would like to see what Shanahan the personnel guy can do with some real cap space also.  I think this season is what it is at this point.  I would like to see the team continue to play hard for the next 5 games. 


Like I said, if after next season I am wrong.  I will be the first to admit it. 

and a very serious look needs to be given to Keith Burns.  Are these growing pains this season, or is the guy imcompetent? 

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Shanahan is the new Jason Campbell in which he has legions of delusional fans  who think he's still the answer despite years of failure(meanwhile they're often the same people that a guy who was a borderline MVP-level player is a bust because he hasn't been Adrian Peterson coming back from injury, though he looked like he was turning the corner against Minnesota until the OL started collapsing every other play).


Shanahan is 48-64 since 2005 with one playoff appearance which needed RGIII to go Super Saiyan for 6 games and Kirk Cousins to pull 4 TDs in 5 quarters out of his ass.


such winner

much culture change

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I said it a few months ago and I will reiterate it here.  If Shanny does get a year 5 and Haslett is fired Bob Slowik will be the next defense coordinator of the Washington Redskins. Why Shanny is loyal to people that he trusts and for whatever reason Bob Slowik is one of them.  Once this happens I would simply give up and say nothing has changed since Vinny left


Slowik or Morris.  People are saying fire Haslett and bring in a top flight DC.  Problem is you're not going to get a Rex Ryan/Wade Phillips type DC to come here with a lame duck HC.  Mike will either have to promote from within or bring in some no name and hope for the best.  

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Problem is you're not going to get a Rex Ryan/Wade Phillips type DC to come here with a lame duck HC.  Mike will either have to promote from within or bring in some no name and hope for the best.  


Who said he was a lame duck coach.  All we know is that there isn't an extension yet.  Doesn't mean there won't be one.

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Who said he was a lame duck coach.  All we know is that there isn't an extension yet.  Doesn't mean there won't be one.


Without an extension he's a lame duck coach if he returns for year 5.  Now I can see Mike going to Dan and saying I'll make changes to my coaching staff but I'll need an extension to attract the coaches I want and free agents.  Coaches have used that to get years added.


I hope Dan doesn't do it and moves on.    

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Without an extension he's a lame duck coach if he returns for year 5.  Now I can see Mike going to Dan and saying I'll make changes to my coaching staff but I'll need an extension to attract the coaches I want and free agents.  Coaches have used that to get years added.     

if he stays, I would guess you hit the nail on the head on how it plays out.

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If I was Snyder this is how I would handle this situation moving forward. 


The season ends at 4-12 or 5-11.  I would sit down a few days after the season ends with Shanahan, and expect a full report on what his plans are moving forward.  There does need to be an extensive and detailed plan.


Depending on what he tells me, I would make my decisions.  I would be unable to accept Haslett continuing as our D-Coordinator, and Shanahan would need to sell me on why the rest of the coaching staff should stay in place.  Give the man a chance to make me understand why I should sign him to an extension.   


If he does.  You immediately sign him to an extension as soon as the deal can be written up, so everybody in the organization from top to bottom understands the situation.  If he can't do that, sell me on his plan moving forward, all bets are off.


This is something that needs to be handled when everyone is thinking clearly.  No snap decisions.  The ramifications could be huge and far reaching. 

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With all due respect, I disagree with the OP's statement that "he needed 5 years to clean up the mess and we owe it to him to see this thing through."  At Year 4 with a 3-8 record and a 25-40 (.385) overall record, we do not "owe" him to see this through.  A few weeks ago, I wanted him and Kyle to stay and wanted Haslett and Burns gone.  Now I want them all to leave.

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There are just so many things he could have done different in his first 3 years that makes me think there is no reason to bring him back for a 5th year.  Playcalling, Time management, roster decisions on who to start are just one of few on field things that have disappointed me. 

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There are just so many things he could have done different in his first 3 years that makes me think there is no reason to bring him back for a 5th year.  Playcalling, Time management, roster decisions on who to start are just one of few on field things that have disappointed me. 

... undisciplined on-field play leading to penalties, undisciplined off-season behavior leading to suspensions ...  Is he waiting for Year 5 to clean this mess up?  'Cause it surely hasn't been fixed in the first 4 years.

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